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  1. A

    DNS resolve not working can you please advice.

    That was just in the test, I updated to the pihole container address (local linux server address) That was the point of all this work to have all my containers in one server. And my probelm was with PiHole and DNS. Thx again.
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    DNS resolve not working can you please advice.

    Thank you very much for your help f33dm3bits ! It was a very good help from you, and was grat work. The isssue is resolved, all your steps was good. It was my mistake why was not working the domain name, the domain name dns ip was not refreshed, and had a wrong ip address. 1. root@aa:~# cat...
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    DNS resolve not working can you please advice.

    Iam trying to go back to original state with systemd-resolved.service
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    DNS resolve not working can you please advice.

    Iam using nginx proxy manager
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    DNS resolve not working can you please advice.

    ~# ip route default via dev eno1 proto dhcp src metric 100 dev docker0 proto kernel scope link src linkdown dev br-b6fd70f1e5d1 proto kernel scope link src dev br-9ff20bd7b659 proto kernel scope link src...
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    DNS resolve not working can you please advice.

    I have port 443 open and different subdomanin forwarded internally to different prots. Router(443 port) - Linux server - docker (revers proxy) - other docker conatiners. :~# ip a 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000 link/loopback...
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    DNS resolve not working can you please advice.

    The ping is working from all the containers - but when I run a domain name from my bowser its not. With local ip its working form browser. I can see this in the browser console: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) I think is some network issue because...
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    DNS resolve not working can you please advice.

    ~# systemctl disable NetworkManager systemd-resolved.service Unit /etc/systemd/system/NetworkManager.service is masked, ignoring. root@ihome:~# :~# cat /etc/systemd/network/ [Match] Name=eno1 [Network] DHCP=yes root@ihome:~# :~# rm /etc/resolv.conf rm: cannot remove...
  9. A

    DNS resolve not working can you please advice.

    ~# ip route show default via dev eno1 proto dhcp src metric 100 dev docker0 proto kernel scope link src linkdown dev br-502b68904b87 proto kernel scope link src dev br-39bca8306760 proto kernel scope link...
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    DNS resolve not working can you please advice.

    update the config to have ip: sudo nano /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml # This is the network config written by 'subiquity' network: ethernets: eno1: dhcp4: true version: 2 $ systemctl list-unit-files | grep -i network network-manager.service generated...
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    DNS resolve not working can you please advice.

    Yes I know the # is a comment- I just want a very simple configuraation when the server has dynamic IP form router, and the DNS resolve ip set manualy or form router. I tryed all these config, but I dont know why its not working. The DNS resovle ist working olny if I start the service...
  12. A

    DNS resolve not working can you please advice.

    I do not have by default NetworkManager service on ubuntu 20. Lost my connection :( no ip .
  13. A

    DNS resolve not working can you please advice.

    Thx, for the above response. But it looks like Iam not doing something properly ..... I don't know what Iam doing wrong .... can you please help me ? After reboot same can not ping the name. root@ihome:~# ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from...
  14. A

    DNS resolve not working can you please advice.

    Hi Iam new on linux, but i would like to know more about. I have a linux server, docker on it. I would like to use PiHole, but as the linux has its own systemd-resolved.service DNS resolver, I can not start the pihole on the same port 53. I tryed to diasble this service, but the problem is...