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  1. N

    Add TimeStamp to command History

    Please kindly help me add date time on history command. I tried but not work on 1. login root 2. vi /etc/bashrc #add below command export HISTTIMEFORMAT='%F %T ' # su - [user] # echo $HISTTIMEFORMAT source /etc/bashrc ***** It can work on time but when I log out and login again. it go back...
  2. N

    run script to collect information every day but different directory

    Dear Any One, Please kindly help me to find out some way to collect information as below? zgrep "MCPKG" /centralizedlog/dsd0110{1,4}/afcdr/20190527/*.gz |grep success > save20190527.txt I would like to run this command to collect information and put it to output file as this example I can use...