Creating a lightweight arch based distro


New Member
May 24, 2022
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Hello, I've decided to make a lightweight arch based distro as an IT college project, I've little distro experience what things should be done to make a lightweight distro for low end hardware.
Things I'm gonna do are installing arch, iceWM, systemd free and making a customizing kernel for better cpu, ram management.
What things further i should do?

I have no clue as where to start, what experience have you.
I would think the easiest way would be to download the source code
of something close to what you want and start editing out what you
do not want, and compile it.
It certainly is not something for a beginner or the faint hearted.
How will this distro be different than arch itself or other-unrelated distros?
If you get all the pieces installed to compile a kernel....
You can run xconfig to bring up literally hundreds of options and modules
for the kernel. But I warn you, it's not for the timid. It takes a lot of time and patience,
Compiling the kernel itself can take hours depending on what kind of computer you have.
Also keep in mind, the kernel (and the kernel modules) are where most of the drivers get installed/loaded.
So the more you trim the kernel down, the less compatible you make you make it with different kinds of hardware.
What good is a distro that only runs on 1 or 2 kinds of hardware configurations?
Things I'm gonna do are installing arch, iceWM, systemd free and making a customizing kernel for better cpu, ram management.
If you aren't going to be using systemd why not just make make Artix the base?
What further improvements can be done to artix?
I have no idea, I have never used it. All I know that is Arch-based but using init systems other than systemd.
Hello, I've decided to make a lightweight arch based distro as an IT college project, I've little distro experience what things should be done to make a lightweight distro for low end hardware.
Things I'm gonna do are installing arch, iceWM, systemd free and making a customizing kernel for better cpu, ram management.
What things further i should do?
You might also want to look at AlpineLinux ;)...
If you want systems free try Devuan if using a Debian base have Refracta remastering tools.
