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  1. P

    Timeshift & Similar Solutions - Safeguard & Recover Your Linux

    Thanks, Wiz! I'm finally getting back to this. As an update, the Bodhi developer (@rbtylee) had, as his first suggestion, something very similar to yours, when he posted: On his system it worked fine, but on mine (and another user, also trying to get pcmanfm's Browse working correctly), while...
  2. P

    Timeshift & Similar Solutions - Safeguard & Recover Your Linux

    Over on the thread in the Bodhi forum (thread link to there in this thread, is in a prior post) trying to figure out the correct entries (and even the correct location!) for a mimeapps.list file. Browse is 'sort of working' with the developer's suggestion, but after it does, the Enlightenment...
  3. P

    Timeshift & Similar Solutions - Safeguard & Recover Your Linux

    Hi Wiz, thanks for the follow-up! I just got back from errands, and now it's half-past midnight on Saturday, and not best to put new files into the OS at this hour. Should be able to resume on Sunday afternoon, or evening. I'm also anxious to see Timeshift running properly on my system. But...
  4. P

    32-bit vs 64-bit

    Historical note: maybe so, but there were other good reasons. The availability of 64-bit drivers for the user's existing hardware was a problem. Maybe sill under development, or just as bad, very recently developed, and therefore buggy. A given amount of RAM 'goes farther' in 32-bit systems...
  5. P

    Timeshift & Similar Solutions - Safeguard & Recover Your Linux

    I think ... over on the Bodhi forum one of the developers has found a fix, and this involves creating a missing mime type configuration file. They know Bodhi inside and out, so I'm assuming this will make everything OK. :DUnless I post again, I'm considering the problem resolved!
  6. P

    Timeshift & Similar Solutions - Safeguard & Recover Your Linux

    Thanks for the fast reply! Yes, in that case, I do have polkit installed, and it's working just fine, because what you described is exactly what happens when Timeshift is started. But even so, now that Timeshift is running as root, if one clicks Browse -- presumably, it's 'trying' to open...
  7. P

    Timeshift & Similar Solutions - Safeguard & Recover Your Linux

    Additional Info on pcmanfm and using it as root, to view files that require this functionality: I am reading that pcmanfm used to be able to enter 'root mode' without a restart, but this was removed because the developers thought it was too :eek:dangerous, or whatever. This may have been...
  8. P

    Timeshift & Similar Solutions - Safeguard & Recover Your Linux

    G'day also! Thanks for the cheery greeting. I've fine-tuned my question by clarifying it for @arochester, so you may want to look at that exchange, when you return. Ron
  9. P

    Timeshift & Similar Solutions - Safeguard & Recover Your Linux

    My apologies for being a bit too 'telegraphic'. Does my boldface edit in square brackets help clarify what I meant to write? Yes, that command would start pcmanfm as root, no problem. But, I'd just like to have timeshift work as intended, without having to leave timeshift, open a terminal...
  10. P

    Timeshift & Similar Solutions - Safeguard & Recover Your Linux

    Timeshift's Browse feature -- and pcmanfm compatibility I noted that installing timeshift in Bodhi linux is mentioned in this thread, but there's a compatibility problem between its default file manager and timeshift's Browse feature. The Browse feature 'aborts' because pcmanfm won't 'go into'...