Humble Bundle for Linux Books


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2021
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I just happened across this, but the Humble Bundle is offering a bunch of Linux books if you're interested.


I saw that bundle earlier this week, I already have most of them :)
Sed, Awk, Regex, and Bash references are mandatory libraries for any Linux engineer.

Personally, I prefer Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide over any book I could buy though. Every once in a while, I will get a brain-fart and get stuck on some advanced bash script syntax and that website always causes causes the fog to clear.

Edit: I don't know of any books about it, but mastering the "cut" command is pretty important too.
I saw that bundle earlier this week, I already have most of them :)
Same here!
HumbleBundle regularly has some great IT/tech/programming related ebook bundles on offer. Plus plenty of other geeky comic/graphic novel/fiction/RPG bundles too.
I’ve amassed a huge library of ebooks, for next to nothing over the past few years.
I still prefer dead-tree books, even with a cell phone, tablet, laptop, and ebook reader. I've tried all those devices and still prefer dead tree. Sometimes a physical book will come with an ebook copy, which is nice - because one area where ebooks do excel is in searching.

Yeah, I can use an index and ToC with the best of 'em, but none of those beats the almighty search feature.
RPG bundles too.
Ahh, are you a roleplayer? hah I grew up playing D&D with my buddies in the late 80s and then we got into MUDs in the early 90s. Actually, maybe eight months ago I picked up Foundry VTT and have been DMing D&D 5E games with it. (we live all over the country now)

It had been a long time since we had played. We are having a lot of fun with it again.
Ahh, are you a roleplayer? hah I grew up playing D&D with my buddies in the late 80s and then we got into MUDs in the early 90s. Actually, maybe eight months ago I picked up Foundry VTT and have been DMing D&D 5E games with it. (we live all over the country now)

It had been a long time since we had played. We are having a lot of fun with it again.
I used to be into D&D and a few other RPG and LARP type games during my teens.

But I haven’t bothered with the any of the RPG bundles on yet. I just mentioned the range of different types of book bundles that they tend to sell, in case it interests others here!

Between work, drumming in two bands and my complicated family life - I haven’t got time for RPG’s atm. Most of the little free time I have left is dedicated to study, to try to keep my skill-set as up to date and relevant as possible.

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