
  1. E

    "Activation of network connection failed." Always shows up.

    Hello folks. So, I've setup a print server in our office using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and successfully setup CUPS to be available over the network to all devices. But, every time I tried to connect the print server to our router, it keeps showing "Activation of network connection failed." error...
  2. T

    Acidentally deleted ethernet connection, now it doesn't detect it anymore

    So basically i have a orangepi3 which is running armbian buster which is based on debian, and i recently moved it to a different location and used a different ethernet cable, on my main pc i got 100 mbps, but on the orangepi only 10mbps, after hours of troubleshooting i realized that there is a...
  3. M

    Forwarding ethernet connection on a Red Hat

    Dear fellow Linuxers, I was a bit uncertain what exactly I want or need, so I thought that the beginner's forum would be most suitable for my question. Please advise if I was mistaken. Setting: I'm currently using my own Ubuntu-machine as my work-computer, and I would prefer a wired internet...