KDE plasma error loading Better Application Dashboard


New Member
Mar 10, 2023
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Hey guys!

I switched from cinnamon to KDE desktop. If i try to open the application dashboard i get this error message:

file:///home/anna-maria/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.betterkicker/contents/ui/main.qml:58:9: Type MenuRepresentation unavailable

file:///home/anna-maria/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.betterkicker/contents/ui/MenuRepresentation.qml:224:5: PlasmaExtras.SearchField is not a type

as a desktop manager i use SDDM

can sombody please help me resolve this problem?

Betterkicker is not a Standard part of KDE, please inform the developer about your problem...
I switched from cinnamon to KDE desktop.
I wonder, did you use this on cinnamon? Or something similar? When you say "you switched", what do you mean exactly? Did you remove cinnamon and installed KDE? Did you install a distro powered by KDE (Kubuntu, KDE Neon, etc.)? What distro is this you're using KDE on? What KDE version?
as a desktop manager i use SDDM
Not that it matters that much, but it's "display manager". Also, if you right-click on "start menu" icon, you can select "show alternatives" and choose a different "layout" for KDE Plasma's Kicker Application Menu, as shown below:



I think the last one, "Application Menu, a launcher based on cascading popup menus" might be what you want. You also have krunner, which is the greatest thing ever; search anything, launch applications, do math, see a different time zone, translate, do anything (or almost anything) you can think of!. You can use shortcuts to access certain features/commands in KDE apps, just press CTRL + ALT + I, and you'll be presented with a "popup/floating" menu with many options to choose from; delete, move, copy, open, file info, create a new file ... Likewise, you can also press (Plasma 5.26) start (windows) key + w and have all of your windows in a dashboard-like fashion, move around them with the key arrows and select the one you need. I know to each their own, but I don't understand why people want to replace something that works just fine with whatever it is they like better. I respect people's choices, I just disagree with the choices they make. :)
Sounds like you tried to install KDE on top of Cinnamon. That will not work too many conflicts. If you want KDE in Mint start with XFCE version. Mate version may also cause problems. But I'm just guessing.
If you want KDE in Mint start with XFCE version.

Can you elaborate on this?

I'm not 'one of those guys' but I know some that install like/near a half dozen DEs and have a stable system.

Is this some weird Cinnamon thing that I don't know about? It's usually fairly trivial to add additional DEs to your system.
Can you elaborate on this?

I'm not 'one of those guys' but I know some that install like/near a half dozen DEs and have a stable system.

Is this some weird Cinnamon thing that I don't know about? It's usually fairly trivial to add additional DEs to your system.
There have been in the past certian interactions between some of the Cinnamon system with KDE to make the experience not up to snuff so to speak. Not sure if the mate edition suffers the same fate.

It has always been advised by the mint team to start with the XFCE edition which is least likely to have any inter action with KDE. And can be pretty much uninstalled after KDE is installed. But even if you manage to get the KDE desktop working on Mint You will basically end up with Kubuntu 22.04. And you will find very little support on the Mint Forums or from any of the Dev's on Mint for that system. Mint dropped it's support of The KDE/plasma Desktop several release ago in order to use their resources to concentrate on GTK libs and such.

So as far as I would be concerned if one wanted KDE Desktop they should choose a Distro like KDE Neon, Kubuntu (The one I use) or other Distro that supports KDE on the system. At best on mint you'll end up with a system that will not be kept updated and it will eventually give you problems. If you want to use Mint stick to their recommended Desktops. Some online tutorials say you can use the Cinnamon DE and Install KDE. But then suggest you uninstall Cinnamon after KDE is installed and that may work ok.
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It has always been advised by the mint team to start with the XFCE edition which is least likely to have any inter action with KDE.

Thanks! That makes some sense. And, yeah, you'll be unsupported pretty much no matter where you go with a setup like that.

Speaking of support...

I'm kinda partial to the Ubuntu flavors with their 3 years of support, but I also loved CentOS' nearly-forever levels of support. You can kinda get 10 years of updates (not support) for an official flavor, so there's that.

But, yeah, they'd be well out of bounds for support. I suppose we'd do our best to support them here, but the official channels don't have time/resources for that.

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