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  1. E

    How to keybind a command that requires escalated priv. Adb scrcpy awesome wm

    I have a simple adb script for automating my Android to turn on tethering, run dhcpcd and start scrcpy. It works great from shell, but i would like to bind it to a key in awesome wm. But i cant get it to work i believe because it requires sudo. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance also fyi running...
  2. E

    [Solved] Toggle conky window show/hide awesome wm - can script with keybinding work?

    First time posting, and still a linux novice in many ways. I am using conky to display gcalcli on my desktop, and would like to be able to invoke/show, hide the conky window using a keybinding in awesome wm. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.