This is my site.
It is just a quick article that does two things. One, it puts two previous articles together. Two, it shows one of the reasons why I'm putting the work into this site - it aims to help make Linux more approachable. Ideally, the things on the site will be things you can actually use, rather than tutorials about things that probably don't really impact many Linux users.
While you're there...
That's a page I'm working on. I want to make a page of valuable links, but I only got that far before I ran out of steam. Feel free to use the form to recommend additional sites for inclusion. If you've got a site of your own, feel free to recommend it.
Put it all Together
This is just a quick article that may show one of the reasons I write this material. We're just going to put together a couple of pages from this site in an example of real-world use. So, if you
It is just a quick article that does two things. One, it puts two previous articles together. Two, it shows one of the reasons why I'm putting the work into this site - it aims to help make Linux more approachable. Ideally, the things on the site will be things you can actually use, rather than tutorials about things that probably don't really impact many Linux users.
While you're there...
Linux Links | Linux Tips
This is a collection of Linux links that you may find useful. These are the Linux links I use most often. If you'd like to suggest a link, scroll down to the bottom of this page. Linux Links:
That's a page I'm working on. I want to make a page of valuable links, but I only got that far before I ran out of steam. Feel free to use the form to recommend additional sites for inclusion. If you've got a site of your own, feel free to recommend it.