Recent content by durexlw

  1. D

    Problems with WPA/WPA2 encryption with tools like airodump-ng

    Never used wifite, but it's the automation shell around the aircrack tools I believe, right? Automation can only work with the information it gets... humans however can go beyond that. It's good to have these tools, but learn the mechanics of what's beneath it first. You question will then...
  2. D

    Problems with WPA/WPA2 encryption with tools like airodump-ng

    If you want to capture a WPA handshake, you just airodump that selected bssid and channel... regardless of what security the AP uses, you can still capture packets and analyse the output. What are you trying to achieve exactly? Crack a wifi password? Then just do as stated above... you can...
  3. D

    Predictable Network Interface naming for USB Wifi Network Interfaces?

    OS: Ubuntu server 20.04 I have two USB Wifi network cards and one internal network interface. Long story short: sometimes the internal card is called wlan0, other times wlan1, ... when I add or remove cards, the naming becomes completely unpredictable. I have read documentations saying that...