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BTRFS-FILESYSTEM(8)                                  Btrfs Manual                                 BTRFS-FILESYSTEM(8)

       btrfs-filesystem - command group of btrfs that usually work on the whole filesystem

       btrfs filesystem <subcommand> <args>

       btrfs filesystem is used to do the whole filesystem level tasks, including all the regular filesystem
       operations like resizing, space stats, label setting/getting, and defragmentation.

       df [options] <path>
           Show a terse summary information about allocation of block group types of a given mount point. The
           original purpose of this command was a debugging helper. The output needs to be further interpreted and is
           not suitable for quick overview.

           An example with description:

           ·   device size: 1.9TiB, one device, no RAID

           ·   filesystem size: 1.9TiB

           ·   created with: mkfs.btrfs -d single -m single

               $ btrfs filesystem df /path
               Data, single: total=1.15TiB, used=1.13TiB
               System, single: total=32.00MiB, used=144.00KiB
               Metadata, single: total=12.00GiB, used=6.45GiB
               GlobalReserve, single: total=512.00MiB, used=0.00B

           ·   Data, System and Metadata are separeate block group types.  GlobalReserve is an artificial and
               internal emergency space, see below.

           ·   single — the allocation profile, defined at mkfs time

           ·   total — sum of space reserved for all allocation profiles of the given type, ie. all Data/single. Note
               that it’s not total size of filesystem.

           ·   used — sum of used space of the above, ie. file extents, metadata blocks

           GlobalReserve is an artificial and internal emergency space. It is used eg. when the filesystem is full.
           Its total size is dynamic based on the filesystem size, usually not larger than 512MiB, used may

           The global block reserve is accounted within Metadata. In case the filesystem metadata are exhausted,
           GlobalReserve/total + Metadata/used = Metadata/total.


               raw numbers in bytes, without the B suffix

               print human friendly numbers, base 1024, this is the default


               show sizes in MiB, or MB with --si

               show sizes in GiB, or GB with --si

               show sizes in TiB, or TB with --si

               If conflicting options are passed, the last one takes precedence.

       defragment [options] <file>|<dir> [<file>|<dir>...]
           Defragment file data on a mounted filesytem.

           If -r is passed, files in dir will be defragmented recursively. The start position and the number of bytes
           to defragment can be specified by start and len using -s and -l options below. Extents bigger than value
           given by -t will be skipped, otherwise this value is used as a target extent size, but is only advisory
           and may not be reached if the free space is too fragmented. Use 0 to take the kernel default, which is
           256kB but may change in the future. You can also turn on compression in defragment operations.

               Defragmenting with Linux kernel versions < 3.9 or ≥ 3.14-rc2 as well as with Linux stable kernel
               versions ≥ 3.10.31, ≥ 3.12.12 or ≥ 3.13.4 will break up the ref-links of COW data (for example files
               copied with cp --reflink, snapshots or de-duplicated data). This may cause considerable increase of
               space usage depending on the broken up ref-links.

               be verbose, print file names as they’re submitted for defragmentation

               compress file contents while defragmenting. Optional argument selects the compression algorithm, zlib
               (default) or lzo. Currently it’s not possible to select no compression. See also section EXAMPLES.

               defragment files recursively in given directories

               flush data for each file before going to the next file. This will limit the amount of dirty data to
               current file, otherwise the amount cumulates from several files and may increase system load.

           -s <start>[kKmMgGtTpPeE]
               defragmentation will start from the given offset, default is beginning of a file

           -l <len>[kKmMgGtTpPeE]
               defragment only up to len bytes, default is the file size

           -t <size>[kKmMgGtTpPeE]
               target extent size, do not touch extents bigger than size

               For start, len, size it is possible to append units designator: 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', or 'E', which
               represent KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB, PiB, or EiB, respectively (case does not matter).

                   Directory arguments without -r do not defragment files recursively but will defragment certain

       resize [<devid>:][+/-]<size>[kKmMgGtTpPeE]|[<devid>:]max <path>
           Resize a mounted filesystem identified by path. A particular device can be resized by specifying a devid.

               If path is a file containing a BTRFS image then resize does not work as expected and does not resize
               the image. This would resize the underlying filesystem instead.
           The devid can be found in the output of btrfs filesystem show and defaults to 1 if not specified. The size
           parameter specifies the new size of the filesystem. If the prefix + or - is present the size is increased
           or decreased by the quantity size. If no units are specified, bytes are assumed for size. Optionally, the
           size parameter may be suffixed by one of the following units designators: 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', or 'E',
           which represent KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB, PiB, or EiB, respectively (case does not matter).

           If max is passed, the filesystem will occupy all available space on the device respecting devid (remember,
           devid 1 by default).

           The resize command does not manipulate the size of underlying partition. If you wish to enlarge/reduce a
           filesystem, you must make sure you can expand the partition before enlarging the filesystem and shrink the
           partition after reducing the size of the filesystem. This can done using fdisk(8) or parted(8) to delete
           the existing partition and recreate it with the new desired size. When recreating the partition make sure
           to use the same starting partition offset as before.

           Growing is usually instant as it only updates the size. However, shrinking could take a long time if there
           are data in the device area that’s beyond the new end. Relocation of the data takes time.

           See also section EXAMPLES.

       show [options] [<path>|<uuid>|<device>|<label>]
           Show the btrfs filesystem with some additional info about devices and space allocation.

           If no option none of path/uuid/device/label is passed, information about all the BTRFS filesystems is
           shown, both mounted and unmounted.


               probe kernel for mounted BTRFS filesystems

               scan all devices under /dev, otherwise the devices list is extracted from the /proc/partitions file.
               This is a fallback option if there’s no device node manager (like udev) available in the system.

               raw numbers in bytes, without the B suffix

               print human friendly numbers, base 1024, this is the default

               select the 1024 base for the following options, according to the IEC standard

               select the 1000 base for the following options, according to the SI standard

           Force a sync of the filesystem at path. This is done via a special ioctl and will also trigger cleaning of
           deleted subvolumes. Besides that it’s equivalent to the sync(1) command.

       usage [options] <path> [<path>...]
           Show detailed information about internal filesystem usage. This is supposed to replace the btrfs
           filesystem df command in the long run.

           The level of detail can differ if the command is run under a regular or the root user (due to use of
           restricted ioctl). For both there’s a summary section with information about space usage:

               $ btrfs fi usage /path
               WARNING: cannot read detailed chunk info, RAID5/6 numbers will be incorrect, run as root
                   Device size:                   1.82TiB
                   Device allocated:              1.17TiB
                   Device unallocated:          669.99GiB
                   Device missing:                  0.00B
                   Used:                          1.14TiB
                   Free (estimated):            692.57GiB      (min: 692.57GiB)
                   Data ratio:                       1.00
                   Metadata ratio:                   1.00
                   Global reserve:              512.00MiB      (used: 0.00B)

           The root user will also see stats broken down by block group types:

               Data,single: Size:1.15TiB, Used:1.13TiB
                  /dev/sdb        1.15TiB

               Metadata,single: Size:12.00GiB, Used:6.45GiB
                  /dev/sdb       12.00GiB

               System,single: Size:32.00MiB, Used:144.00KiB
                  /dev/sdb       32.00MiB

                  /dev/sdb      669.99GiB


               raw numbers in bytes, without the B suffix

               print human friendly numbers, base 1024, this is the default

               print human friendly numbers, base 1000

               select the 1024 base for the following options, according to the IEC standard

               select the 1000 base for the following options, according to the SI standard

               show data in tabular format

               If conflicting options are passed, the last one takes precedence.

       $ btrfs filesystem defrag -v -r dir/

       Recursively defragment files under dir/, print files as they are processed. The file names will be printed in
       batches, similarly the amount of data triggered by defragmentation will be proportional to last N printed
       files. The system dirty memory throttling will slow down the defragmentation but there can still be a lot of
       IO load and the system may stall for a moment.

       $ btrfs filesystem defrag -v -r -f dir/

       Recusively defragment files under dir/, be verbose and wait until all blocks are flushed before processing
       next file. You can note slower progress of the output and lower IO load (proportional to currently
       defragmented file).

       $ btrfs filesystem defrag -v -r -f -clzo dir/

       Recusively defragment files under dir/, be verbose, wait until all blocks are flushed and force file

       $ btrfs filesystem defrag -v -r -t 64M dir/

       Recusively defragment files under dir/, be verbose and try to merge extents to be about 64MiB. As stated
       above, the success rate depends on actual free space fragmentation and the final result is not guaranteed to
       meet the target even if run repeatedly.

       $ btrfs filesystem resize -1G /path

       $ btrfs filesystem resize 1:-1G /path

       Shrink size of the filesystem’s device id 1 by 1GiB. The first syntax expects a device with id 1 to exist,
       otherwise fails. The second is equivalent and more explicit. For a single-device filesystem it’s typically not
       necessary to specify the devid though.

       $ btrfs filesystem resize max /path

       $ btrfs filesystem resize 1:max /path

       Let’s assume that devid 1 exists, the filesystem does not occupy the whole block device, eg. it has been
       enlarged and we wan the grow the filesystem. Simply using max as size we will achieve that.

           There are two ways to minimize the filesystem on a given device. The btrfs inspect-internal min-dev-size
           command, or iteratively shrink in steps.

       btrfs filesystem returns a zero exit status if it succeeds. Non zero is returned in case of failure.

       btrfs is part of btrfs-progs. Please refer to the btrfs wiki for further details.