Am I right being afraid of AI?


Active Member
Oct 24, 2021
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Just imagine an AI on a Quantum Computer within a Humanoid Robot.
I am afraid, of where technology will lead us. Is this fear justified? How do you feel about what's coming? Do we get extinct? Will we live in a paradise or hell? In my opinion Silicon Valley youngsters are playing with far worse than nuclear bombs and no one stops or controls them

What are your thoughts of this?

I just do not trust it.
AI =artificial Intelligence
Artificial = not real , fake, phoney
intelligence, =The faculty of understanding; intellect. Also as at noun: a mental manifestation of this faculty, a capacity to understand.
so it fails on 2 points it's fake and it does not have the capacity to understand

QED there is no such thing
I think AI is over-hyped in order to raise money from investors that do not understand much. It is not as useful as they claim and therefore not dangerous in the way you suggest. It might be dangerous in a self driving car if it misinterpret pedestrians for example, but it is not gonna take over the world like skynet, not for a very long time at least
I think AI is over-hyped in order to raise money from investors that do not understand much. It is not as useful as they claim and therefore not dangerous in the way you suggest. It might be dangerous in a self driving car if it misinterpret pedestrians for example, but it is not gonna take over the world like skynet, not for a very long time at least
so you think it's kinda like the .com bubbble?
or as the quote from Sort circuit goes....
It's a machine, It doesn't get pissed off. It doesn't get happy, it doesn't get sad, it doesn't laugh at your jokes.
It just runs programs.
If man makes it, man will find a way to abuse it - it is the sin nature that wins - ever notice you do not have to teach your kids to lie, steal, cheat on their homework, all of that comes naturally, but you do have to teach them right from wrong, don't lie, don't cheat, do what is honorable - same with anything else - nuclear power - used for supplying electricity to cities a good thing, used as a weapon to destroy the same city killing millions a bad thing
"eliminate natural stupidity"

That is why they make shovels.

Who gets to decide?
The way I deal with things is not giving a dam. The less things you worry about the less stress you have to deal with. Social media, reality tv, youtube etc all cause some type of dependency and stress.

Try cutting things out of your life and start working on yourself and you will feel much better.
I think we should find a way to eliminate natural stupidity before developing artificial intelligence!
But killing people is against the law where I live.
I think the problems with AI will be more subtle than that, at least to begin with. Although this year it suddenly hasn't felt so subtle. It's leaching into everything. Recently I came across a video where a professor was teaching people how to use AI to cheat (let's call it what it is), by using AI 'tools' to write academic literature reviews. You can use it to paraphrase the abstract (no need to actually read the paper), put it into your 'own' writing style, and have ChatGPT proof read it for you. And every other advert I get on Youtube just now is for Grammarly. Writing academic papers is now 'effortless', apparently. No effort required. When I was doing my degree I put my blood, sweat and tears into it from day one, and earned a 1st through sheer bloody-minded determination. And then there were the last-minute students, who would throw something together on the day before it was due. Will that kind of 'effort' now be able to compete with actual effort, and writing and research skills that have been developed through hard work? If so then higher education has already been seriously devalued. And then of course then there's the problem of algorithms. If people don't develop the skills, or won't put the effort into finding and critically evaluating the papers they're reviewing, only what AI presents them with, then the papers that appear first will be referenced more and more often, so the algorithm will favour those papers. That's a very serious problem.

Then there's the impact it's having on the creative industries - music, art, literature etc. Artists are shouting that their work is being used to train AI without their consent, allowing people with zero artistic talent to push them out of their own industries. Are people really ok with the prospect of such a bland, dumbed-down world?

Oh, and I read the other day that the energy-usage of AI systems vs. 'traditional' non-AI computing are estimated to be 30x higher, equivalent to the current energy needs of Japan. So all the virtuous 'green-speaking' corporations who are pushing AI with the other hand can, frankly, shove it.

A major journalism body has urged Apple to scrap its new generative AI feature after it created a misleading headline about a high-profile killing in the United States.
Are people really ok with the prospect of such a bland, dumbed-down world?
And there you have it.

In a nutshell.

Sadly, the answer is yes.

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