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    Native Linux 3D game release using SDL2

    Greetings Linux community, today I have released a free game called BIOCODE X for Linux! It runs natively as an elf binary. Check it out here: Currently I have only tested it using Ubuntu 18.04, I will be testing other distros soon, and will include...
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    Can not boot my laptop :(

    No, the system fails to boot, so how can they perform those operations?
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    Can not boot my laptop :(

    When listing files in a terminal, you pipe the results to the command "less" or "more", which allows you to press enter to scroll the screen if more elements appear than can fit at once. "ls | less" or "ls | more" The pipes "|" transfers the output of one command to the input of another.
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    Can not boot my laptop :(

    You should try to mount it using that distro. It is easiest to use an external drive reader that uses USB.
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    Can not boot my laptop :(

    What distro of linux were you running before?
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    Can not boot my laptop :(

    Perhaps you need a 64 bit live cd?
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    Can not boot my laptop :(

    No it is not a lost cause, the files can be recovered. You need an adapter that can read the drive externally and a computer running the same operating system that you had. Recovering linux data is trickier because of the format. If you are unable to read it externally, you should try contacting...
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    Can not boot my laptop :(

    Well, it appears your hardrive has failed, and crucial config files are not readable.
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    Has anyone ever used a sanity check?

    That sounds like something for keeping an AI system within reasonable bounds. It seems ridiculous for me to need sanity checks, since my program will either be correct or incorrect, and I can find out by compiling it.
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    Anyone heard of Termux?

    I understood, it is not necessary to elaborate.
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    Anyone heard of Termux?

    Excellent, thank you for the clarification.
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    Anyone heard of Termux?

    So according to your logic, the Terminal in say desktop Kali Linux is called a Terminal Emulator? I have never heard that before. As far as I know, the Terminal application in Linux is called a Terminal.
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    Help debugging 100.000 lines C++ project

    Unfortunately there are not many more options besides commenting out. The command prompt should give some sort of error output, please post the error messages. The complex nature of code requires that prior to each change, a backup should be made, in case you find some error. Otherwise, locating...
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    Anyone heard of Termux?

    Greetings. I have recently discovered that Android phones actually run a Linux Kernal. This has led me to an app called Termux. Termux is called a terminal emulator, however, this is incorrect, because Termux interfaces directly with the real Linux Kernal running within the phone. There is a...
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    What's Your Opinion On ETs?

    Yes ET are real.
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    Has anyone ever used a sanity check?

    A sanity check in programming seems very strange. If a sufficiently advanced AI were to chat and help develop a program, we may have difficulty in detecting it is an AI, and it would appear to be a human. Who put the sane_behavior file in linux? That definitely is strange to me. Any thoughts?
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    questions concerning my desktop's wifi adapter

    The newer wifi has improved the technology many ways, mostly the newer wifi is higher power.
  18. D

    Help debugging 100.000 lines C++ project

    There are several options, all of which are tedious. You can try to comment out code until it does not crash, which will pinpoint the fault. Your debugger should provide some error information, what did it say?