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VGCHANGE(8)                                    System Manager's Manual                                    VGCHANGE(8)

       vgchange — change attributes of a volume group

       vgchange  [--addtag  Tag]  [--alloc  AllocationPolicy] [-A|--autobackup {y|n}] [-a|--activate [a|e|s|l] {y|n}]
       [--activationmode {complete|degraded|partial}] [-K|--ignoreactivationskip] [--monitor  {y|n}]  [--poll  {y|n}]
       [-c|--clustered  {y|n}]  [-u|--uuid]  [--commandprofile ProfileName] [-d|--debug] [--deltag Tag] [--detachpro‐
       file] [-h|--help] [--ignorelockingfailure] [--ignoremonitoring] [--ignoreskippedcluster] [--sysinit] [--noude‐
       vsync]  [--lock-start]  [--lock-stop] [--lock-type LockType] [-l|--logicalvolume MaxLogicalVolumes] [-p|--max‐
       physicalvolumes   MaxPhysicalVolumes]   [--metadataprofile   ProfileName]   [--[vg]metadatacopies    NumberOf‐
       Copies|unmanaged|all] [-P|--partial] [-s|--physicalextentsize PhysicalExtentSize[bBsSkKmMgGtTpPeE]] [--report‐
       format {basic|json}] [-S|--select Selection]  [--systemid  SystemID]  [--refresh]  [-t|--test]  [-v|--verbose]
       [--version] [-x|--resizeable {y|n}] [VolumeGroupName...]

       vgchange allows you to change the attributes of one or more volume groups. Its main purpose is to activate and
       deactivate VolumeGroupName, or all volume groups if none is specified.  Only active volume groups are  subject
       to  changes  and allow access to their logical volumes.  [Not yet implemented: During volume group activation,
       if vgchange recognizes snapshot logical volumes which were dropped because they ran out of space, it  displays
       a message informing the administrator that such snapshots should be removed (see lvremove(8)).  ]

       See lvm(8) for common options.

       -A, --autobackup {y|n}
              Controls automatic backup of metadata after the change.  See vgcfgbackup(8).  Default is yes.

       -a, --activate [a|e|s|l]{y|n}
              Controls the availability of the logical volumes in the volume group for input/output.  In other words,
              makes the logical volumes known/unknown to the kernel.  If autoactivation option is used  (-aay),  each
              logical volume in the volume group is activated only if it matches an item in the activation/auto_acti‐
              vation_volume_list set in lvm.conf. If this list is not set, then all volumes are considered for  acti‐
              vation.   The  -aay option should be also used during system boot so it's possible to select which vol‐
              umes to activate using the activation/auto_activation_volume_list settting.

              Activation of a logical volume creates a symbolic link /dev/VolumeGroupName/LogicalVolumeName  pointing
              to  the device node.  This link is removed on deactivation.  All software and scripts should access the
              device through this symbolic link and present this as the name of the device.  The location and name of
              the  underlying  device  node  may  depend  on the distribution and configuration (e.g. udev) and might
              change from release to release.

              In a clustered VG, clvmd is used for activation, and the following options are possible:

              With -aey, clvmd activates the LV in exclusive mode (with an exclusive lock), allowing a single node to
              activate the LV.

              With -asy, clvmd activates the LV in shared mode (with a shared lock), allowing multiple nodes to acti‐
              vate the LV concurrently.  If the LV type prohibits shared access, such as an LV with a  snapshot,  the
              's' option is ignored and an exclusive lock is used.

              With  -ay  (no  mode specified), clvmd activates the LV in shared mode if the LV type allows concurrent
              access, such as a linear LV.  Otherwise, clvmd activates the LV in exclusive mode.

              With -aey, -asy, and -ay, clvmd attempts to activate the LV on all nodes.  If exclusive mode  is  used,
              then only one of the nodes will be successful.

              With  -aey,  the  command activates the LV in exclusive mode, allowing a single host to activate the LV
              (the host running the command).  Before activating the LV, the command  uses  lvmlockd  to  acquire  an
              exclusive  lock  on  the  LV.   If the lock cannot be acquired, the LV is not activated and an error is
              reported.  This would happen if the LV is active on another host.

              With -asy, the command activates the LV in shared mode, allowing multiple hosts to activate the LV con‐
              currently.  Before activating the LV, the command uses lvmlockd to acquire a shared lock on the LV.  If
              the lock cannot be acquired, the LV is not activated and an error is reported.  This  would  happen  if
              the  LV is active exclusively on another host.  If the LV type prohibits shared access, such as a snap‐
              shot, the command will report an error and fail.

              With -an, the command deactivates the LV on the host running the command.  After deactivating  the  LV,
              the command uses lvmlockd to release the current lock on the LV.

              With lvmlockd, an unspecified mode is always exclusive, -ay defaults to -aey.

       --activationmode {complete|degraded|partial}
              The  activation mode determines whether logical volumes are allowed to activate when there are physical
              volumes missing (e.g. due to a device failure).  complete is the most restrictive; allowing only  those
              logical volumes to be activated that are not affected by the missing PVs.  degraded allows RAID logical
              volumes to be activated even if they have PVs missing.  (Note that the "mirror"  segment  type  is  not
              considered  a RAID logical volume.  The "raid1" segment type should be used instead.)  Finally, partial
              allows any logical volume to be activated even if portions are missing due to a missing or  failed  PV.
              This  last  option  should only be used when performing recovery or repair operations.  degraded is the
              default mode.  To change it, modify activation_mode in lvm.conf(5).

       -K, --ignoreactivationskip
              Ignore the flag to skip Logical Volumes during activation.

       -c, --clustered {y|n}
              If clustered locking is enabled, this indicates whether this Volume Group is shared with other nodes in
              the  cluster  or  whether it contains only local disks that are not visible on the other nodes.  If the
              cluster infrastructure is unavailable on a particular node at a particular time, you may still be  able
              to use Volume Groups that are not marked as clustered.

              Detach  any  metadata  configuration profiles attached to given Volume Groups. See lvm.conf(5) for more
              information about metadata profiles.

       -u, --uuid
              Generate new random UUID for specified Volume Groups.

       --monitor {y|n}
              Start or stop monitoring a mirrored or snapshot logical volume with dmeventd, if it is installed.  If a
              device  used  by  a  monitored  mirror  reports  an I/O error, the failure is handled according to mir‐
              ror_image_fault_policy and mirror_log_fault_policy set in lvm.conf(5).

       --poll {y|n}
              Without polling a logical volume's backgrounded transformation process will never complete.   If  there
              is an incomplete pvmove or lvconvert (for example, on rebooting after a crash), use --poll y to restart
              the process from its last checkpoint.  However, it may not be appropriate to immediately poll a logical
              volume when it is activated, use --poll n to defer and then --poll y to restart the process.

              Disable  udev  synchronisation. The process will not wait for notification from udev.  It will continue
              irrespective of any possible udev processing in the background.  You should only use this  if  udev  is
              not running or has rules that ignore the devices LVM2 creates.

              Make  no  attempt to interact with dmeventd unless --monitor is specified.  Do not use this if dmeventd
              is already monitoring a device.

              Start the lockspace of a shared VG in lvmlockd.  lvmlockd locks becomes available for the VG,  allowing
              LVM to use the VG.  See lvmlockd(8).

              Stop  the lockspace of a shared VG in lvmlockd.  lvmlockd locks become unavailable for the VG, prevent‐
              ing LVM from using the VG.  See lvmlockd(8).

       --lock-type LockType
              Change the VG lock type to or from a shared lock type used with lvmlockd.  See lvmlockd(8).

       -l, --logicalvolume MaxLogicalVolumes
              Changes the maximum logical volume number of an existing inactive volume group.

       -p, --maxphysicalvolumes MaxPhysicalVolumes
              Changes the maximum number of physical volumes that can belong to this volume group.  For volume groups
              with  metadata in lvm1 format, the limit is 255.  If the metadata uses lvm2 format, the value 0 removes
              this restriction: there is then no limit.  If you have a large number of physical volumes in  a  volume
              group  with  metadata  in  lvm2  format,  for tool performance reasons, you should consider some use of
              --pvmetadatacopies 0 as described in pvcreate(8), and/or use --vgmetadatacopies.

       --metadataprofile ProfileName
              Uses and attaches ProfileName configuration profile to the volume group metadata. Whenever  the  volume
              group  is  processed  next  time, the profile is automatically applied. The profile is inherited by all
              logical volumes in the volume group unless the logical volume itself has its own profile attached.  See
              lvm.conf(5) for more information about metadata profiles.

       --[vg]metadatacopies NumberOfCopies|unmanaged|all
              Sets  the  desired number of metadata copies in the volume group.  If set to a non-zero value, LVM will
              automatically manage the 'metadataignore' flags on the  physical  volumes  (see  pvchange  or  pvcreate
              --metadataignore) in order to achieve NumberOfCopies copies of metadata.  If set to unmanaged, LVM will
              not automatically manage the 'metadataignore' flags.  If set to all, LVM will first clear  all  of  the
              'metadataignore' flags on all metadata areas in the volume group, then set the value to unmanaged.  The
              vgmetadatacopies option is useful for volume groups containing large numbers of physical  volumes  with
              metadata as it may be used to minimize metadata read and write overhead.

       -s, --physicalextentsize PhysicalExtentSize[BbBsSkKmMgGtTpPeE]
              Changes  the physical extent size on physical volumes of this volume group.  A size suffix (k for kilo‐
              bytes up to t for terabytes) is optional, megabytes is the default if no suffix is present.   For  LVM2
              format,  the value must be a power of 2 of at least 1 sector (where the sector size is the largest sec‐
              tor size of the PVs currently used in the VG) or, if not a power of 2, at least 128KiB.  For the  older
              LVM1 format, it must be a power of 2 of at least 8KiB.  The default is 4 MiB.

              Before  increasing  the physical extent size, you might need to use lvresize, pvresize and/or pvmove so
              that everything fits.  For example, every contiguous range of extents used in  a  logical  volume  must
              start and end on an extent boundary.
              Changes  the system ID of the VG.  Using this option requires caution because the VG may become foreign
              to the host running the command, leaving the host unable to access it.  See lvmsystemid(7).

              If any logical volume in the volume group is active, reload its metadata.  This  is  not  necessary  in
              normal  operation, but may be useful if something has gone wrong or if you're doing clustering manually
              without a clustered lock manager.

       -x, --resizeable {y|n}
              Enables or disables the extension/reduction of this volume group with/by physical volumes.

       To activate all known volume groups in the system:

       vgchange -a y

       To change the maximum number of logical volumes of inactive volume group vg00 to 128.

       vgchange -l 128 /dev/vg00

       lvchange(8), lvm(8), vgcreate(8)

Sistina Software UK                    LVM TOOLS 2.02.166(2)-RHEL7 (2016-11-16)                           VGCHANGE(8)