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  1. S

    Lutris not starting.

    Hey, I installed Lutris on my Ubuntu 20.04 with the instructions on their website - The app is installed on my laptop but when I search for it and click on it, it does not open anything up. When I try to run it from terminal using the command "lutris", this is what...
  2. S

    Unmet dependencies while installing wine.

    I tried to reinstall the Wine via the tutorial you sent, it worked, thank you! Although now I have a new problem, I am not able to run Lutris for some reason. I followed the installation process on their website and everything seemed to run smoothly. But when I try to open the app via the search...
  3. S

    Unmet dependencies while installing wine.

    Hello, I am trying to install wine for the Ubuntu 20.04 that I am using via the guidelines provided by the wine website. These are the steps I have made: sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 wget -nc sudo apt-key add winehq.key sudo add-apt-repository...