
  1. HumbleFinch

    [Astra Linux, Debian-like] "db_root: cannot open: /etc/target" on booting and cannot log in then

    Hi! Recently faced with problem on Astra Linux: GRUB is waiting during boot about 2 minutes and prints "db_root: cannot open: /etc/target" then Linux system asks me login and password. When I try to log in as root or regular user system says me that login is incorrect. I cannot use passwd on...
  2. iceja

    debootstrap --variant=buildd couln't find build-essential

    I am preparing chroot sudo debootstrap --verbose --include=apt --cache-dir=/var/cache/pbuilder/alse47-arm64/aptcache --variant=buildd --no-check-gpg --components=main,contrib,non -free,arm64 4.7_arm /home/user/PROSTOR/pkg-csp/builplace...