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  1. R

    how to add new user account to Zorin 16.2 pro

    thanks sphen a lot of good info there but pro must be a lot different on the menu front [as i have noticed looking at other 16.2 OS 's on Utube] ... my eventual solution .. open up the main menu and click on my user icon in the top right hand corner .... up comes the Users category you mentioned...
  2. R

    how to add new user account to Zorin 16.2 pro

    recently installed Zorin 16.2 pro , i like it a lot but find it daunting , compared to Windows , to add new user names , a few Utube showed menus i couldn't access , and hovering over the power button didn't produce the expected " + " link any uncomplicated solutions would be appreciated
  3. R

    minimal BASH-like editing is supported notice

    many thanks for your prompt reply the screenshot was a PC i was trying to upgrade ? new mobo , CPU , GPU , RAM but using the SSD of the existing PC which had Zorin installed on it it and working perfectly , i wanted to update the PC spec ?
  4. R

    minimal BASH-like editing is supported notice

    wanting to try Linux [and not dual boot my Windows PC] I set up a stand alone PC using items i had left over from a recent upgrades , and used a KVM switch to switch between them . got a liking for various Linux distros , Cinnamon/Zorin so i decided to upgrade the Linux PC based around the ASUS...