aNag - Android Nagios app



At work, I always have a browser tab open for each of our two Nagios instances. At home, I used to check them from time to time. When out and about, I used to check my mail every time I got an email because I wanted to make sure it wasn't Nagios complaining about something. Now that I've installed aNag on my Android phone and have special alert sounds set up in it I've become a happier admin!

It was about a month or so ago - I had tried some Nagios apps but was never happy with any of them. THEN, I found aNag. I set up one of our Nagios instances with it and started playing with all of the settings. I filtered out two warnings from test boxes.. chose an alert sound for criticals, did not set an alert sound for warnings.. etc..

The little aNag guy sits proudly at the top of my phone - at a glance I can see if he's happy or sad.

Green Android: All is good
Yellow Android: at least one warning
Red Android: at least one critical
Black N: aNag is updating successfully with my Nagios instances
Red N: aNag failed to successfully update with at least one instance

At any time I can view the warnings/criticals by bringing up the app. I can Ack right from the app.. there's links to my Nagios installation from within the app..

If you rely on Nagios to tell you what's going on, go to the market and download aNag today. It's free and I could not live happily ever after without it! PLUS, the developer (Damien Degois) is on top of updates - it seems like it's updated at least once/week.

More info:


Do you know if iPhones have an App similar to this for Nagios? I have tried some of the free/trial Nagios apps in the app store, but I haven't been able to find anything that I am really happy with for the iPhone. Any suggestions?

Also, I don't need to admin it form a phone, just handle the alerts. Right now, I am dependent on SMS and email for alerts.

I tried a Nagios app (not this one) couple of years ago for a DC that used Nagios to monitor every system. Lets just say the experience was less than enjoyable.

I am, however, quite tempted to install Nagios on a VM and see how this app handles. Maybe now I'll be able to actually connect...
Great app and great developer! The developer is very responsive to users' questions and the app is a must for Nagios/Icinga users.