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  1. M

    Black screen on startup

    Ok, I think I've gotten somewhere- I decided to try out the Edge distrobution since my computer is reletively new (plus it is alienware, which, from what I understand has a reputation of not playing nice with Linux) and it seems to have sucessfully booted. Will update if there are further problems.
  2. M

    Black screen on startup

    When you access the short boot menu and select the usb stick to boot from....what happens after that ? It takes me to the initial menu for the various mint boot options. After choosing one of the two options that are suposed to boot the OS, it goes to a blank black screen with an unblinking...
  3. M

    Black screen on startup

    Right now it is just on the USB. balenaEtcher, as directed by the Linux Mint instalation guidel. Stick is a 128 gig SanDisk
  4. M

    Black screen on startup

    Just tried that. Didn't work. Turned secure boot off, and Tried changing fast boot from its default setting of thourogh to minimal.
  5. M

    Black screen on startup

    I am trying to install a Linux Mint on my new laptop from a usb. It is an Alienware m18 r1 with 32 gigs of ram. However, when I attempt to boot it up, it goes to a black screen with an unblinking line and will not go foreward from there.