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  1. SpongeB0B

    What does this NFtables rules does ?

    Thank you @Lord Boltar , I can see the Incoming part in the code, but where lay the outgoing ? Thanks.
  2. SpongeB0B

    What does this NFtables rules does ?

    I'm still looking what this rule does table inet filter { chain input { type filter hook input priority filter; policy accept; udp sport 53 queue num 0 bypass } For what I could get this let all traffic enter, is that correct ?
  3. SpongeB0B

    What does this NFtables rules does ?

    Thank you @Lord Boltar, I did read this document when I setup my NFtables, and one more time now. But I don't find the answer to my question.
  4. SpongeB0B

    What does this NFtables rules does ?

    Hi everyone, In my nft ruleset I've created (this is an extract) --> table ip Tip { chain chIN { type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop; ct state established,related accept iif != lo ip daddr drop iifname lo accept } chain...
  5. SpongeB0B

    [Solved] Allow apt in nftables

    To control what get out... Our machines talk too much...
  6. SpongeB0B

    [Solved] Allow apt in nftables

    Thank you @f33dm3bits ! I was writing an exception for 80. so I added 443 to (thanks it seem working ) tcp dport { 80, 443 } ip daddr {,, } accept
  7. SpongeB0B

    [Solved] Allow apt in nftables

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to do a apt --update but I get -> So the DNS resolution is passing but not to connection to :( It's my nftables that block it but I don't what to open to allow the connection Here my nftables table ip6 Tip6 { chain chPR { type filter...
  8. SpongeB0B

    [Solved] Install software offline, best way ?

    @Tolkem Thanks for your post, btw is Cudatext come with autocomplete feature ?
  9. SpongeB0B

    [Solved] Install software offline, best way ?

    Thank you @Fanboi (aka Onizuka :p ) & @Tolkem No ideas, I will check I'm in favor to install only the strict minimum.. That's better for security and efficiency of the system. and It's weird because it run ! without those dependencies (see my screenshot) it fail after a time, because I guess...
  10. SpongeB0B

    [Solved] Install software offline, best way ?

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to install ATOM editor on Devuan (this machine is off-line) On windows no problem at all to install it as portable application / off-line I've tried the following I've downloaded the .deb file and tried this apt install atom-amd64_160.deb --no-install-recommends...
  11. SpongeB0B

    Need an explanation on \; and the end of commands

    Hi everyone, I would like to know exactly what does \; at the end of the example that I saw online example 1 find /var/log -name *.log -exec ls -l {} \; So If I get it well Find will look in /var/log for files named *.log then will execute ls -l on each result ( {} = the output list ? )...
  12. SpongeB0B

    output file only when STDERR exist.

    If it help someone I done this ( until a better solution) * * * * * 2>>/errors.txt && [ -s /errors.txt ] || rm -rf /errors.txt I use a different path for error, it's to make a shorter example.
  13. SpongeB0B

    output file only when STDERR exist.

    I've tested the solution of @SlowCoder [command] 2>&1 | tee [output.txt] and indeed it's work if you want both STDOUT and STDERR. But in my case is not what I'm looking for... I want only the STDERR to be write to a file if there is an error. In my case with 2>>/thefile.txt thefile.txt is...
  14. SpongeB0B

    output file only when STDERR exist.

    Thank you @SlowCoder how can I "export" both STDOUT and STDERR ? Do you have any example with tee ?
  15. SpongeB0B

    output file only when STDERR exist.

    Hi everyone, I created a cron job trough crontab -e and it work line in the crontab : * * * * * 2>>/home/me/Desktop/errors.txt But I have a small bug, every-time it run, it generate the errors.txt (nothing inside) is there a way to generate this file only if indeed there is an...
  16. SpongeB0B

    [Solved] Can a user manage a group ?

    Thank you @dos2unix , but I've found what I was looking for ->
  17. SpongeB0B

    [Solved] Can a user manage a group ?

    Hi everyone, is there a way to assign admin right for a group ? meaning that this user will be able to add, remove membership of this group ? Thanks
  18. SpongeB0B

    Sharing files between users with stickybit and setgid

    ooh I think I see what going on, The sticky bit prevent everyone else than the owner of the file to delete it, so therefor edit it too
  19. SpongeB0B

    Sharing files between users with stickybit and setgid

    Hi everyone, I would like to share files between users ( /home/tester ) I would like that only members of the group tester have access to that folder and can only delete their files I've tried the following su groupadd tester useradd -m -c "John Doe" John passwd John usermod -aG tester...
  20. SpongeB0B

    [Solved] how launch a interactive terminal for an user from .profile

    Hey @NorthWest I've changed the way to launch that one time script and therefor solve also this problem. Please see here for the details. Until we meet again :)