So What's Your Favorite Desktop Environment.....? :3


Active Member
May 16, 2017
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Well, what is it.....? :3 Mine would HAVE to be KDE..... :3 Them Wobbly Windows....... :3 But alas, my ASUS x205ta, which now runs Lubuntu after some time and effort, (mostly on the behalf of the AWESOME HarryHarryHarry over at the Ubuntu Forums, who compiled a custom Kernel for it) has trouble with the Wobbly Windows..... :( Ah well..... :3 Back to studying Qt!!..... :3 ^^

I used to really like Gnome2 (back in the day), Openbox, KDE/Plasma, XFCE and Enlightenment. But in recent years, I've mostly been using dwm - a lightweight, minimalist, tiling window manager.

And after many years of full-time dwm usage - I've discovered that I'm not a fan of the typical/traditional desktop paradigm any more.

I don't know exactly what it is, but I just prefer the way that dwm and other tiling wm's handle things (xmonad, i3, wmii, awesome etc). After all these years using dwm - attempting to use a traditional desktop just feels clumsy and weird!

So my favourite DE isn't actually a DE at all, it's a WM - dwm!
I just installed the latest Ubuntu LTS, 18.04, with it's Gnome 3 Shell, and I've tried Gnome 3 a number of times before with Debian and Fedora... but I just can't seem to be satisfied with it myself. I've never been able to stay with KDE for very long either. The old Gnome 2 is now represented by the MATE desktop, and I guess that is my favorite, although I like LXDE quite well also. I do still prefer the traditional desktops, at least for now. :D

MATE. MATE is pronounced like "latte". Full name yerba mate, it is a South American beverage that even the Pope enjoys


I like its File Manager, caja, its Terminal mate-terminal I usually put on in place of Distros' shipped alternative.

The terminal has in its preferences more options that suit me, including a title command option which straight away tells me where I am on my 35 Distros, eg


Cheers all :cool:

I used to really like Gnome2 (back in the day), Openbox, KDE/Plasma, XFCE and Enlightenment. But in recent years, I've mostly been using dwm - a lightweight, minimalist, tiling window manager.

And after many years of full-time dwm usage - I've discovered that I'm not a fan of the typical/traditional desktop paradigm any more.

I don't know exactly what it is, but I just prefer the way that dwm and other tiling wm's handle things (xmonad, i3, wmii, awesome etc). After all these years using dwm - attempting to use a traditional desktop just feels clumsy and weird!

So my favourite DE isn't actually a DE at all, it's a WM - dwm!
I know what you mean..... :3 I just installed Awesome, and it looks promising, to say the least..... :3 I still love DEs, but I've got a place in my Heart for other interfaces too..... :3 Hey, speaking of us liking unconventional UIs, you should check out this guy on YouTube who made a Desktop Environment that looks ENTIRELY like a Terminal!..... :D
I just installed the latest Ubuntu LTS, 18.04, with it's Gnome 3 Shell, and I've tried Gnome 3 a number of times before with Debian and Fedora... but I just can't seem to be satisfied with it myself. I've never been able to stay with KDE for very long either. The old Gnome 2 is now represented by the MATE desktop, and I guess that is my favorite, although I like LXDE quite well also. I do still prefer the traditional desktops, at least for now. :D

Hey good sir!..... :3 Yes, Ubuntu 18.04 is out, as is Lubuntu 18.04, by extension..... :3 But, Lubuntu isn't notifying me..... :\ Weird..... :\ Nevertheless, I use LXDE too!..... :3 I should look into Mate..... :3
MATE. MATE is pronounced like "latte". Full name yerba mate, it is a South American beverage that even the Pope enjoys


I like its File Manager, caja, its Terminal mate-terminal I usually put on in place of Distros' shipped alternative.

The terminal has in its preferences more options that suit me, including a title command option which straight away tells me where I am on my 35 Distros, eg


Cheers all :cool:

Thanks for the pronunciation tip!..... :3 Also, I see I'm not the ONLY one who likes to have many OS's installed on the same Drive..... ;3 'Tis the beauty of Computers: Why use only ONE thing.....? Use 'em ALL!..... :D

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