Starting to create documents with say with Libre Office or any other such editor/word processor. I see lots of Fonts I do not recognise or use. I have my own range of fonts. The core come from MS such as Arial (very common). Doesn't come with Linux Mint. Ok I have all these fonts in TT format generallly. So I loaded the Font Manager from Software Manager - the one that says Font application for the GNOME desktop. I adds fonts OK. So then I tried to use to remove some of the Fonts I don't want. I go through the deletion process but they are still there. Maybe I need to have root authority such as you get with SUDO and adding the root password. I am pretty knew to LINUX and am trying to go over from MS Windows. I was trainded on Sun Solaris so I was many years ago a UNIX administrator. Then my company decided to go over to the mighty blue MS !! I have been retired some years. But I like UNIX feel comfortable with it. Maybe the fonts are stored somewhere and I can just delete them (as I do with Windows). Unless of course they are system required. But not all these fonts with LInux can be system essential. I leave the umbunto ones etc...