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  1. C

    Shut Down/Restart Button Pops on Without Initiating It.

    Perhaps your system is set to shutdown after a certain time of inactivity; unfortunately, watching video without any physical input can also trigger it - check your 'power' settings....
  2. C

    I can't understand this linux command for Tinycorelinux i will explain in this POST which is its use ?

    You set this to be the permanent storage for your programs - in your case, it should be set to tce=sdb1
  3. C

    Technologies We Grew Up With That are Now Obsolete

    Steer into it, & drive out of it...
  4. C

    usb boot issue

    From what I see written above, it sounds like you installed the boot loader to the wrong disk - make sure you install it to the pendrive, & not your internal disk.
  5. C

    I just learned a new command to remove the spaces in all my filenames-detox

    Try.... $ for i in * *; do mv "$i" `echo $i | sed -e 's/_/-/g'`; done
  6. C

    All Linux at last

    Yes...I read the blurb....that's what you get with hiring 'that person'....:rolleyes:
  7. C

    All Linux at last

    I ditched the 'blue screen of death' way back in '99, & have never regretted doing so.... :)
  8. C

    Genetic testing firm 23andMe admits hackers accessed DNA data of 7m users

    I expect all Governments have got their citizens' DNA by now, one way or another.....
  9. C

    I partitioned the disk but it's not showing in <df -h>

    I can tell you that the /dev/loop are mounts to your snap packages. I don't quite understand your partitioning, you say you created a 4th, but it doesn't show up anywhere? Presumably overwritting what was on them - but then you say your /home is intact, in its original partition?
  10. C

    Migrate data from Centos 7 to Ubuntu LTE from VMware

    If we are just talking data, you can back it up to an external disk, & then reinstall it onto the other system(s).
  11. C

    Nexus 7 install linux?

    Maybe take a look at Armbian -
  12. C

    My curiosity remains about FreeBSD

    FreeBSD has always, to my mind, been a pig to install, that's why I chose OpenBSD myself, but have also liked NetBSD, but couldn't get wifi working, until 9.3, so now I will use both Open & Net, as secondary systems. For FreeBSD, I use Nomad, (there is also Ghost). Something else you might like...
  13. C

    Linux booting

    Sounds like you either didn't install the boot loader, or you installed it to a partition, & not the drive. (sda = drive / sda1 = partition)
  14. C

    Technologies We Grew Up With That are Now Obsolete

    .....& why don't we have that cranking handle anymore, so useful on cold days when your battery wasn't up to the job. ....but, I'm glad that vacuum wipers went the way of the DoDo.
  15. C


    Welcome aboard. :)
  16. C

    Hardware to try linux

    I buy pre used computers nowadays, most MSWindows users have to upgrade their machines every time they release a new version, so there's plenty of good quality machines out there perfectly suitable for Linux/BSD, & not too expensive either. :)
  17. C

    Best linux distribution for beginners

    Agree, I've been recommending MX Linux for some time now, it's perfect for a newbie/beginner to get to grips with Linux, lots of helpful videos made by the people who put the distro together, so know what they are talking about, very helpful forum too, again frequented by the devs too.
  18. C

    Who own Linux, is linus?

    Originally, there was the GNU software (Richard Stalman), at its conception there was no kernel, it was to be GNU Hurd, but it was taking so long that Linus Torvolds Linux kernel got 'married' to the GNU utilities, & hence we had GNU/Linux, which became generally known as 'Linux', but without...
  19. C

    is youtubes ad blocker detection breaking EU privacy laws?

    At the time, I switched to Vimeo & Soundcloud....