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  1. W

    Add braces to a command

    I got the syntax I used from some documentation, so I will do some more reading, but as @CaffeineAddict said, why does it work in a terminal command. I tried the scp in a terminal prompt again as follows and all three files are copied. The terminal command I used that copies all 3 files is: scp...
  2. W

    Add braces to a command

    I want to automate a scp command like the following: scp [email protected]:/home/pi/remote/\{aaainremote,bbbinremote,cccinremote\} /home/pi/local The above command works as expected when entered in a terminal. The following is a condensed version of my bash script named cwmscp: The variables...
  3. W

    Error testing a bash script

    Thanks for your reply, the && did the trick. I guess I should also use || for an or comparison instead of just one |
  4. W

    Error testing a bash script

    the following is the text of my bash script I named script.txt: #!/bin/sh direction=${1^^} filename=$2 system=${3^^} echo "system = $system" echo "direction = $direction" #test for direction = "TX" or "RX" if [ $direction != "TX" ] & [ $direction != "RX" ]; then echo "Error - First...