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  1. J

    naming custom shell command

    I don't think any of them quite articulate what the command actually lists... Most commands would be similar to lstoys. You should never put a space in a utility/commands name.
  2. J

    Searching for some clarity about this forum.

    Much of the rhetoric seems to paint a picture of "Linux or Windows". It seems like this but with operating systems. Both have their own use cases and things they do better than the other. I seem to be the odd ball out on this forum, I run a Windows 2k16 domain at home with Windows 10 pro...
  3. J

    Taking suggestions on new home server hardware

    I get that the main reason for a NAS is to store data and RAID helps if a drive fails. If you aren't using quality drives you have a greater chance of multiple drives failing and not being able to rebuild your data. Your configuration dictates your fault tolerance.. Encrypting and backing up...
  4. J

    Searching for some clarity about this forum.

    I am new to this forum and within the first 20 minutes I have noticed a huge aversion for Microsoft (MS) Windows.How is it that folks struggle to run a Windows 10 machine but find Linux simple to use. I have a hybrid Windows and Linux environment leveraging each for their strength. Neither are...
  5. J

    Taking suggestions on new home server hardware

    I always start new builds with extra parts that I just have laying around. You can get by with some inexpensive disks for a while. I would back up the data to some other medium if you aren't using quality drives. (I keep an encrypted back up in the "cloud")
  6. J

    naming custom shell command

    I don't think there is an explict "name your tool like this" guide. POSIX and GNU both offer basic standardization guides. As always, I would give components meaningful names. If by "toys" you mean utilities, you can often hit tab twice and then confirm with a 'y' or 'n' to display all...
  7. J

    Taking suggestions on new home server hardware

    I use a 2011 intel i5 with 8GB of ram, you do not need sophisticated hardware for a NAS. Look at WD red drives if your budget isn't to constrained. The positive thing about intel over AMD here is that your NAS will likely see a lot of use and AMD tech typically uses more power.
  8. J

    Microsoft working on porting Sysinternals to Linux

    I think you're pigeon holing yourself. You should use the right tool for the job and each OS has their own sets of pros/cons and use cases. Sysinternals is a collection of some pretty nice tools. MS including a Linux kernel in Windows will hopefully result in more people opening up to Linux.