Yeah, Antergos was all right but making your own customized Arch install is better. For instance, my system is Arch x64, I installed awesome wm and xfce as my desktops, I use awesome most of the time since is keyboard driven and I love that and xfce for specific tasks. I learnt with time what are the programs I like and need the most. I use clementine as my music player, although cmus is quite good too. VLC for videos, calibre for ebooks and the tipical soft people use plus something personal like apertium for translating documents and stuff, with omegat is a great combo for translators. I suggest you to install virtualbox and distrohop via VMs, it's easier and you learn a lot that way, just saying. I learnt how to install Arch using vbox. Remember you're using Linux so don't take the fun out of it, keep in mind sometimes things don't go the way you want and that's fine, just keep learning and growing with whatever distro you choose to use.I absolutely loved Antergos!!! Some program called yay broke when it updated to a new version and I gave up too soon, instead of just waiting for a fix.
That is the one that got away! You never now what you have until you loose it.
"I will do my crying in the rain." A-Ha(the Band)