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NM-SETTINGS(5)                                      Configuration                                      NM-SETTINGS(5)

       nm-settings - Description of settings and properties of NetworkManager connection profiles

       NetworkManager is based on a concept of connection profiles, sometimes referred to as connections only. These
       connection profiles contain a network configuration. When NetworkManager activates a connection profile on a
       network device the configuration will be applied and an active network connection will be established. Users
       are free to create as many connection profiles as they see fit. Thus they are flexible in having various
       network configurations for different networking needs. The connection profiles are handled by NetworkManager
       via settings service and are exported on D-Bus (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/<num> objects). The
       conceptual objects can be described as follows:

       Connection (profile)
           A specific, encapsulated, independent group of settings describing all the configuration required to
           connect to a specific network. It is referred to by a unique identifier called the UUID. A connection is
           tied to a one specific device type, but not necessarily a specific hardware device. It is composed of one
           or more Settings objects.

           A group of related key/value pairs describing a specific piece of a Connection (profile). Settings keys
           and allowed values are described in the tables below. Keys are also referred to as properties. Developers
           can find the setting objects and their properties in the libnm-util sources. Look for the class_init
           functions near the bottom of each setting source file.

       The settings and properties shown in tables below list all available connection configuration options.
       However, note that not all settings are applicable to all connection types. NetworkManager provides a
       command-line tool nmcli that allows direct configuration of the settings and properties according to a
       connection profile type.  nmcli connection editor has also a built-in describe command that can display
       description of particular settings and properties of this page.

       Table 1. 802-1x setting
       │Key Name                          │ Value Type           │ Default Value │ Value Description                          │
       │altsubject-matches                │ array of string      │ []            │ List of strings to be                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ matched against the                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ altSubjectName of the                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ certificate presented                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ by the authentication                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ server. If the list is                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ empty, no verification                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ of the server                              │
       │                                  │                      │               │ certificate's                              │
       │                                  │                      │               │ altSubjectName is                          │
       │                                  │                      │               │ performed.                                 │
       │anonymous-identity                │ string               │               │ Anonymous identity                         │
       │                                  │                      │               │ string for EAP                             │
       │                                  │                      │               │ authentication methods.                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ Used as the unencrypted                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ identity with EAP types                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ that support different                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ tunneled identity like                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ EAP-TTLS.                                  │
       │ca-cert                           │ byte array           │               │ Contains the CA                            │
       │                                  │                      │               │ should be set to the                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ certificate's DER                          │
       │                                  │                      │               │ encoded data. When                         │
       │                                  │                      │               │ using the path scheme,                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ this property should be                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ set to the full UTF-8                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ encoded path of the                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ certificate, prefixed                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ with the string                            │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "file://" and ending                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ with a terminating NUL                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ byte. This property can                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ be unset even if the                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ EAP method supports CA                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ certificates, but this                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ allows                                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ man-in-the-middle                          │
       │                                  │                      │               │ attacks and is NOT                         │
       │                                  │                      │               │ recommended.                               │
       │ca-path                           │ string               │               │ UTF-8 encoded path to a                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ directory containing                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ PEM or DER formatted                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ certificates to be                         │
       │                                  │                      │               │ added to the                               │
       │                                  │                      │               │ verification chain in                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ addition to the                            │
       │                                  │                      │               │ certificate specified                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ in the "ca-cert"                           │
       │                                  │                      │               │ property.                                  │
       │client-cert                       │ byte array           │               │ Contains the client                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ certificate if used by                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ the EAP method                             │
       │                                  │                      │               │ specified in the "eap"                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ property. Certificate                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ data is specified using                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ a "scheme"; two are                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ currently supported:                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ blob and path. When                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ using the blob scheme                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ (which is backwards                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ compatible with NM                         │
       │                                  │                      │               │ 0.7.x) this property                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ should be set to the                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ certificate's DER                          │
       │                                  │                      │               │ encoded data. When                         │
       │                                  │                      │               │ using the path scheme,                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ this property should be                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ set to the full UTF-8                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ encoded path of the                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ certificate, prefixed                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ with the string                            │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "file://" and ending                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ dNSName is found, this                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ constraint is met.  If                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ no dNSName values are                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ present, this                              │
       │                                  │                      │               │ constraint is matched                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ against SubjectName CN                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ using same suffix match                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ comparison.                                │
       │eap                               │ array of string      │ []            │ The allowed EAP method                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ to be used when                            │
       │                                  │                      │               │ authenticating to the                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ network with 802.1x.                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ Valid methods are:                         │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "leap", "md5", "tls",                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "peap", "ttls", "pwd",                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ and "fast".  Each                          │
       │                                  │                      │               │ method requires                            │
       │                                  │                      │               │ different configuration                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ using the properties of                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ this setting; refer to                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ wpa_supplicant                             │
       │                                  │                      │               │ documentation for the                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ allowed combinations.                      │
       │identity                          │ string               │               │ Identity string for EAP                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ authentication methods.                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ Often the user's user                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ or login name.                             │
       │name                              │ string               │ 802-1x        │ The setting's name,                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ which uniquely                             │
       │                                  │                      │               │ identifies the setting                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ within the connection.                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ Each setting type has a                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ name unique to that                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ type, for example "ppp"                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ or "wireless" or                           │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "wired".                                   │
       │pac-file                          │ string               │               │ UTF-8 encoded file path                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ containing PAC for                         │
       │                                  │                      │               │ EAP-FAST.                                  │
       │password                          │ string               │               │ UTF-8 encoded password                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ used for EAP                               │
       │                                  │                      │               │ authentication methods.                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ If both the "password"                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ property and the                           │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "password-raw" property                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ are specified,                             │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "password" is                              │
       │                                  │                      │               │ preferred.                                 │
       │                                  │                      │               │ UTF-8 to be used. If                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ both the "password"                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ property and the                           │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "password-raw" property                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ are specified,                             │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "password" is                              │
       │                                  │                      │               │ preferred.                                 │
       │password-raw-flags                │ NMSettingSecretFlags │               │ Flags indicating how to                    │
       │                                  │ (uint32)             │               │ handle the                                 │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "password-raw"                             │
       │                                  │                      │               │ property. (see the                         │
       │                                  │                      │               │ section called “Secret                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ flag types:” for flag                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ values)                                    │
       │phase1-fast-provisioning          │ string               │               │ Enables or disables                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ in-line provisioning of                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ EAP-FAST credentials                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ when FAST is specified                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ as the EAP method in                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ the "eap" property.                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ Recognized values are                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "0" (disabled), "1"                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ (allow unauthenticated                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ provisioning), "2"                         │
       │                                  │                      │               │ (allow authenticated                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ provisioning), and "3"                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ (allow both                                │
       │                                  │                      │               │ authenticated and                          │
       │                                  │                      │               │ unauthenticated                            │
       │                                  │                      │               │ provisioning).  See the                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ wpa_supplicant                             │
       │                                  │                      │               │ documentation for more                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ details.                                   │
       │phase1-peaplabel                  │ string               │               │ Forces use of the new                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ PEAP label during key                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ derivation.  Some                          │
       │                                  │                      │               │ RADIUS servers may                         │
       │                                  │                      │               │ require forcing the new                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ PEAP label to                              │
       │                                  │                      │               │ interoperate with                          │
       │                                  │                      │               │ PEAPv1.  Set to "1" to                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ force use of the new                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ PEAP label.  See the                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ wpa_supplicant                             │
       │                                  │                      │               │ documentation for more                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ details.                                   │
       │phase1-peapver                    │ string               │               │ Forces which PEAP                          │
       │                                  │                      │               │ version is used when                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ PEAP is set as the EAP                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ method in the "eap"                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ force that specific                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ PEAP version.                              │
       │phase2-altsubject-matches         │ array of string      │ []            │ List of strings to be                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ matched against the                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ altSubjectName of the                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ certificate presented                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ by the authentication                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ server during the inner                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "phase 2"                                  │
       │                                  │                      │               │ authentication. If the                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ list is empty, no                          │
       │                                  │                      │               │ verification of the                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ server certificate's                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ altSubjectName is                          │
       │                                  │                      │               │ performed.                                 │
       │phase2-auth                       │ string               │               │ Specifies the allowed                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "phase 2" inner non-EAP                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ authentication methods                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ when an EAP method that                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ uses an inner TLS                          │
       │                                  │                      │               │ tunnel is specified in                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ the "eap" property.                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ Recognized non-EAP                         │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "phase 2" methods are                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "pap", "chap",                             │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "mschap", "mschapv2",                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "gtc", "otp", "md5",                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ and "tls". Each "phase                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ 2" inner method                            │
       │                                  │                      │               │ requires specific                          │
       │                                  │                      │               │ parameters for                             │
       │                                  │                      │               │ successful                                 │
       │                                  │                      │               │ authentication; see the                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ wpa_supplicant                             │
       │                                  │                      │               │ documentation for more                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ details.                                   │
       │phase2-autheap                    │ string               │               │ Specifies the allowed                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "phase 2" inner                            │
       │                                  │                      │               │ EAP-based                                  │
       │                                  │                      │               │ authentication methods                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ when an EAP method that                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ uses an inner TLS                          │
       │                                  │                      │               │ tunnel is specified in                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ the "eap" property.                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ Recognized EAP-based                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "phase 2" methods are                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "md5", "mschapv2",                         │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "otp", "gtc", and                          │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "tls". Each "phase 2"                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ inner method requires                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ specific parameters for                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ properties. Certificate                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ data is specified using                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ a "scheme"; two are                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ currently supported:                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ blob and path. When                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ using the blob scheme                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ (which is backwards                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ compatible with NM                         │
       │                                  │                      │               │ 0.7.x) this property                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ should be set to the                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ certificate's DER                          │
       │                                  │                      │               │ encoded data. When                         │
       │                                  │                      │               │ using the path scheme,                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ this property should be                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ set to the full UTF-8                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ encoded path of the                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ certificate, prefixed                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ with the string                            │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "file://" and ending                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ with a terminating NUL                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ byte. This property can                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ be unset even if the                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ EAP method supports CA                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ certificates, but this                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ allows                                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ man-in-the-middle                          │
       │                                  │                      │               │ attacks and is NOT                         │
       │                                  │                      │               │ recommended.                               │
       │phase2-ca-path                    │ string               │               │ UTF-8 encoded path to a                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ directory containing                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ PEM or DER formatted                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ certificates to be                         │
       │                                  │                      │               │ added to the                               │
       │                                  │                      │               │ verification chain in                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ addition to the                            │
       │                                  │                      │               │ certificate specified                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ in the "phase2-ca-cert"                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ property.                                  │
       │phase2-client-cert                │ byte array           │               │ Contains the "phase 2"                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ client certificate if                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ used by the EAP method                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ specified in the                           │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "phase2-auth" or                           │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "phase2-autheap"                           │
       │                                  │                      │               │ properties. Certificate                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ data is specified using                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ a "scheme"; two are                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ currently supported:                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ blob and path. When                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ using the blob scheme                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ (which is backwards                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ compatible with NM                         │
       │                                  │                      │               │ byte. This property can                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ be unset even if the                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ EAP method supports CA                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ certificates, but this                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ allows                                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ man-in-the-middle                          │
       │                                  │                      │               │ attacks and is NOT                         │
       │                                  │                      │               │ recommended.                               │
       │phase2-domain-suffix-match        │ string               │               │ Constraint for server                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ domain name. If set,                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ this FQDN is used as a                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ suffix match                               │
       │                                  │                      │               │ requirement for dNSName                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ element(s) of the                          │
       │                                  │                      │               │ certificate presented                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ by the authentication                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ server during the inner                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "phase 2"                                  │
       │                                  │                      │               │ authentication.  If a                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ matching dNSName is                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ found, this constraint                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ is met.  If no dNSName                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ values are present,                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ this constraint is                         │
       │                                  │                      │               │ matched against                            │
       │                                  │                      │               │ SubjectName CN using                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ same suffix match                          │
       │                                  │                      │               │ comparison.                                │
       │phase2-private-key                │ byte array           │               │ Contains the "phase 2"                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ inner private key when                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ the "phase2-auth" or                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "phase2-autheap"                           │
       │                                  │                      │               │ property is set to                         │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "tls". Key data is                         │
       │                                  │                      │               │ specified using a                          │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "scheme"; two are                          │
       │                                  │                      │               │ currently supported:                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ blob and path. When                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ using the blob scheme                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ and private keys, this                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ property should be set                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ to the key's encrypted                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ PEM encoded data. When                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ using private keys with                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ the path scheme, this                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ property should be set                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ to the full UTF-8                          │
       │                                  │                      │               │ encoded path of the                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ key, prefixed with the                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ string "file://" and                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ ending with a                              │
       │                                  │                      │               │ terminating NUL byte.                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ files and the path                         │
       │                                  │                      │               │ scheme, this property                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ should be set to the                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ full UTF-8 encoded path                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ of the key, prefixed                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ with the string                            │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "file://" and and                          │
       │                                  │                      │               │ ending with a                              │
       │                                  │                      │               │ terminating NUL byte,                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ and as with the blob                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ scheme the                                 │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "phase2-private-key-password"              │
       │                                  │                      │               │ property must be set to                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ the password used to                       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ decode the PKCS#12                         │
       │                                  │                      │               │ private key and                            │
       │                                  │                      │               │ certificate.                               │
       │phase2-private-key-password       │ string               │               │ The password used to decrypt               │
       │                                  │                      │               │ the "phase 2" private key                  │
       │                                  │                      │               │ specified in the                           │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "phase2-private-key" property              │
       │                                  │                      │               │ when the private key either                │
       │                                  │                      │               │ uses the path scheme, or is a              │
       │                                  │                      │               │ PKCS#12 format key.                        │
       │phase2-private-key-password-flags │ NMSettingSecretFlags │               │ Flags indicating how to                    │
       │                                  │ (uint32)             │               │ handle the                                 │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "phase2-private-key-password"              │
       │                                  │                      │               │ property. (see the section                 │
       │                                  │                      │               │ called “Secret flag types:”                │
       │                                  │                      │               │ for flag values)                           │
       │phase2-subject-match              │ string               │               │ Substring to be matched                    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ against the subject of the                 │
       │                                  │                      │               │ certificate presented by the               │
       │                                  │                      │               │ authentication server during               │
       │                                  │                      │               │ the inner "phase 2"                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ authentication. When unset,                │
       │                                  │                      │               │ no verification of the                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ authentication server                      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ certificate's subject is                   │
       │                                  │                      │               │ performed.  This property                  │
       │                                  │                      │               │ provides little security, if               │
       │                                  │                      │               │ any, and its use is                        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ deprecated in favor of                     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ NMSetting8021x:phase2-domain-suffix-match. │
       │pin                               │ string               │               │ PIN used for EAP authentication methods.   │
       │pin-flags                         │ NMSettingSecretFlags │               │ Flags indicating how to handle the "pin"   │
       │                                  │ (uint32)             │               │ property. (see the section called “Secret  │
       │                                  │                      │               │ flag types:” for flag values)              │
       │                                  │                      │               │ format private keys and the blob scheme,   │
       │                                  │                      │               │ this property should be set to the PKCS#12 │
       │                                  │                      │               │ data and the "private-key-password"        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ property must be set to password used to   │
       │                                  │                      │               │ decrypt the PKCS#12 certificate and key.   │
       │                                  │                      │               │ When using PKCS#12 files and the path      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ scheme, this property should be set to the │
       │                                  │                      │               │ full UTF-8 encoded path of the key,        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ prefixed with the string "file://" and and │
       │                                  │                      │               │ ending with a terminating NUL byte, and as │
       │                                  │                      │               │ with the blob scheme the                   │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "private-key-password" property must be    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ set to the password used to decode the     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ PKCS#12 private key and certificate.       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ WARNING: "private-key" is not a "secret"   │
       │                                  │                      │               │ property, and thus unencrypted private key │
       │                                  │                      │               │ data using the BLOB scheme may be readable │
       │                                  │                      │               │ by unprivileged users.  Private keys       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ should always be encrypted with a private  │
       │                                  │                      │               │ key password to prevent unauthorized       │
       │                                  │                      │               │ access to unencrypted private key data.    │
       │private-key-password              │ string               │               │ The password used to decrypt the private   │
       │                                  │                      │               │ key specified in the "private-key"         │
       │                                  │                      │               │ property when the private key either uses  │
       │                                  │                      │               │ the path scheme, or if the private key is  │
       │                                  │                      │               │ a PKCS#12 format key.                      │
       │private-key-password-flags        │ NMSettingSecretFlags │               │ Flags indicating how to handle the         │
       │                                  │ (uint32)             │               │ "private-key-password" property. (see the  │
       │                                  │                      │               │ section called “Secret flag types:” for    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ flag values)                               │
       │subject-match                     │ string               │               │ Substring to be matched against the        │
       │                                  │                      │               │ subject of the certificate presented by    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ the authentication server. When unset, no  │
       │                                  │                      │               │ verification of the authentication server  │
       │                                  │                      │               │ certificate's subject is performed.  This  │
       │                                  │                      │               │ property provides little security, if any, │
       │                                  │                      │               │ and its use is deprecated in favor of      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ NMSetting8021x:domain-suffix-match.        │
       │system-ca-certs                   │ boolean              │ FALSE         │ When TRUE, overrides the "ca-path" and     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ "phase2-ca-path" properties using the      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ system CA directory specified at configure │
       │                                  │                      │               │ time with the --system-ca-path switch.     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ The certificates in this directory are     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ added to the verification chain in         │
       │                                  │                      │               │ addition to any certificates specified by  │
       │                                  │                      │               │ the "ca-cert" and "phase2-ca-cert"         │
       │                                  │                      │               │ properties. If the path provided with      │
       │                                  │                      │               │ --system-ca-path is rather a file name     │
       │                                  │                      │               │ (bundle of trusted CA certificates), it    │
       │                                  │                      │               │ overrides "ca-cert" and "phase2-ca-cert"   │
       │name           │ string               │ adsl          │ The setting's name,     │
       │               │                      │               │ which uniquely          │
       │               │                      │               │ identifies the setting  │
       │               │                      │               │ within the connection.  │
       │               │                      │               │ Each setting type has a │
       │               │                      │               │ name unique to that     │
       │               │                      │               │ type, for example "ppp" │
       │               │                      │               │ or "wireless" or        │
       │               │                      │               │ "wired".                │
       │password       │ string               │               │ Password used to        │
       │               │                      │               │ authenticate with the   │
       │               │                      │               │ ADSL service.           │
       │password-flags │ NMSettingSecretFlags │               │ Flags indicating how to │
       │               │ (uint32)             │               │ handle the "password"   │
       │               │                      │               │ property. (see the      │
       │               │                      │               │ section called “Secret  │
       │               │                      │               │ flag types:” for flag   │
       │               │                      │               │ values)                 │
       │protocol       │ string               │               │ ADSL connection         │
       │               │                      │               │ protocol.  Can be       │
       │               │                      │               │ "pppoa", "pppoe" or     │
       │               │                      │               │ "ipoatm".               │
       │username       │ string               │               │ Username used to        │
       │               │                      │               │ authenticate with the   │
       │               │                      │               │ ADSL service.           │
       │vci            │ uint32               │ 0             │ VCI of ADSL connection  │
       │vpi            │ uint32               │ 0             │ VPI of ADSL connection  │

       Table 3. bluetooth setting
       │Key Name │ Value Type │ Default Value │ Value Description       │
       │bdaddr   │ byte array │               │ The Bluetooth address   │
       │         │            │               │ of the device.          │
       │name     │ string     │ bluetooth     │ The setting's name,     │
       │         │            │               │ which uniquely          │
       │         │            │               │ identifies the setting  │
       │         │            │               │ within the connection.  │
       │         │            │               │ Each setting type has a │
       │         │            │               │ name unique to that     │
       │         │            │               │ type, for example "ppp" │
       │         │            │               │ or "wireless" or        │
       │         │            │               │ "wired".                │
       │type     │ string     │               │ Either "dun" for        │
       │         │            │               │ Dial-Up Networking      │
       │               │                   │                        │ connection.interface-name, │
       │               │                   │                        │ but can be used for        │
       │               │                   │                        │ backward-compatibility     │
       │               │                   │                        │ with older daemons, to     │
       │               │                   │                        │ set the bond's             │
       │               │                   │                        │ interface name.            │
       │name           │ string            │ bond                   │ The setting's name, which  │
       │               │                   │                        │ uniquely identifies the    │
       │               │                   │                        │ setting within the         │
       │               │                   │                        │ connection.  Each setting  │
       │               │                   │                        │ type has a name unique to  │
       │               │                   │                        │ that type, for example     │
       │               │                   │                        │ "ppp" or "wireless" or     │
       │               │                   │                        │ "wired".                   │
       │options        │ dict of string to │ {'mode': 'balance-rr'} │ Dictionary of key/value    │
       │               │ string            │                        │ pairs of bonding options.  │
       │               │                   │                        │ Both keys and values must  │
       │               │                   │                        │ be strings. Option names   │
       │               │                   │                        │ must contain only          │
       │               │                   │                        │ alphanumeric characters    │
       │               │                   │                        │ (ie, [a-zA-Z0-9]).         │

       Table 5. bridge setting
       │Key Name           │ Value Type │ Default Value │ Value Description          │
       │ageing-time        │ uint32     │ 300           │ The Ethernet MAC           │
       │                   │            │               │ address aging time, in     │
       │                   │            │               │ seconds.                   │
       │forward-delay      │ uint32     │ 15            │ The Spanning Tree          │
       │                   │            │               │ Protocol (STP)             │
       │                   │            │               │ forwarding delay, in       │
       │                   │            │               │ seconds.                   │
       │hello-time         │ uint32     │ 2             │ The Spanning Tree          │
       │                   │            │               │ Protocol (STP) hello       │
       │                   │            │               │ time, in seconds.          │
       │interface-name     │ string     │               │ Deprecated in favor of     │
       │                   │            │               │ connection.interface-name, │
       │                   │            │               │ but can be used for        │
       │                   │            │               │ backward-compatibility     │
       │                   │            │               │ with older daemons, to     │
       │                   │            │               │ set the bridge's           │
       │                   │            │               │ interface name.            │
       │mac-address        │ byte array │               │ If specified, the MAC      │
       │                   │            │               │ address of bridge. When    │
       │                   │            │               │ creating a new bridge,     │
       │                   │            │               │ this MAC address will be   │
       │                   │            │               │ this bridge. Note that if  │
       │                   │            │               │ snooping was automatically │
       │                   │            │               │ disabled due to hash       │
       │                   │            │               │ collisions, the system may │
       │                   │            │               │ refuse to enable the       │
       │                   │            │               │ feature until the          │
       │                   │            │               │ collisions are resolved.   │
       │name               │ string     │ bridge        │ The setting's name, which  │
       │                   │            │               │ uniquely identifies the    │
       │                   │            │               │ setting within the         │
       │                   │            │               │ connection.  Each setting  │
       │                   │            │               │ type has a name unique to  │
       │                   │            │               │ that type, for example     │
       │                   │            │               │ "ppp" or "wireless" or     │
       │                   │            │               │ "wired".                   │
       │priority           │ uint32     │ 32768         │ Sets the Spanning Tree     │
       │                   │            │               │ Protocol (STP) priority    │
       │                   │            │               │ for this bridge.  Lower    │
       │                   │            │               │ values are "better"; the   │
       │                   │            │               │ lowest priority bridge     │
       │                   │            │               │ will be elected the root   │
       │                   │            │               │ bridge.                    │
       │stp                │ boolean    │ TRUE          │ Controls whether Spanning  │
       │                   │            │               │ Tree Protocol (STP) is     │
       │                   │            │               │ enabled for this bridge.   │

       Table 6. bridge-port setting
       │Key Name     │ Value Type │ Default Value │ Value Description       │
       │hairpin-mode │ boolean    │ FALSE         │ Enables or disabled     │
       │             │            │               │ "hairpin mode" for the  │
       │             │            │               │ port, which allows      │
       │             │            │               │ frames to be sent back  │
       │             │            │               │ out through the port    │
       │             │            │               │ the frame was received  │
       │             │            │               │ on.                     │
       │name         │ string     │ bridge-port   │ The setting's name,     │
       │             │            │               │ which uniquely          │
       │             │            │               │ identifies the setting  │
       │             │            │               │ within the connection.  │
       │             │            │               │ Each setting type has a │
       │             │            │               │ name unique to that     │
       │             │            │               │ type, for example "ppp" │
       │             │            │               │ or "wireless" or        │
       │             │            │               │ "wired".                │
       │path-cost    │ uint32     │ 100           │ The Spanning Tree       │
       │             │            │               │ Protocol (STP) port     │
       │name           │ string               │ cdma          │ The setting's name,     │
       │               │                      │               │ which uniquely          │
       │               │                      │               │ identifies the setting  │
       │               │                      │               │ within the connection.  │
       │               │                      │               │ Each setting type has a │
       │               │                      │               │ name unique to that     │
       │               │                      │               │ type, for example "ppp" │
       │               │                      │               │ or "wireless" or        │
       │               │                      │               │ "wired".                │
       │number         │ string               │               │ The number to dial to   │
       │               │                      │               │ establish the           │
       │               │                      │               │ connection to the       │
       │               │                      │               │ CDMA-based mobile       │
       │               │                      │               │ broadband network, if   │
       │               │                      │               │ any.  If not specified, │
       │               │                      │               │ the default number      │
       │               │                      │               │ (#777) is used when     │
       │               │                      │               │ required.               │
       │password       │ string               │               │ The password used to    │
       │               │                      │               │ authenticate with the   │
       │               │                      │               │ network, if required.   │
       │               │                      │               │ Many providers do not   │
       │               │                      │               │ require a password, or  │
       │               │                      │               │ accept any password.    │
       │               │                      │               │ But if a password is    │
       │               │                      │               │ required, it is         │
       │               │                      │               │ specified here.         │
       │password-flags │ NMSettingSecretFlags │               │ Flags indicating how to │
       │               │ (uint32)             │               │ handle the "password"   │
       │               │                      │               │ property. (see the      │
       │               │                      │               │ section called “Secret  │
       │               │                      │               │ flag types:” for flag   │
       │               │                      │               │ values)                 │
       │username       │ string               │               │ The username used to    │
       │               │                      │               │ authenticate with the   │
       │               │                      │               │ network, if required.   │
       │               │                      │               │ Many providers do not   │
       │               │                      │               │ require a username, or  │
       │               │                      │               │ accept any username.    │
       │               │                      │               │ But if a username is    │
       │               │                      │               │ required, it is         │
       │               │                      │               │ specified here.         │

       Table 8. connection setting
       │Key Name             │ Value Type                           │ Default Value │ Value Description                      │
       │autoconnect          │ boolean                              │ TRUE          │ Whether or not the                     │
       │                     │                                      │               │ connection should be                   │
       │autoconnect-priority │ int32                                │ 0             │ The autoconnect                        │
       │                     │                                      │               │ priority. If the                       │
       │                     │                                      │               │ connection is set to                   │
       │                     │                                      │               │ autoconnect,                           │
       │                     │                                      │               │ connections with higher                │
       │                     │                                      │               │ priority will be                       │
       │                     │                                      │               │ preferred. Defaults to                 │
       │                     │                                      │               │ 0. The higher number                   │
       │                     │                                      │               │ means higher priority.                 │
       │autoconnect-slaves   │ NMSettingConnectionAutoconnectSlaves │               │ Whether or not slaves                  │
       │                     │ (int32)                              │               │ of this connection                     │
       │                     │                                      │               │ should be automatically                │
       │                     │                                      │               │ brought up when                        │
       │                     │                                      │               │ NetworkManager                         │
       │                     │                                      │               │ activates this                         │
       │                     │                                      │               │ connection. This only                  │
       │                     │                                      │               │ has a real effect for                  │
       │                     │                                      │               │ master connections. The                │
       │                     │                                      │               │ permitted values are:                  │
       │                     │                                      │               │ 0: leave slave                         │
       │                     │                                      │               │ connections untouched,                 │
       │                     │                                      │               │ 1: activate all the                    │
       │                     │                                      │               │ slave connections with                 │
       │                     │                                      │               │ this connection, -1:                   │
       │                     │                                      │               │ default. If -1                         │
       │                     │                                      │               │ (default) is set,                      │
       │                     │                                      │               │ global                                 │
       │                     │                                      │               │ connection.autoconnect-slaves          │
       │                     │                                      │               │ is read to determine                   │
       │                     │                                      │               │ the real value. If it                  │
       │                     │                                      │               │ is default as well,                    │
       │                     │                                      │               │ this fallbacks to 0.                   │
       │gateway-ping-timeout │ uint32                               │ 0             │ If greater than zero, delay            │
       │                     │                                      │               │ success of IP addressing               │
       │                     │                                      │               │ until either the timeout is            │
       │                     │                                      │               │ reached, or an IP gateway              │
       │                     │                                      │               │ replies to a ping.                     │
       │id                   │ string                               │               │ A human readable unique                │
       │                     │                                      │               │ identifier for the                     │
       │                     │                                      │               │ connection, like "Work Wi-Fi"          │
       │                     │                                      │               │ or "T-Mobile 3G".                      │
       │interface-name       │ string                               │               │ The name of the network                │
       │                     │                                      │               │ interface this connection is           │
       │                     │                                      │               │ bound to. If not set, then             │
       │                     │                                      │               │ the connection can be                  │
       │                     │                                      │               │ attached to any interface of           │
       │                     │                                      │               │ the appropriate type (subject          │
       │                     │                                      │               │ to restrictions imposed by             │
       │                     │                                      │               │ other settings). For software          │
       │                     │                                      │               │ devices this specifies the             │
       │                     │                                      │               │ be applied to the wrong                │
       │                     │                                      │               │ interface.                             │
       │lldp                 │ int32                                │ -1            │ Whether LLDP is enabled for            │
       │                     │                                      │               │ the connection.                        │
       │master               │ string                               │               │ Interface name of the master           │
       │                     │                                      │               │ device or UUID of the master           │
       │                     │                                      │               │ connection.                            │
       │metered              │ NMMetered (int32)                    │               │ Whether the connection is              │
       │                     │                                      │               │ metered. When updating this            │
       │                     │                                      │               │ property on a currently                │
       │                     │                                      │               │ activated connection, the              │
       │                     │                                      │               │ change takes effect                    │
       │                     │                                      │               │ immediately.                           │
       │name                 │ string                               │ connection    │ The setting's name, which              │
       │                     │                                      │               │ uniquely identifies the                │
       │                     │                                      │               │ setting within the                     │
       │                     │                                      │               │ connection.  Each setting              │
       │                     │                                      │               │ type has a name unique to              │
       │                     │                                      │               │ that type, for example "ppp"           │
       │                     │                                      │               │ or "wireless" or "wired".              │
       │permissions          │ array of string                      │ []            │ An array of strings defining           │
       │                     │                                      │               │ what access a given user has           │
       │                     │                                      │               │ to this connection.  If this           │
       │                     │                                      │               │ is NULL or empty, all users            │
       │                     │                                      │               │ are allowed to access this             │
       │                     │                                      │               │ connection.  Otherwise a user          │
       │                     │                                      │               │ is allowed to access this              │
       │                     │                                      │               │ connection if and only if              │
       │                     │                                      │               │ they are in this list. Each            │
       │                     │                                      │               │ entry is of the form                   │
       │                     │                                      │               │ "[type]:[id]:[reserved]"; for          │
       │                     │                                      │               │ example, "user:dcbw:blah". At          │
       │                     │                                      │               │ this time only the "user"              │
       │                     │                                      │               │ [type] is allowed.  Any other          │
       │                     │                                      │               │ values are ignored and                 │
       │                     │                                      │               │ reserved for future use.               │
       │                     │                                      │               │ [id] is the username that              │
       │                     │                                      │               │ this permission refers to,             │
       │                     │                                      │               │ which may not contain the ":"          │
       │                     │                                      │               │ character. Any [reserved]              │
       │                     │                                      │               │ information present must be            │
       │                     │                                      │               │ ignored and is reserved for            │
       │                     │                                      │               │ future use.  All of [type],            │
       │                     │                                      │               │ [id], and [reserved] must be           │
       │                     │                                      │               │ valid UTF-8.                           │
       │read-only            │ boolean                              │ FALSE         │ FALSE if the connection can            │
       │                     │                                      │               │ be modified using the                  │
       │                     │                                      │               │ provided settings service's            │
       │                     │                                      │               │ type of this slave's master            │
       │                     │                                      │               │ connection (eg, "bond"), or            │
       │                     │                                      │               │ NULL if this connection is             │
       │                     │                                      │               │ not a slave.                           │
       │stable-id            │ string                               │               │ This token to generate stable          │
       │                     │                                      │               │ IDs for the connection. If             │
       │                     │                                      │               │ unset, the UUID will be used           │
       │                     │                                      │               │ instead. The stable-id is              │
       │                     │                                      │               │ used instead of the                    │
       │                     │                                      │               │ connection UUID for                    │
       │                     │                                      │               │ generating IPv6 stable                 │
       │                     │                                      │               │ private addresses with                 │
       │                     │                                      │               │ ipv6.addr-gen-mode=stable-privacy.     │
       │                     │                                      │               │ It is also used to seed the            │
       │                     │                                      │               │ generated cloned MAC address           │
       │                     │                                      │               │ for                                    │
       │                     │                                      │               │ ethernet.cloned-mac-address=stable     │
       │                     │                                      │               │ and                                    │
       │                     │                                      │               │ wifi.cloned-mac-address=stable.        │
       │timestamp            │ uint64                               │ 0             │ The time, in seconds since the         │
       │                     │                                      │               │ Unix Epoch, that the connection        │
       │                     │                                      │               │ was last _successfully_ fully          │
       │                     │                                      │               │ activated. NetworkManager updates      │
       │                     │                                      │               │ the connection timestamp               │
       │                     │                                      │               │ periodically when the connection       │
       │                     │                                      │               │ is active to ensure that an active     │
       │                     │                                      │               │ connection has the latest              │
       │                     │                                      │               │ timestamp. The property is only        │
       │                     │                                      │               │ meant for reading (changes to this     │
       │                     │                                      │               │ property will not be preserved).       │
       │type                 │ string                               │               │ Base type of the connection. For       │
       │                     │                                      │               │ hardware-dependent connections,        │
       │                     │                                      │               │ should contain the setting name of     │
       │                     │                                      │               │ the hardware-type specific setting     │
       │                     │                                      │               │ (ie, "802-3-ethernet" or               │
       │                     │                                      │               │ "802-11-wireless" or "bluetooth",      │
       │                     │                                      │               │ etc), and for non-hardware             │
       │                     │                                      │               │ dependent connections like VPN or      │
       │                     │                                      │               │ otherwise, should contain the          │
       │                     │                                      │               │ setting name of that setting type      │
       │                     │                                      │               │ (ie, "vpn" or "bridge", etc).          │
       │uuid                 │ string                               │               │ A universally unique identifier        │
       │                     │                                      │               │ for the connection, for example        │
       │                     │                                      │               │ generated with libuuid.  It should     │
       │                     │                                      │               │ be assigned when the connection is     │
       │                     │                                      │               │ created, and never changed as long     │
       │                     │                                      │               │ as the connection still applies to     │
       │                     │                                      │               │ the same network.  For example, it     │
       │                     │                                      │               │ should not be changed when the         │
       │                     │                                      │               │ "id" property or                       │
       │                     │                                      │               │ example "Home", "Work", "Public").     │
       │                     │                                      │               │ NULL or unspecified zone means the     │
       │                     │                                      │               │ connection will be placed in the       │
       │                     │                                      │               │ default zone as defined by the         │
       │                     │                                      │               │ firewall. When updating this property  │
       │                     │                                      │               │ on a currently activated connection,   │
       │                     │                                      │               │ the change takes effect immediately.   │

       Table 9. dcb setting
       │Key Name                    │ Value Type        │ Default Value         │ Value Description             │
       │app-fcoe-flags              │ NMSettingDcbFlags │                       │ Specifies the                 │
       │                            │ (uint32)          │                       │ NMSettingDcbFlags for         │
       │                            │                   │                       │ the DCB FCoE                  │
       │                            │                   │                       │ application.  Flags may       │
       │                            │                   │                       │ be any combination of         │
       │                            │                   │                       │ NM_SETTING_DCB_FLAG_ENABLE    │
       │                            │                   │                       │ (0x1),                        │
       │                            │                   │                       │ NM_SETTING_DCB_FLAG_ADVERTISE │
       │                            │                   │                       │ (0x2), and                    │
       │                            │                   │                       │ NM_SETTING_DCB_FLAG_WILLING   │
       │                            │                   │                       │ (0x4).                        │
       │app-fcoe-mode               │ string            │ "fabric"              │ The FCoE controller mode;     │
       │                            │                   │                       │ either "fabric" (default) or  │
       │                            │                   │                       │ "vn2vn".                      │
       │app-fcoe-priority           │ int32             │ -1                    │ The highest User Priority (0  │
       │                            │                   │                       │ - 7) which FCoE frames should │
       │                            │                   │                       │ use, or -1 for default        │
       │                            │                   │                       │ priority.  Only used when the │
       │                            │                   │                       │ "app-fcoe-flags" property     │
       │                            │                   │                       │ includes the                  │
       │                            │                   │                       │ NM_SETTING_DCB_FLAG_ENABLE    │
       │                            │                   │                       │ (0x1) flag.                   │
       │app-fip-flags               │ NMSettingDcbFlags │                       │ Specifies the                 │
       │                            │ (uint32)          │                       │ NMSettingDcbFlags for the DCB │
       │                            │                   │                       │ FIP application.  Flags may   │
       │                            │                   │                       │ be any combination of         │
       │                            │                   │                       │ NM_SETTING_DCB_FLAG_ENABLE    │
       │                            │                   │                       │ (0x1),                        │
       │                            │                   │                       │ NM_SETTING_DCB_FLAG_ADVERTISE │
       │                            │                   │                       │ (0x2), and                    │
       │                            │                   │                       │ NM_SETTING_DCB_FLAG_WILLING   │
       │                            │                   │                       │ (0x4).                        │
       │app-fip-priority            │ int32             │ -1                    │ The highest User Priority (0  │
       │                            │                   │                       │ - 7) which FIP frames should  │
       │                            │                   │                       │ use, or -1 for default        │
       │                            │                   │                       │ priority.  Only used when the │
       │                            │                   │                       │ "app-fip-flags" property      │
       │                            │                   │                       │ NM_SETTING_DCB_FLAG_WILLING   │
       │                            │                   │                       │ (0x4).                        │
       │app-iscsi-priority          │ int32             │ -1                    │ The highest User Priority (0  │
       │                            │                   │                       │ - 7) which iSCSI frames       │
       │                            │                   │                       │ should use, or -1 for default │
       │                            │                   │                       │ priority. Only used when the  │
       │                            │                   │                       │ "app-iscsi-flags" property    │
       │                            │                   │                       │ includes the                  │
       │                            │                   │                       │ NM_SETTING_DCB_FLAG_ENABLE    │
       │                            │                   │                       │ (0x1) flag.                   │
       │name                        │ string            │ dcb                   │ The setting's name, which     │
       │                            │                   │                       │ uniquely identifies the       │
       │                            │                   │                       │ setting within the            │
       │                            │                   │                       │ connection.  Each setting     │
       │                            │                   │                       │ type has a name unique to     │
       │                            │                   │                       │ that type, for example "ppp"  │
       │                            │                   │                       │ or "wireless" or "wired".     │
       │priority-bandwidth          │ array of uint32   │ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, │ An array of 8 uint values,    │
       │                            │                   │ 0]                    │ where the array index         │
       │                            │                   │                       │ corresponds to the User       │
       │                            │                   │                       │ Priority (0 - 7) and the      │
       │                            │                   │                       │ value indicates the           │
       │                            │                   │                       │ percentage of bandwidth of    │
       │                            │                   │                       │ the priority's assigned group │
       │                            │                   │                       │ that the priority may use.    │
       │                            │                   │                       │ The sum of all percentages    │
       │                            │                   │                       │ for priorities which belong   │
       │                            │                   │                       │ to the same group must total  │
       │                            │                   │                       │ 100 percent.                  │
       │priority-flow-control       │ array of uint32   │ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, │ An array of 8 boolean values, │
       │                            │                   │ 0]                    │ where the array index         │
       │                            │                   │                       │ corresponds to the User       │
       │                            │                   │                       │ Priority (0 - 7) and the      │
       │                            │                   │                       │ value indicates whether or    │
       │                            │                   │                       │ not the corresponding         │
       │                            │                   │                       │ priority should transmit      │
       │                            │                   │                       │ priority pause.               │
       │priority-flow-control-flags │ NMSettingDcbFlags │                       │ Specifies the                 │
       │                            │ (uint32)          │                       │ NMSettingDcbFlags for DCB     │
       │                            │                   │                       │ Priority Flow Control (PFC).  │
       │                            │                   │                       │ Flags may be any combination  │
       │                            │                   │                       │ of NM_SETTING_DCB_FLAG_ENABLE │
       │                            │                   │                       │ (0x1),                        │
       │                            │                   │                       │ NM_SETTING_DCB_FLAG_ADVERTISE │
       │                            │                   │                       │ (0x2), and                    │
       │                            │                   │                       │ NM_SETTING_DCB_FLAG_WILLING   │
       │                            │                   │                       │ (0x4).                        │
       │priority-group-bandwidth    │ array of uint32   │ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, │ An array of 8 uint values,    │
       │                            │                   │                       │ Priority Groups.  Flags may   │
       │                            │                   │                       │ be any combination of         │
       │                            │                   │                       │ NM_SETTING_DCB_FLAG_ENABLE    │
       │                            │                   │                       │ (0x1),                        │
       │                            │                   │                       │ NM_SETTING_DCB_FLAG_ADVERTISE │
       │                            │                   │                       │ (0x2), and                    │
       │                            │                   │                       │ NM_SETTING_DCB_FLAG_WILLING   │
       │                            │                   │                       │ (0x4).                        │
       │priority-group-id           │ array of uint32   │ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, │ An array of 8 uint values,    │
       │                            │                   │ 0]                    │ where the array index         │
       │                            │                   │                       │ corresponds to the User       │
       │                            │                   │                       │ Priority (0 - 7) and the      │
       │                            │                   │                       │ value indicates the Priority  │
       │                            │                   │                       │ Group ID.  Allowed Priority   │
       │                            │                   │                       │ Group ID values are 0 - 7 or  │
       │                            │                   │                       │ 15 for the unrestricted       │
       │                            │                   │                       │ group.                        │
       │priority-strict-bandwidth   │ array of uint32   │ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, │ An array of 8 boolean values, │
       │                            │                   │ 0]                    │ where the array index         │
       │                            │                   │                       │ corresponds to the User       │
       │                            │                   │                       │ Priority (0 - 7) and the      │
       │                            │                   │                       │ value indicates whether or    │
       │                            │                   │                       │ not the priority may use all  │
       │                            │                   │                       │ of the bandwidth allocated to │
       │                            │                   │                       │ its assigned group.           │
       │priority-traffic-class      │ array of uint32   │ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, │ An array of 8 uint values,    │
       │                            │                   │ 0]                    │ where the array index         │
       │                            │                   │                       │ corresponds to the User       │
       │                            │                   │                       │ Priority (0 - 7) and the      │
       │                            │                   │                       │ value indicates the traffic   │
       │                            │                   │                       │ class (0 - 7) to which the    │
       │                            │                   │                       │ priority is mapped.           │

       Table 10. generic setting
       │Key Name │ Value Type │ Default Value │ Value Description       │
       │name     │ string     │ generic       │ The setting's name,     │
       │         │            │               │ which uniquely          │
       │         │            │               │ identifies the setting  │
       │         │            │               │ within the connection.  │
       │         │            │               │ Each setting type has a │
       │         │            │               │ name unique to that     │
       │         │            │               │ type, for example "ppp" │
       │         │            │               │ or "wireless" or        │
       │         │            │               │ "wired".                │

       Table 11. gsm setting
       │                │                      │               │ access to the Internet  │
       │                │                      │               │ or just a               │
       │                │                      │               │ provider-specific       │
       │                │                      │               │ walled-garden, so it is │
       │                │                      │               │ important to use the    │
       │                │                      │               │ correct APN for the     │
       │                │                      │               │ user's mobile broadband │
       │                │                      │               │ plan. The APN may only  │
       │                │                      │               │ be composed of the      │
       │                │                      │               │ characters a-z, 0-9, ., │
       │                │                      │               │ and - per GSM 03.60     │
       │                │                      │               │ Section 14.9.           │
       │device-id       │ string               │               │ The device unique       │
       │                │                      │               │ identifier (as given by │
       │                │                      │               │ the WWAN management     │
       │                │                      │               │ service) which this     │
       │                │                      │               │ connection applies to.  │
       │                │                      │               │ If given, the           │
       │                │                      │               │ connection will only    │
       │                │                      │               │ apply to the specified  │
       │                │                      │               │ device.                 │
       │home-only       │ boolean              │ FALSE         │ When TRUE, only         │
       │                │                      │               │ connections to the home │
       │                │                      │               │ network will be         │
       │                │                      │               │ allowed. Connections to │
       │                │                      │               │ roaming networks will   │
       │                │                      │               │ not be made.            │
       │name            │ string               │ gsm           │ The setting's name,     │
       │                │                      │               │ which uniquely          │
       │                │                      │               │ identifies the setting  │
       │                │                      │               │ within the connection.  │
       │                │                      │               │ Each setting type has a │
       │                │                      │               │ name unique to that     │
       │                │                      │               │ type, for example "ppp" │
       │                │                      │               │ or "wireless" or        │
       │                │                      │               │ "wired".                │
       │network-id      │ string               │               │ The Network ID (GSM LAI │
       │                │                      │               │ format, ie MCC-MNC) to  │
       │                │                      │               │ force specific network  │
       │                │                      │               │ registration.  If the   │
       │                │                      │               │ Network ID is           │
       │                │                      │               │ specified,              │
       │                │                      │               │ NetworkManager will     │
       │                │                      │               │ attempt to force the    │
       │                │                      │               │ device to register only │
       │                │                      │               │ on the specified        │
       │                │                      │               │ network. This can be    │
       │                │                      │               │ used to ensure that the │
       │                │                      │               │ device does not roam    │
       │                │                      │               │ when direct roaming     │
       │                │                      │               │ mobile network and thus │
       │                │                      │               │ this property should be │
       │                │                      │               │ left blank, which       │
       │                │                      │               │ allows NetworkManager   │
       │                │                      │               │ to select the           │
       │                │                      │               │ appropriate settings    │
       │                │                      │               │ automatically.          │
       │password        │ string               │               │ The password used to    │
       │                │                      │               │ authenticate with the   │
       │                │                      │               │ network, if required.   │
       │                │                      │               │ Many providers do not   │
       │                │                      │               │ require a password, or  │
       │                │                      │               │ accept any password.    │
       │                │                      │               │ But if a password is    │
       │                │                      │               │ required, it is         │
       │                │                      │               │ specified here.         │
       │password-flags  │ NMSettingSecretFlags │               │ Flags indicating how to │
       │                │ (uint32)             │               │ handle the "password"   │
       │                │                      │               │ property. (see the      │
       │                │                      │               │ section called “Secret  │
       │                │                      │               │ flag types:” for flag   │
       │                │                      │               │ values)                 │
       │pin             │ string               │               │ If the SIM is locked    │
       │                │                      │               │ with a PIN it must be   │
       │                │                      │               │ unlocked before any     │
       │                │                      │               │ other operations are    │
       │                │                      │               │ requested.  Specify the │
       │                │                      │               │ PIN here to allow       │
       │                │                      │               │ operation of the        │
       │                │                      │               │ device.                 │
       │pin-flags       │ NMSettingSecretFlags │               │ Flags indicating how to │
       │                │ (uint32)             │               │ handle the "pin"        │
       │                │                      │               │ property. (see the      │
       │                │                      │               │ section called “Secret  │
       │                │                      │               │ flag types:” for flag   │
       │                │                      │               │ values)                 │
       │sim-id          │ string               │               │ The SIM card unique     │
       │                │                      │               │ identifier (as given by │
       │                │                      │               │ the WWAN management     │
       │                │                      │               │ service) which this     │
       │                │                      │               │ connection applies to.  │
       │                │                      │               │ If given, the           │
       │                │                      │               │ connection will apply   │
       │                │                      │               │ to any device also      │
       │                │                      │               │ allowed by "device-id"  │
       │                │                      │               │ which contains a SIM    │
       │                │                      │               │ card matching the given │
       │                │                      │               │ identifier.             │
       │                │                      │               │ provisioined by the     │
       │                │                      │               │ given operator.         │
       │username        │ string               │               │ The username used to    │
       │                │                      │               │ authenticate with the   │
       │                │                      │               │ network, if required.   │
       │                │                      │               │ Many providers do not   │
       │                │                      │               │ require a username, or  │
       │                │                      │               │ accept any username.    │
       │                │                      │               │ But if a username is    │
       │                │                      │               │ required, it is         │
       │                │                      │               │ specified here.         │

       Table 12. infiniband setting
       │Key Name       │ Value Type │ Default Value │ Value Description       │
       │mac-address    │ byte array │               │ If specified, this      │
       │               │            │               │ connection will only    │
       │               │            │               │ apply to the IPoIB      │
       │               │            │               │ device whose permanent  │
       │               │            │               │ MAC address matches.    │
       │               │            │               │ This property does not  │
       │               │            │               │ change the MAC address  │
       │               │            │               │ of the device (i.e. MAC │
       │               │            │               │ spoofing).              │
       │mtu            │ uint32     │ 0             │ If non-zero, only       │
       │               │            │               │ transmit packets of the │
       │               │            │               │ specified size or       │
       │               │            │               │ smaller, breaking       │
       │               │            │               │ larger packets up into  │
       │               │            │               │ multiple frames.        │
       │name           │ string     │ infiniband    │ The setting's name,     │
       │               │            │               │ which uniquely          │
       │               │            │               │ identifies the setting  │
       │               │            │               │ within the connection.  │
       │               │            │               │ Each setting type has a │
       │               │            │               │ name unique to that     │
       │               │            │               │ type, for example "ppp" │
       │               │            │               │ or "wireless" or        │
       │               │            │               │ "wired".                │
       │p-key          │ int32      │ -1            │ The InfiniBand P_Key to │
       │               │            │               │ use for this device. A  │
       │               │            │               │ value of -1 means to    │
       │               │            │               │ use the default P_Key   │
       │               │            │               │ (aka "the P_Key at      │
       │               │            │               │ index 0").  Otherwise   │
       │               │            │               │ it is a 16-bit unsigned │
       │               │            │               │ integer, whose high bit │
       │               │            │               │ is set if it is a "full │
       │transport-mode │ string     │               │ The IP-over-InfiniBand  │
       │               │            │               │ transport mode. Either  │
       │               │            │               │ "datagram" or           │
       │               │            │               │ "connected".            │

       Table 13. ipv4 setting
       │Key Name           │ Value Type        │ Default Value │ Value Description       │
       │address-data       │ array of vardict  │               │ Array of IPv4           │
       │                   │                   │               │ addresses. Each address │
       │                   │                   │               │ dictionary contains at  │
       │                   │                   │               │ least 'address' and     │
       │                   │                   │               │ 'prefix' entries,       │
       │                   │                   │               │ containing the IP       │
       │                   │                   │               │ address as a string,    │
       │                   │                   │               │ and the prefix length   │
       │                   │                   │               │ as a uint32. Additional │
       │                   │                   │               │ attributes may also     │
       │                   │                   │               │ exist on some           │
       │                   │                   │               │ addresses.              │
       │addresses          │ array of array of │ []            │ Deprecated in favor of  │
       │                   │ uint32            │               │ the 'address-data' and  │
       │                   │                   │               │ 'gateway' properties,   │
       │                   │                   │               │ but this can be used    │
       │                   │                   │               │ for                     │
       │                   │                   │               │ backward-compatibility  │
       │                   │                   │               │ with older daemons.     │
       │                   │                   │               │ Note that if you send   │
       │                   │                   │               │ this property the       │
       │                   │                   │               │ daemon will ignore      │
       │                   │                   │               │ 'address-data' and      │
       │                   │                   │               │ 'gateway'.  Array of    │
       │                   │                   │               │ IPv4 address            │
       │                   │                   │               │ structures.  Each IPv4  │
       │                   │                   │               │ address structure is    │
       │                   │                   │               │ composed of 3 32-bit    │
       │                   │                   │               │ values; the first being │
       │                   │                   │               │ the IPv4 address        │
       │                   │                   │               │ (network byte order),   │
       │                   │                   │               │ the second the prefix   │
       │                   │                   │               │ (1 - 32), and last the  │
       │                   │                   │               │ IPv4 gateway (network   │
       │                   │                   │               │ byte order). The        │
       │                   │                   │               │ gateway may be left as  │
       │                   │                   │               │ 0 if no gateway exists  │
       │                   │                   │               │ for that subnet.        │
       │dad-timeout        │ int32             │ -1            │ Timeout in milliseconds │
       │                   │                   │               │ used to check for the   │
       │                   │                   │               │ presence of duplicate   │
       │                   │                   │               │ A value greater than    │
       │                   │                   │               │ zero is a timeout in    │
       │                   │                   │               │ milliseconds.           │
       │dhcp-client-id     │ string            │               │ A string sent to the    │
       │                   │                   │               │ DHCP server to identify │
       │                   │                   │               │ the local machine which │
       │                   │                   │               │ the DHCP server may use │
       │                   │                   │               │ to customize the DHCP   │
       │                   │                   │               │ lease and options.      │
       │dhcp-fqdn          │ string            │               │ If the                  │
       │                   │                   │               │ "dhcp-send-hostname"    │
       │                   │                   │               │ property is TRUE, then  │
       │                   │                   │               │ the specified FQDN will │
       │                   │                   │               │ be sent to the DHCP     │
       │                   │                   │               │ server when acquiring a │
       │                   │                   │               │ lease. This property    │
       │                   │                   │               │ and "dhcp-hostname" are │
       │                   │                   │               │ mutually exclusive and  │
       │                   │                   │               │ cannot be set at the    │
       │                   │                   │               │ same time.              │
       │dhcp-hostname      │ string            │               │ If the                  │
       │                   │                   │               │ "dhcp-send-hostname"    │
       │                   │                   │               │ property is TRUE, then  │
       │                   │                   │               │ the specified name will │
       │                   │                   │               │ be sent to the DHCP     │
       │                   │                   │               │ server when acquiring a │
       │                   │                   │               │ lease. This property    │
       │                   │                   │               │ and "dhcp-fqdn" are     │
       │                   │                   │               │ mutually exclusive and  │
       │                   │                   │               │ cannot be set at the    │
       │                   │                   │               │ same time.              │
       │dhcp-send-hostname │ boolean           │ TRUE          │ If TRUE, a hostname is  │
       │                   │                   │               │ sent to the DHCP server │
       │                   │                   │               │ when acquiring a lease. │
       │                   │                   │               │ Some DHCP servers use   │
       │                   │                   │               │ this hostname to update │
       │                   │                   │               │ DNS databases,          │
       │                   │                   │               │ essentially providing a │
       │                   │                   │               │ static hostname for the │
       │                   │                   │               │ computer.  If the       │
       │                   │                   │               │ "dhcp-hostname"         │
       │                   │                   │               │ property is NULL and    │
       │                   │                   │               │ this property is TRUE,  │
       │                   │                   │               │ the current persistent  │
       │                   │                   │               │ hostname of the         │
       │                   │                   │               │ computer is sent.       │
       │dhcp-timeout       │ int32             │ 0             │ A timeout for a DHCP    │
       │                   │                   │               │ transaction in seconds. │
       │                   │                   │               │ is distinct from an     │
       │                   │                   │               │ empty list of           │
       │                   │                   │               │ properties.             │
       │dns-priority       │ int32             │ 0             │ DNS priority. The       │
       │                   │                   │               │ relative priority to be │
       │                   │                   │               │ used when determining   │
       │                   │                   │               │ the order of DNS        │
       │                   │                   │               │ servers in resolv.conf. │
       │                   │                   │               │ A lower value means     │
       │                   │                   │               │ that servers will be on │
       │                   │                   │               │ top of the file.  Zero  │
       │                   │                   │               │ selects the default     │
       │                   │                   │               │ value, which is 50 for  │
       │                   │                   │               │ VPNs and 100 for other  │
       │                   │                   │               │ connections.  When      │
       │                   │                   │               │ multiple devices have   │
       │                   │                   │               │ configurations with the │
       │                   │                   │               │ same priority, the one  │
       │                   │                   │               │ with an active default  │
       │                   │                   │               │ route will be           │
       │                   │                   │               │ preferred.  Note that   │
       │                   │                   │               │ when using dns=dnsmasq  │
       │                   │                   │               │ the order is            │
       │                   │                   │               │ meaningless since       │
       │                   │                   │               │ dnsmasq forwards        │
       │                   │                   │               │ queries to all known    │
       │                   │                   │               │ servers at the same     │
       │                   │                   │               │ time. Negative values   │
       │                   │                   │               │ have the special effect │
       │                   │                   │               │ of excluding other      │
       │                   │                   │               │ configurations with a   │
       │                   │                   │               │ greater priority value; │
       │                   │                   │               │ so in presence of at    │
       │                   │                   │               │ least a negative        │
       │                   │                   │               │ priority, only DNS      │
       │                   │                   │               │ servers from            │
       │                   │                   │               │ configurations with the │
       │                   │                   │               │ lowest priority value   │
       │                   │                   │               │ will be used.           │
       │dns-search         │ array of string   │ []            │ Array of DNS search     │
       │                   │                   │               │ domains.                │
       │gateway            │ string            │               │ The gateway associated  │
       │                   │                   │               │ with this               │
       │                   │                   │               │ configuration. This is  │
       │                   │                   │               │ only meaningful if      │
       │                   │                   │               │ "addresses" is also     │
       │                   │                   │               │ set.                    │
       │ignore-auto-dns    │ boolean           │ FALSE         │ When "method" is set to │
       │                   │                   │               │ "auto" and this         │
       │                   │                   │               │ property to TRUE,       │
       │                   │                   │               │ "auto" and this         │
       │                   │                   │               │ property to TRUE,       │
       │                   │                   │               │ automatically           │
       │                   │                   │               │ configured routes are   │
       │                   │                   │               │ ignored and only routes │
       │                   │                   │               │ specified in the        │
       │                   │                   │               │ "routes" property, if   │
       │                   │                   │               │ any, are used.          │
       │may-fail           │ boolean           │ TRUE          │ If TRUE, allow overall  │
       │                   │                   │               │ network configuration   │
       │                   │                   │               │ to proceed even if the  │
       │                   │                   │               │ configuration specified │
       │                   │                   │               │ by this property times  │
       │                   │                   │               │ out.  Note that at      │
       │                   │                   │               │ least one IP            │
       │                   │                   │               │ configuration must      │
       │                   │                   │               │ succeed or overall      │
       │                   │                   │               │ network configuration   │
       │                   │                   │               │ will still fail.  For   │
       │                   │                   │               │ example, in IPv6-only   │
       │                   │                   │               │ networks, setting this  │
       │                   │                   │               │ property to TRUE on the │
       │                   │                   │               │ NMSettingIP4Config      │
       │                   │                   │               │ allows the overall      │
       │                   │                   │               │ network configuration   │
       │                   │                   │               │ to succeed if IPv4      │
       │                   │                   │               │ configuration fails but │
       │                   │                   │               │ IPv6 configuration      │
       │                   │                   │               │ completes successfully. │
       │method             │ string            │               │ IP configuration        │
       │                   │                   │               │ method.                 │
       │                   │                   │               │ NMSettingIP4Config and  │
       │                   │                   │               │ NMSettingIP6Config both │
       │                   │                   │               │ support "auto",         │
       │                   │                   │               │ "manual", and           │
       │                   │                   │               │ "link-local". See the   │
       │                   │                   │               │ subclass-specific       │
       │                   │                   │               │ documentation for other │
       │                   │                   │               │ values. In general, for │
       │                   │                   │               │ the "auto" method,      │
       │                   │                   │               │ properties such as      │
       │                   │                   │               │ "dns" and "routes"      │
       │                   │                   │               │ specify information     │
       │                   │                   │               │ that is added on to the │
       │                   │                   │               │ information returned    │
       │                   │                   │               │ from automatic          │
       │                   │                   │               │ configuration.  The     │
       │                   │                   │               │ "ignore-auto-routes"    │
       │                   │                   │               │ and "ignore-auto-dns"   │
       │                   │                   │               │ properties modify this  │
       │                   │                   │               │ behavior. For methods   │
       │                   │                   │               │ that imply no upstream  │
       │                   │                   │               │ which uniquely          │
       │                   │                   │               │ identifies the setting  │
       │                   │                   │               │ within the connection.  │
       │                   │                   │               │ Each setting type has a │
       │                   │                   │               │ name unique to that     │
       │                   │                   │               │ type, for example "ppp" │
       │                   │                   │               │ or "wireless" or        │
       │                   │                   │               │ "wired".                │
       │never-default      │ boolean           │ FALSE         │ If TRUE, this           │
       │                   │                   │               │ connection will never   │
       │                   │                   │               │ be the default          │
       │                   │                   │               │ connection for this IP  │
       │                   │                   │               │ type, meaning it will   │
       │                   │                   │               │ never be assigned the   │
       │                   │                   │               │ default route by        │
       │                   │                   │               │ NetworkManager.         │
       │route-data         │ array of vardict  │               │ Array of IPv4 routes.   │
       │                   │                   │               │ Each route dictionary   │
       │                   │                   │               │ contains at least       │
       │                   │                   │               │ 'dest' and 'prefix'     │
       │                   │                   │               │ entries, containing the │
       │                   │                   │               │ destination IP address  │
       │                   │                   │               │ as a string, and the    │
       │                   │                   │               │ prefix length as a      │
       │                   │                   │               │ uint32. Most routes     │
       │                   │                   │               │ will also have a        │
       │                   │                   │               │ 'gateway' entry,        │
       │                   │                   │               │ containing the gateway  │
       │                   │                   │               │ IP address as a string. │
       │                   │                   │               │ If the route has a      │
       │                   │                   │               │ 'metric' entry          │
       │                   │                   │               │ (containing a uint32),  │
       │                   │                   │               │ that will be used as    │
       │                   │                   │               │ the metric for the      │
       │                   │                   │               │ route (otherwise NM     │
       │                   │                   │               │ will pick a default     │
       │                   │                   │               │ value appropriate to    │
       │                   │                   │               │ the device). Additional │
       │                   │                   │               │ attributes may also     │
       │                   │                   │               │ exist on some routes.   │
       │route-metric       │ int64             │ -1            │ The default metric for  │
       │                   │                   │               │ routes that don't       │
       │                   │                   │               │ explicitly specify a    │
       │                   │                   │               │ metric. The default     │
       │                   │                   │               │ value -1 means that the │
       │                   │                   │               │ metric is choosen       │
       │                   │                   │               │ automatically based on  │
       │                   │                   │               │ the device type. The    │
       │                   │                   │               │ metric applies to       │
       │                   │                   │               │ dynamic routes, manual  │
       │                   │                   │               │ (static) routes that    │
       │                   │                   │               │ a regular value for the │
       │                   │                   │               │ metric.                 │
       │routes             │ array of array of │ []            │ Deprecated in favor of  │
       │                   │ uint32            │               │ the 'route-data'        │
       │                   │                   │               │ property, but this can  │
       │                   │                   │               │ be used for             │
       │                   │                   │               │ backward-compatibility  │
       │                   │                   │               │ with older daemons.     │
       │                   │                   │               │ Note that if you send   │
       │                   │                   │               │ this property the       │
       │                   │                   │               │ daemon will ignore      │
       │                   │                   │               │ 'route-data'.  Array of │
       │                   │                   │               │ IPv4 route structures.  │
       │                   │                   │               │ Each IPv4 route         │
       │                   │                   │               │ structure is composed   │
       │                   │                   │               │ of 4 32-bit values; the │
       │                   │                   │               │ first being the         │
       │                   │                   │               │ destination IPv4        │
       │                   │                   │               │ network or address      │
       │                   │                   │               │ (network byte order),   │
       │                   │                   │               │ the second the          │
       │                   │                   │               │ destination network or  │
       │                   │                   │               │ address prefix (1 -     │
       │                   │                   │               │ 32), the third being    │
       │                   │                   │               │ the next-hop (network   │
       │                   │                   │               │ byte order) if any, and │
       │                   │                   │               │ the fourth being the    │
       │                   │                   │               │ route metric. If the    │
       │                   │                   │               │ metric is 0, NM will    │
       │                   │                   │               │ choose an appropriate   │
       │                   │                   │               │ default metric for the  │
       │                   │                   │               │ device. (There is no    │
       │                   │                   │               │ way to explicitly       │
       │                   │                   │               │ specify an actual       │
       │                   │                   │               │ metric of 0 with this   │
       │                   │                   │               │ property.)              │

       Table 14. ipv6 setting
       │Key Name           │ Value Type                │ Default Value │ Value Description                               │
       │addr-gen-mode      │ int32                     │ 1             │ Configure method for                            │
       │                   │                           │               │ creating the address                            │
       │                   │                           │               │ for use with RFC4862                            │
       │                   │                           │               │ IPv6 Stateless Address                          │
       │                   │                           │               │ Autoconfiguration. The                          │
       │                   │                           │               │ permitted values are:                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ "eui64", or                                     │
       │                   │                           │               │ "stable-privacy". If                            │
       │                   │                           │               │ the property is set to                          │
       │                   │                           │               │ "eui64", the addresses                          │
       │                   │                           │               │ will be generated using                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ of "stable-privacy"                             │
       │                   │                           │               │ enables use of                                  │
       │                   │                           │               │ cryptographically                               │
       │                   │                           │               │ secure hash of a secret                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ host-specific key along                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ with the connection                             │
       │                   │                           │               │ identification and the                          │
       │                   │                           │               │ network address as                              │
       │                   │                           │               │ specified by RFC7217.                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ This makes it                                   │
       │                   │                           │               │ impossible to use the                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ address track host's                            │
       │                   │                           │               │ presence, and makes the                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ address stable when the                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ network interface                               │
       │                   │                           │               │ hardware is replaced.                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ On D-Bus, the absence                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ of an addr-gen-mode                             │
       │                   │                           │               │ setting equals enabling                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ "stable-privacy". For                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ keyfile plugin, the                             │
       │                   │                           │               │ absence of the setting                          │
       │                   │                           │               │ on disk means "eui64"                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ so that the property                            │
       │                   │                           │               │ doesn't change on                               │
       │                   │                           │               │ upgrade from older                              │
       │                   │                           │               │ versions. Note that                             │
       │                   │                           │               │ this setting is                                 │
       │                   │                           │               │ distinct from the                               │
       │                   │                           │               │ Privacy Extensions as                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ configured by                                   │
       │                   │                           │               │ "ip6-privacy" property                          │
       │                   │                           │               │ and it does not affect                          │
       │                   │                           │               │ the temporary addresses                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ configured with this                            │
       │                   │                           │               │ option.                                         │
       │address-data       │ array of vardict          │               │ Array of IPv6                                   │
       │                   │                           │               │ addresses. Each address                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ dictionary contains at                          │
       │                   │                           │               │ least 'address' and                             │
       │                   │                           │               │ 'prefix' entries,                               │
       │                   │                           │               │ containing the IP                               │
       │                   │                           │               │ address as a string,                            │
       │                   │                           │               │ and the prefix length                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ as a uint32. Additional                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ attributes may also                             │
       │                   │                           │               │ exist on some                                   │
       │                   │                           │               │ addresses.                                      │
       │addresses          │ array of legacy IPv6      │ []            │ Deprecated in favor of                          │
       │                   │ address struct            │               │ the 'address-data' and                          │
       │                   │ (a(ayuay))                │               │ 'gateway' properties,                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ but this can be used                            │
       │                   │                           │               │ address, a prefix                               │
       │                   │                           │               │ length (1 - 128), and                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ an IPv6 gateway                                 │
       │                   │                           │               │ address. The gateway                            │
       │                   │                           │               │ may be zeroed out if no                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ gateway exists for that                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ subnet.                                         │
       │dad-timeout        │ int32                     │ -1            │ Timeout in milliseconds                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ used to check for the                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ presence of duplicate                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ IP addresses on the                             │
       │                   │                           │               │ network.  If an address                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ conflict is detected,                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ the activation will                             │
       │                   │                           │               │ fail.  A zero value                             │
       │                   │                           │               │ means that no duplicate                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ address detection is                            │
       │                   │                           │               │ performed, -1 means the                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ default value (either                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ configuration                                   │
       │                   │                           │               │                                │
       │                   │                           │               │ override or 3 seconds).                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ A value greater than                            │
       │                   │                           │               │ zero is a timeout in                            │
       │                   │                           │               │ milliseconds.                                   │
       │dhcp-hostname      │ string                    │               │ If the                                          │
       │                   │                           │               │ "dhcp-send-hostname"                            │
       │                   │                           │               │ property is TRUE, then                          │
       │                   │                           │               │ the specified name will                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ be sent to the DHCP                             │
       │                   │                           │               │ server when acquiring a                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ lease. This property                            │
       │                   │                           │               │ and "dhcp-fqdn" are                             │
       │                   │                           │               │ mutually exclusive and                          │
       │                   │                           │               │ cannot be set at the                            │
       │                   │                           │               │ same time.                                      │
       │dhcp-send-hostname │ boolean                   │ TRUE          │ If TRUE, a hostname is                          │
       │                   │                           │               │ sent to the DHCP server                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ when acquiring a lease.                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ Some DHCP servers use                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ this hostname to update                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ DNS databases,                                  │
       │                   │                           │               │ essentially providing a                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ static hostname for the                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ computer.  If the                               │
       │                   │                           │               │ "dhcp-hostname"                                 │
       │                   │                           │               │ property is NULL and                            │
       │                   │                           │               │ this property is TRUE,                          │
       │                   │                           │               │ the current persistent                          │
       │                   │                           │               │ hostname of the                                 │
       │                   │                           │               │ computer is sent.                               │
       │                   │                           │               │ this case                                       │
       │                   │                           │               │ NetworkManager will use                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ default options. This                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ is distinct from an                             │
       │                   │                           │               │ empty list of                                   │
       │                   │                           │               │ properties.                                     │
       │dns-priority       │ int32                     │ 0             │ DNS priority. The                               │
       │                   │                           │               │ relative priority to be                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ used when determining                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ the order of DNS                                │
       │                   │                           │               │ servers in resolv.conf.                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ A lower value means                             │
       │                   │                           │               │ that servers will be on                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ top of the file.  Zero                          │
       │                   │                           │               │ selects the default                             │
       │                   │                           │               │ value, which is 50 for                          │
       │                   │                           │               │ VPNs and 100 for other                          │
       │                   │                           │               │ connections.  When                              │
       │                   │                           │               │ multiple devices have                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ configurations with the                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ same priority, the one                          │
       │                   │                           │               │ with an active default                          │
       │                   │                           │               │ route will be                                   │
       │                   │                           │               │ preferred.  Note that                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ when using dns=dnsmasq                          │
       │                   │                           │               │ the order is                                    │
       │                   │                           │               │ meaningless since                               │
       │                   │                           │               │ dnsmasq forwards                                │
       │                   │                           │               │ queries to all known                            │
       │                   │                           │               │ servers at the same                             │
       │                   │                           │               │ time. Negative values                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ have the special effect                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ of excluding other                              │
       │                   │                           │               │ configurations with a                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ greater priority value;                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ so in presence of at                            │
       │                   │                           │               │ least a negative                                │
       │                   │                           │               │ priority, only DNS                              │
       │                   │                           │               │ servers from                                    │
       │                   │                           │               │ configurations with the                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ lowest priority value                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ will be used.                                   │
       │dns-search         │ array of string           │ []            │ Array of DNS search                             │
       │                   │                           │               │ domains.                                        │
       │gateway            │ string                    │               │ The gateway associated                          │
       │                   │                           │               │ with this                                       │
       │                   │                           │               │ configuration. This is                          │
       │                   │                           │               │ only meaningful if                              │
       │                   │                           │               │ "addresses" is also                             │
       │                   │                           │               │ set.                                            │
       │                   │                           │               │ used.                                           │
       │ignore-auto-routes │ boolean                   │ FALSE         │ When "method" is set to                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ "auto" and this                                 │
       │                   │                           │               │ property to TRUE,                               │
       │                   │                           │               │ automatically                                   │
       │                   │                           │               │ configured routes are                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ ignored and only routes                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ specified in the                                │
       │                   │                           │               │ "routes" property, if                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ any, are used.                                  │
       │ip6-privacy        │ NMSettingIP6ConfigPrivacy │               │ Configure IPv6 Privacy                          │
       │                   │ (int32)                   │               │ Extensions for SLAAC,                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ described in RFC4941.                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ If enabled, it makes                            │
       │                   │                           │               │ the kernel generate a                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ temporary IPv6 address                          │
       │                   │                           │               │ in addition to the                              │
       │                   │                           │               │ public one generated                            │
       │                   │                           │               │ from MAC address via                            │
       │                   │                           │               │ modified EUI-64.  This                          │
       │                   │                           │               │ enhances privacy, but                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ could cause problems in                         │
       │                   │                           │               │ some applications, on                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ the other hand.  The                            │
       │                   │                           │               │ permitted values are:                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ -1: unknown, 0:                                 │
       │                   │                           │               │ disabled, 1: enabled                            │
       │                   │                           │               │ (prefer public                                  │
       │                   │                           │               │ address), 2: enabled                            │
       │                   │                           │               │ (prefer temporary                               │
       │                   │                           │               │ addresses). Having a                            │
       │                   │                           │               │ per-connection setting                          │
       │                   │                           │               │ set to "-1" (unknown)                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ means fallback to                               │
       │                   │                           │               │ global configuration                            │
       │                   │                           │               │ "ipv6.ip6-privacy". If                          │
       │                   │                           │               │ also global                                     │
       │                   │                           │               │ configuration is                                │
       │                   │                           │               │ unspecified or set to                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ "-1", fallback to read                          │
       │                   │                           │               │ "/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/use_tempaddr". │
       │                   │                           │               │ Note that this setting                          │
       │                   │                           │               │ is distinct from the                            │
       │                   │                           │               │ Stable Privacy                                  │
       │                   │                           │               │ addresses that can be                           │
       │                   │                           │               │ enabled with the                                │
       │                   │                           │               │ "addr-gen-mode"                                 │
       │                   │                           │               │ property's                                      │
       │                   │                           │               │ "stable-privacy"                                │
       │                   │                           │               │ setting as another way                          │
       │                   │                           │               │ of avoiding host                                │
       │                   │                           │               │ tracking with IPv6                              │
       │method             │ string                    │               │ IP configuration method. NMSettingIP4Config and │
       │                   │                           │               │ NMSettingIP6Config both support "auto",         │
       │                   │                           │               │ "manual", and "link-local". See the             │
       │                   │                           │               │ subclass-specific documentation for other       │
       │                   │                           │               │ values. In general, for the "auto" method,      │
       │                   │                           │               │ properties such as "dns" and "routes" specify   │
       │                   │                           │               │ information that is added on to the information │
       │                   │                           │               │ returned from automatic configuration.  The     │
       │                   │                           │               │ "ignore-auto-routes" and "ignore-auto-dns"      │
       │                   │                           │               │ properties modify this behavior. For methods    │
       │                   │                           │               │ that imply no upstream network, such as         │
       │                   │                           │               │ "shared" or "link-local", these properties must │
       │                   │                           │               │ be empty. For IPv4 method "shared", the IP      │
       │                   │                           │               │ subnet can be configured by adding one manual   │
       │                   │                           │               │ IPv4 address or otherwise 10.42.x.0/24 is       │
       │                   │                           │               │ chosen.                                         │
       │name               │ string                    │ ipv6          │ The setting's name, which uniquely identifies   │
       │                   │                           │               │ the setting within the connection.  Each        │
       │                   │                           │               │ setting type has a name unique to that type,    │
       │                   │                           │               │ for example "ppp" or "wireless" or "wired".     │
       │never-default      │ boolean                   │ FALSE         │ If TRUE, this connection will never be the      │
       │                   │                           │               │ default connection for this IP type, meaning it │
       │                   │                           │               │ will never be assigned the default route by     │
       │                   │                           │               │ NetworkManager.                                 │
       │route-data         │ array of vardict          │               │ Array of IPv6 routes. Each route dictionary     │
       │                   │                           │               │ contains at least 'dest' and 'prefix' entries,  │
       │                   │                           │               │ containing the destination IP address as a      │
       │                   │                           │               │ string, and the prefix length as a uint32. Most │
       │                   │                           │               │ routes will also have a 'next-hop' entry,       │
       │                   │                           │               │ containing the next hop IP address as a string. │
       │                   │                           │               │ If the route has a 'metric' entry (containing a │
       │                   │                           │               │ uint32), that will be used as the metric for    │
       │                   │                           │               │ the route (otherwise NM will pick a default     │
       │                   │                           │               │ value appropriate to the device). Additional    │
       │                   │                           │               │ attributes may also exist on some routes.       │
       │route-metric       │ int64                     │ -1            │ The default metric for routes that don't        │
       │                   │                           │               │ explicitly specify a metric. The default value  │
       │                   │                           │               │ -1 means that the metric is choosen             │
       │                   │                           │               │ automatically based on the device type. The     │
       │                   │                           │               │ metric applies to dynamic routes, manual        │
       │                   │                           │               │ (static) routes that don't have an explicit     │
       │                   │                           │               │ metric setting, address prefix routes, and the  │
       │                   │                           │               │ default route. Note that for IPv6, the kernel   │
       │                   │                           │               │ accepts zero (0) but coerces it to 1024 (user   │
       │                   │                           │               │ default). Hence, setting this property to zero  │
       │                   │                           │               │ effectively mean setting it to 1024. For IPv4,  │
       │                   │                           │               │ zero is a regular value for the metric.         │
       │routes             │ array of legacy IPv6      │ []            │ Deprecated in favor of the 'route-data'         │
       │                   │                           │               │ draft-chown-6man-tokenised-ipv6-identifiers-02  │
       │                   │                           │               │ IPv6 tokenized interface identifiers. Useful    │
       │                   │                           │               │ with eui64 addr-gen-mode.                       │

       Table 15. ip-tunnel setting
       │Key Name            │ Value Type │ Default Value │ Value Description       │
       │encapsulation-limit │ uint32     │ 0             │ How many additional     │
       │                    │            │               │ levels of encapsulation │
       │                    │            │               │ are permitted to be     │
       │                    │            │               │ prepended to packets.   │
       │                    │            │               │ This property applies   │
       │                    │            │               │ only to IPv6 tunnels.   │
       │flow-label          │ uint32     │ 0             │ The flow label to       │
       │                    │            │               │ assign to tunnel        │
       │                    │            │               │ packets. This property  │
       │                    │            │               │ applies only to IPv6    │
       │                    │            │               │ tunnels.                │
       │input-key           │ string     │               │ The key used for tunnel │
       │                    │            │               │ input packets; the      │
       │                    │            │               │ property is valid only  │
       │                    │            │               │ for certain tunnel      │
       │                    │            │               │ modes (GRE, IP6GRE). If │
       │                    │            │               │ empty, no key is used.  │
       │local               │ string     │               │ The local endpoint of   │
       │                    │            │               │ the tunnel; the value   │
       │                    │            │               │ can be empty, otherwise │
       │                    │            │               │ it must contain an IPv4 │
       │                    │            │               │ or IPv6 address.        │
       │mode                │ uint32     │ 0             │ The tunneling mode, for │
       │                    │            │               │ example                 │
       │                    │            │               │ NM_IP_TUNNEL_MODE_IPIP  │
       │                    │            │               │ (1) or                  │
       │                    │            │               │ NM_IP_TUNNEL_MODE_GRE   │
       │                    │            │               │ (2).                    │
       │mtu                 │ uint32     │ 0             │ None                    │
       │name                │ string     │ ip-tunnel     │ The setting's name,     │
       │                    │            │               │ which uniquely          │
       │                    │            │               │ identifies the setting  │
       │                    │            │               │ within the connection.  │
       │                    │            │               │ Each setting type has a │
       │                    │            │               │ name unique to that     │
       │                    │            │               │ type, for example "ppp" │
       │                    │            │               │ or "wireless" or        │
       │                    │            │               │ "wired".                │
       │                    │            │               │ that tunneled packets   │
       │                    │            │               │ will only be routed via │
       │                    │            │               │ that interface.         │
       │path-mtu-discovery  │ boolean    │ TRUE          │ Whether to enable Path  │
       │                    │            │               │ MTU Discovery on this   │
       │                    │            │               │ tunnel.                 │
       │remote              │ string     │               │ The remote endpoint of  │
       │                    │            │               │ the tunnel; the value   │
       │                    │            │               │ must contain an IPv4 or │
       │                    │            │               │ IPv6 address.           │
       │tos                 │ uint32     │ 0             │ The type of service     │
       │                    │            │               │ (IPv4) or traffic class │
       │                    │            │               │ (IPv6) field to be set  │
       │                    │            │               │ on tunneled packets.    │
       │ttl                 │ uint32     │ 0             │ The TTL to assign to    │
       │                    │            │               │ tunneled packets. 0 is  │
       │                    │            │               │ a special value meaning │
       │                    │            │               │ that packets inherit    │
       │                    │            │               │ the TTL value.          │

       Table 16. macvlan setting
       │Key Name    │ Value Type │ Default Value │ Value Description       │
       │mode        │ uint32     │ 0             │ The macvlan mode, which │
       │            │            │               │ specifies the           │
       │            │            │               │ communication mechanism │
       │            │            │               │ between multiple        │
       │            │            │               │ macvlans on the same    │
       │            │            │               │ lower device.           │
       │name        │ string     │ macvlan       │ The setting's name,     │
       │            │            │               │ which uniquely          │
       │            │            │               │ identifies the setting  │
       │            │            │               │ within the connection.  │
       │            │            │               │ Each setting type has a │
       │            │            │               │ name unique to that     │
       │            │            │               │ type, for example "ppp" │
       │            │            │               │ or "wireless" or        │
       │            │            │               │ "wired".                │
       │parent      │ string     │               │ If given, specifies the │
       │            │            │               │ parent interface name   │
       │            │            │               │ or parent connection    │
       │            │            │               │ UUID from which this    │
       │            │            │               │ MAC-VLAN interface      │
       │            │            │               │ should be created.  If  │
       │            │            │               │ this property is not    │
       │            │            │               │ specified, the          │

       Table 17. 802-11-olpc-mesh setting
       │Key Name             │ Value Type │ Default Value    │ Value Description       │
       │channel              │ uint32     │ 0                │ Channel on which the    │
       │                     │            │                  │ mesh network to join is │
       │                     │            │                  │ located.                │
       │dhcp-anycast-address │ byte array │                  │ Anycast DHCP MAC        │
       │                     │            │                  │ address used when       │
       │                     │            │                  │ requesting an IP        │
       │                     │            │                  │ address via DHCP. The   │
       │                     │            │                  │ specific anycast        │
       │                     │            │                  │ address used determines │
       │                     │            │                  │ which DHCP server class │
       │                     │            │                  │ answers the request.    │
       │name                 │ string     │ 802-11-olpc-mesh │ The setting's name,     │
       │                     │            │                  │ which uniquely          │
       │                     │            │                  │ identifies the setting  │
       │                     │            │                  │ within the connection.  │
       │                     │            │                  │ Each setting type has a │
       │                     │            │                  │ name unique to that     │
       │                     │            │                  │ type, for example "ppp" │
       │                     │            │                  │ or "wireless" or        │
       │                     │            │                  │ "wired".                │
       │ssid                 │ byte array │                  │ SSID of the mesh        │
       │                     │            │                  │ network to join.        │

       Table 18. ppp setting
       │Key Name          │ Value Type │ Default Value │ Value Description       │
       │baud              │ uint32     │ 0             │ If non-zero, instruct   │
       │                  │            │               │ pppd to set the serial  │
       │                  │            │               │ port to the specified   │
       │                  │            │               │ baudrate.  This value   │
       │                  │            │               │ should normally be left │
       │                  │            │               │ as 0 to automatically   │
       │                  │            │               │ choose the speed.       │
       │crtscts           │ boolean    │ FALSE         │ If TRUE, specify that   │
       │                  │            │               │ pppd should set the     │
       │                  │            │               │ serial port to use      │
       │                  │            │               │ hardware flow control   │
       │                  │            │               │ with RTS and CTS        │
       │                  │            │               │ signals.  This value    │
       │                  │            │               │ should normally be set  │
       │                  │            │               │ to FALSE.               │
       │lcp-echo-failure  │ uint32     │ 0             │ If non-zero, instruct   │
       │lcp-echo-interval │ uint32     │ 0             │ If non-zero, instruct   │
       │                  │            │               │ pppd to send an LCP     │
       │                  │            │               │ echo-request frame to   │
       │                  │            │               │ the peer every n        │
       │                  │            │               │ seconds (where n is the │
       │                  │            │               │ specified value).  Note │
       │                  │            │               │ that some PPP peers     │
       │                  │            │               │ will respond to echo    │
       │                  │            │               │ requests and some will  │
       │                  │            │               │ not, and it is not      │
       │                  │            │               │ possible to autodetect  │
       │                  │            │               │ this.                   │
       │mppe-stateful     │ boolean    │ FALSE         │ If TRUE, stateful MPPE  │
       │                  │            │               │ is used.  See pppd      │
       │                  │            │               │ documentation for more  │
       │                  │            │               │ information on stateful │
       │                  │            │               │ MPPE.                   │
       │mru               │ uint32     │ 0             │ If non-zero, instruct   │
       │                  │            │               │ pppd to request that    │
       │                  │            │               │ the peer send packets   │
       │                  │            │               │ no larger than the      │
       │                  │            │               │ specified size.  If     │
       │                  │            │               │ non-zero, the MRU       │
       │                  │            │               │ should be between 128   │
       │                  │            │               │ and 16384.              │
       │mtu               │ uint32     │ 0             │ If non-zero, instruct   │
       │                  │            │               │ pppd to send packets no │
       │                  │            │               │ larger than the         │
       │                  │            │               │ specified size.         │
       │name              │ string     │ ppp           │ The setting's name,     │
       │                  │            │               │ which uniquely          │
       │                  │            │               │ identifies the setting  │
       │                  │            │               │ within the connection.  │
       │                  │            │               │ Each setting type has a │
       │                  │            │               │ name unique to that     │
       │                  │            │               │ type, for example "ppp" │
       │                  │            │               │ or "wireless" or        │
       │                  │            │               │ "wired".                │
       │no-vj-comp        │ boolean    │ FALSE         │ If TRUE, Van Jacobsen   │
       │                  │            │               │ TCP header compression  │
       │                  │            │               │ will not be requested.  │
       │noauth            │ boolean    │ TRUE          │ If TRUE, do not require │
       │                  │            │               │ the other side (usually │
       │                  │            │               │ the PPP server) to      │
       │                  │            │               │ authenticate itself to  │
       │                  │            │               │ the client.  If FALSE,  │
       │                  │            │               │ require authentication  │
       │                  │            │               │ from the remote side.   │
       │                  │            │               │ authentication method   │
       │                  │            │               │ will not be used.       │
       │refuse-eap        │ boolean    │ FALSE         │ If TRUE, the EAP        │
       │                  │            │               │ authentication method   │
       │                  │            │               │ will not be used.       │
       │refuse-mschap     │ boolean    │ FALSE         │ If TRUE, the MSCHAP     │
       │                  │            │               │ authentication method   │
       │                  │            │               │ will not be used.       │
       │refuse-mschapv2   │ boolean    │ FALSE         │ If TRUE, the MSCHAPv2   │
       │                  │            │               │ authentication method   │
       │                  │            │               │ will not be used.       │
       │refuse-pap        │ boolean    │ FALSE         │ If TRUE, the PAP        │
       │                  │            │               │ authentication method   │
       │                  │            │               │ will not be used.       │
       │require-mppe      │ boolean    │ FALSE         │ If TRUE, MPPE           │
       │                  │            │               │ (Microsoft              │
       │                  │            │               │ Point-to-Point          │
       │                  │            │               │ Encrpytion) will be     │
       │                  │            │               │ required for the PPP    │
       │                  │            │               │ session.  If either     │
       │                  │            │               │ 64-bit or 128-bit MPPE  │
       │                  │            │               │ is not available the    │
       │                  │            │               │ session will fail.      │
       │                  │            │               │ Note that MPPE is not   │
       │                  │            │               │ used on mobile          │
       │                  │            │               │ broadband connections.  │
       │require-mppe-128  │ boolean    │ FALSE         │ If TRUE, 128-bit MPPE   │
       │                  │            │               │ (Microsoft              │
       │                  │            │               │ Point-to-Point          │
       │                  │            │               │ Encrpytion) will be     │
       │                  │            │               │ required for the PPP    │
       │                  │            │               │ session, and the        │
       │                  │            │               │ "require-mppe" property │
       │                  │            │               │ must also be set to     │
       │                  │            │               │ TRUE.  If 128-bit MPPE  │
       │                  │            │               │ is not available the    │
       │                  │            │               │ session will fail.      │

       Table 19. pppoe setting
       │Key Name       │ Value Type           │ Default Value │ Value Description       │
       │name           │ string               │ pppoe         │ The setting's name,     │
       │               │                      │               │ which uniquely          │
       │               │                      │               │ identifies the setting  │
       │               │                      │               │ within the connection.  │
       │               │                      │               │ Each setting type has a │
       │               │                      │               │ section called “Secret  │
       │               │                      │               │ flag types:” for flag   │
       │               │                      │               │ values)                 │
       │service        │ string               │               │ If specified, instruct  │
       │               │                      │               │ PPPoE to only initiate  │
       │               │                      │               │ sessions with access    │
       │               │                      │               │ concentrators that      │
       │               │                      │               │ provide the specified   │
       │               │                      │               │ service.  For most      │
       │               │                      │               │ providers, this should  │
       │               │                      │               │ be left blank.  It is   │
       │               │                      │               │ only required if there  │
       │               │                      │               │ are multiple access     │
       │               │                      │               │ concentrators or a      │
       │               │                      │               │ specific service is     │
       │               │                      │               │ known to be required.   │
       │username       │ string               │               │ Username used to        │
       │               │                      │               │ authenticate with the   │
       │               │                      │               │ PPPoE service.          │

       Table 20. serial setting
       │Key Name   │ Value Type │ Default Value │ Value Description       │
       │baud       │ uint32     │ 57600         │ Speed to use for        │
       │           │            │               │ communication over the  │
       │           │            │               │ serial port.  Note that │
       │           │            │               │ this value usually has  │
       │           │            │               │ no effect for mobile    │
       │           │            │               │ broadband modems as     │
       │           │            │               │ they generally ignore   │
       │           │            │               │ speed settings and use  │
       │           │            │               │ the highest available   │
       │           │            │               │ speed.                  │
       │bits       │ uint32     │ 8             │ Byte-width of the       │
       │           │            │               │ serial communication.   │
       │           │            │               │ The 8 in "8n1" for      │
       │           │            │               │ example.                │
       │name       │ string     │ serial        │ The setting's name,     │
       │           │            │               │ which uniquely          │
       │           │            │               │ identifies the setting  │
       │           │            │               │ within the connection.  │
       │           │            │               │ Each setting type has a │
       │           │            │               │ name unique to that     │
       │           │            │               │ type, for example "ppp" │
       │           │            │               │ or "wireless" or        │
       │           │            │               │ "wired".                │
       │parity     │ byte       │               │ The connection parity:  │
       │           │            │               │ or 2. The 1 in "8n1"    │
       │           │            │               │ for example.            │

       Table 21. team setting
       │Key Name       │ Value Type │ Default Value │ Value Description          │
       │config         │ string     │               │ The JSON configuration     │
       │               │            │               │ for the team network       │
       │               │            │               │ interface.  The            │
       │               │            │               │ property should contain    │
       │               │            │               │ raw JSON configuration     │
       │               │            │               │ data suitable for          │
       │               │            │               │ teamd, because the         │
       │               │            │               │ value is passed            │
       │               │            │               │ directly to teamd. If      │
       │               │            │               │ not specified, the         │
       │               │            │               │ default configuration      │
       │               │            │               │ is used.  See man          │
       │               │            │               │ teamd.conf for the         │
       │               │            │               │ format details.            │
       │interface-name │ string     │               │ Deprecated in favor of     │
       │               │            │               │ connection.interface-name, │
       │               │            │               │ but can be used for        │
       │               │            │               │ backward-compatibility     │
       │               │            │               │ with older daemons, to     │
       │               │            │               │ set the team's             │
       │               │            │               │ interface name.            │
       │name           │ string     │ team          │ The setting's name, which  │
       │               │            │               │ uniquely identifies the    │
       │               │            │               │ setting within the         │
       │               │            │               │ connection.  Each setting  │
       │               │            │               │ type has a name unique to  │
       │               │            │               │ that type, for example     │
       │               │            │               │ "ppp" or "wireless" or     │
       │               │            │               │ "wired".                   │

       Table 22. team-port setting
       │Key Name │ Value Type │ Default Value │ Value Description       │
       │config   │ string     │               │ The JSON configuration  │
       │         │            │               │ for the team port. The  │
       │         │            │               │ property should contain │
       │         │            │               │ raw JSON configuration  │
       │         │            │               │ data suitable for       │
       │         │            │               │ teamd, because the      │
       │         │            │               │ value is passed         │
       │         │            │               │ directly to teamd. If   │
       │         │            │               │ not specified, the      │
       │         │            │               │ or "wireless" or        │
       │         │            │               │ "wired".                │

       Table 23. tun setting
       │Key Name    │ Value Type │ Default Value │ Value Description       │
       │group       │ string     │               │ The group ID which will │
       │            │            │               │ own the device. If set  │
       │            │            │               │ to NULL everyone will   │
       │            │            │               │ be able to use the      │
       │            │            │               │ device.                 │
       │mode        │ uint32     │ 1             │ The operating mode of   │
       │            │            │               │ the virtual device.     │
       │            │            │               │ Allowed values are      │
       │            │            │               │ NM_SETTING_TUN_MODE_TUN │
       │            │            │               │ (1) to create a layer 3 │
       │            │            │               │ device and              │
       │            │            │               │ NM_SETTING_TUN_MODE_TAP │
       │            │            │               │ (2) to create an        │
       │            │            │               │ Ethernet-like layer 2   │
       │            │            │               │ one.                    │
       │multi-queue │ boolean    │ FALSE         │ If the property is set  │
       │            │            │               │ to TRUE, the interface  │
       │            │            │               │ will support multiple   │
       │            │            │               │ file descriptors        │
       │            │            │               │ (queues) to parallelize │
       │            │            │               │ packet sending or       │
       │            │            │               │ receiving. Otherwise,   │
       │            │            │               │ the interface will only │
       │            │            │               │ support a single queue. │
       │name        │ string     │ tun           │ The setting's name,     │
       │            │            │               │ which uniquely          │
       │            │            │               │ identifies the setting  │
       │            │            │               │ within the connection.  │
       │            │            │               │ Each setting type has a │
       │            │            │               │ name unique to that     │
       │            │            │               │ type, for example "ppp" │
       │            │            │               │ or "wireless" or        │
       │            │            │               │ "wired".                │
       │owner       │ string     │               │ The user ID which will  │
       │            │            │               │ own the device. If set  │
       │            │            │               │ to NULL everyone will   │
       │            │            │               │ be able to use the      │
       │            │            │               │ device.                 │
       │pi          │ boolean    │ FALSE         │ If TRUE the interface   │
       │            │            │               │ will prepend a 4 byte   │
       │            │            │               │ header describing the   │
       │egress-priority-map  │ array of string      │ []            │ For outgoing packets, a       │
       │                     │                      │               │ list of mappings from         │
       │                     │                      │               │ Linux SKB priorities to       │
       │                     │                      │               │ 802.1p priorities.  The       │
       │                     │                      │               │ mapping is given in the       │
       │                     │                      │               │ format "from:to" where        │
       │                     │                      │               │ both "from" and "to"          │
       │                     │                      │               │ are unsigned integers,        │
       │                     │                      │               │ ie "7:3".                     │
       │flags                │ NMVlanFlags (uint32) │               │ One or more flags which       │
       │                     │                      │               │ control the behavior          │
       │                     │                      │               │ and features of the           │
       │                     │                      │               │ VLAN interface.  Flags        │
       │                     │                      │               │ include                       │
       │                     │                      │               │ NM_VLAN_FLAG_REORDER_HEADERS  │
       │                     │                      │               │ (0x1) (reordering of          │
       │                     │                      │               │ output packet headers),       │
       │                     │                      │               │ NM_VLAN_FLAG_GVRP (0x2)       │
       │                     │                      │               │ (use of the GVRP              │
       │                     │                      │               │ protocol), and                │
       │                     │                      │               │ NM_VLAN_FLAG_LOOSE_BINDING    │
       │                     │                      │               │ (0x4) (loose binding of       │
       │                     │                      │               │ the interface to its          │
       │                     │                      │               │ master device's               │
       │                     │                      │               │ operating state).             │
       │                     │                      │               │ NM_VLAN_FLAG_MVRP (0x8)       │
       │                     │                      │               │ (use of the MVRP              │
       │                     │                      │               │ protocol). The default        │
       │                     │                      │               │ value of this property        │
       │                     │                      │               │ is                            │
       │                     │                      │               │ NM_VLAN_FLAG_REORDER_HEADERS, │
       │                     │                      │               │ but it used to be 0. To       │
       │                     │                      │               │ preserve backward             │
       │                     │                      │               │ compatibility, the            │
       │                     │                      │               │ default-value in the          │
       │                     │                      │               │ D-Bus API continues to        │
       │                     │                      │               │ be 0 and a missing            │
       │                     │                      │               │ property on D-Bus is          │
       │                     │                      │               │ still considered as 0.        │
       │id                   │ uint32               │ 0             │ The VLAN identifier that the  │
       │                     │                      │               │ interface created by this     │
       │                     │                      │               │ connection should be          │
       │                     │                      │               │ assigned. The valid range is  │
       │                     │                      │               │ from 0 to 4094, without the   │
       │                     │                      │               │ reserved id 4095.             │
       │ingress-priority-map │ array of string      │ []            │ For incoming packets, a list  │
       │                     │                      │               │ of mappings from 802.1p       │
       │                     │                      │               │ priorities to Linux SKB       │
       │                     │                      │               │ priorities.  The mapping is   │
       │                     │                      │               │ given in the format "from:to" │
       │                     │                      │               │ uniquely identifies the       │
       │                     │                      │               │ setting within the            │
       │                     │                      │               │ connection.  Each setting     │
       │                     │                      │               │ type has a name unique to     │
       │                     │                      │               │ that type, for example "ppp"  │
       │                     │                      │               │ or "wireless" or "wired".     │
       │parent               │ string               │               │ If given, specifies the       │
       │                     │                      │               │ parent interface name or      │
       │                     │                      │               │ parent connection UUID from   │
       │                     │                      │               │ which this VLAN interface     │
       │                     │                      │               │ should be created.  If this   │
       │                     │                      │               │ property is not specified,    │
       │                     │                      │               │ the connection must contain   │
       │                     │                      │               │ an "802-3-ethernet" setting   │
       │                     │                      │               │ with a "mac-address"          │
       │                     │                      │               │ property.                     │

       Table 25. vpn setting
       │Key Name     │ Value Type        │ Default Value │ Value Description                   │
       │data         │ dict of string to │ {}            │ Dictionary of key/value             │
       │             │ string            │               │ pairs of VPN plugin                 │
       │             │                   │               │ specific data.  Both                │
       │             │                   │               │ keys and values must be             │
       │             │                   │               │ strings.                            │
       │name         │ string            │ vpn           │ The setting's name,                 │
       │             │                   │               │ which uniquely                      │
       │             │                   │               │ identifies the setting              │
       │             │                   │               │ within the connection.              │
       │             │                   │               │ Each setting type has a             │
       │             │                   │               │ name unique to that                 │
       │             │                   │               │ type, for example "ppp"             │
       │             │                   │               │ or "wireless" or                    │
       │             │                   │               │ "wired".                            │
       │persistent   │ boolean           │ FALSE         │ If the VPN service                  │
       │             │                   │               │ supports persistence,               │
       │             │                   │               │ and this property is                │
       │             │                   │               │ TRUE, the VPN will                  │
       │             │                   │               │ attempt to stay                     │
       │             │                   │               │ connected across link               │
       │             │                   │               │ changes and outages,                │
       │             │                   │               │ until explicitly                    │
       │             │                   │               │ disconnected.                       │
       │secrets      │ dict of string to │ {}            │ Dictionary of key/value             │
       │             │ string            │               │ pairs of VPN plugin                 │
       │             │                   │               │ specific secrets like               │
       │             │                   │               │ passwords or private                │
       │             │                   │               │ keys.  Both keys and                │
       │             │                   │               │ services may take quite a long time │
       │             │                   │               │ to connect. Value of 0 means a      │
       │             │                   │               │ default timeout, which is 60        │
       │             │                   │               │ seconds (unless overriden by        │
       │             │                   │               │ vpn.timeout in configuration file). │
       │             │                   │               │ Values greater than zero mean       │
       │             │                   │               │ timeout in seconds.                 │
       │user-name    │ string            │               │ If the VPN connection requires a    │
       │             │                   │               │ user name for authentication, that  │
       │             │                   │               │ name should be provided here.  If   │
       │             │                   │               │ the connection is available to more │
       │             │                   │               │ than one user, and the VPN requires │
       │             │                   │               │ each user to supply a different     │
       │             │                   │               │ name, then leave this property      │
       │             │                   │               │ empty.  If this property is empty,  │
       │             │                   │               │ NetworkManager will automatically   │
       │             │                   │               │ supply the username of the user     │
       │             │                   │               │ which requested the VPN connection. │

       Table 26. vxlan setting
       │Key Name         │ Value Type │ Default Value │ Value Description       │
       │ageing           │ uint32     │ 300           │ Specifies the lifetime  │
       │                 │            │               │ in seconds of FDB       │
       │                 │            │               │ entries learnt by the   │
       │                 │            │               │ kernel.                 │
       │destination-port │ uint32     │ 8472          │ Specifies the UDP       │
       │                 │            │               │ destination port to     │
       │                 │            │               │ communicate to the      │
       │                 │            │               │ remote VXLAN tunnel     │
       │                 │            │               │ endpoint.               │
       │id               │ uint32     │ 0             │ Specifies the VXLAN     │
       │                 │            │               │ Network Identifer (or   │
       │                 │            │               │ VXLAN Segment           │
       │                 │            │               │ Identifier) to use.     │
       │l2-miss          │ boolean    │ FALSE         │ Specifies whether       │
       │                 │            │               │ netlink LL ADDR miss    │
       │                 │            │               │ notifications are       │
       │                 │            │               │ generated.              │
       │l3-miss          │ boolean    │ FALSE         │ Specifies whether       │
       │                 │            │               │ netlink IP ADDR miss    │
       │                 │            │               │ notifications are       │
       │                 │            │               │ generated.              │
       │learning         │ boolean    │ TRUE          │ Specifies whether       │
       │                 │            │               │ unknown source link     │
       │                 │            │               │ layer addresses and IP  │
       │                 │            │               │ source IP address to    │
       │                 │            │               │ use in outgoing         │
       │                 │            │               │ packets.                │
       │name             │ string     │ vxlan         │ The setting's name,     │
       │                 │            │               │ which uniquely          │
       │                 │            │               │ identifies the setting  │
       │                 │            │               │ within the connection.  │
       │                 │            │               │ Each setting type has a │
       │                 │            │               │ name unique to that     │
       │                 │            │               │ type, for example "ppp" │
       │                 │            │               │ or "wireless" or        │
       │                 │            │               │ "wired".                │
       │parent           │ string     │               │ If given, specifies the │
       │                 │            │               │ parent interface name   │
       │                 │            │               │ or parent connection    │
       │                 │            │               │ UUID.                   │
       │proxy            │ boolean    │ FALSE         │ Specifies whether ARP   │
       │                 │            │               │ proxy is turned on.     │
       │remote           │ string     │               │ Specifies the unicast   │
       │                 │            │               │ destination IP address  │
       │                 │            │               │ to use in outgoing      │
       │                 │            │               │ packets when the        │
       │                 │            │               │ destination link layer  │
       │                 │            │               │ address is not known in │
       │                 │            │               │ the VXLAN device        │
       │                 │            │               │ forwarding database, or │
       │                 │            │               │ the multicast IP        │
       │                 │            │               │ address to join.        │
       │rsc              │ boolean    │ FALSE         │ Specifies whether route │
       │                 │            │               │ short circuit is turned │
       │                 │            │               │ on.                     │
       │source-port-max  │ uint32     │ 0             │ Specifies the maximum   │
       │                 │            │               │ UDP source port to      │
       │                 │            │               │ communicate to the      │
       │                 │            │               │ remote VXLAN tunnel     │
       │                 │            │               │ endpoint.               │
       │source-port-min  │ uint32     │ 0             │ Specifies the minimum   │
       │                 │            │               │ UDP source port to      │
       │                 │            │               │ communicate to the      │
       │                 │            │               │ remote VXLAN tunnel     │
       │                 │            │               │ endpoint.               │
       │tos              │ uint32     │ 0             │ Specifies the TOS value │
       │                 │            │               │ to use in outgoing      │
       │                 │            │               │ packets.                │
       │ttl              │ uint32     │ 0             │ Specifies the           │
       │             │            │               │ device whose MAC        │
       │             │            │               │ address matches. This   │
       │             │            │               │ property does not       │
       │             │            │               │ change the MAC address  │
       │             │            │               │ of the device (known as │
       │             │            │               │ MAC spoofing).          │
       │             │            │               │ Deprecated: 1           │
       │name         │ string     │ wimax         │ The setting's name,     │
       │             │            │               │ which uniquely          │
       │             │            │               │ identifies the setting  │
       │             │            │               │ within the connection.  │
       │             │            │               │ Each setting type has a │
       │             │            │               │ name unique to that     │
       │             │            │               │ type, for example "ppp" │
       │             │            │               │ or "wireless" or        │
       │             │            │               │ "wired".                │
       │network-name │ string     │               │ Network Service         │
       │             │            │               │ Provider (NSP) name of  │
       │             │            │               │ the WiMAX network this  │
       │             │            │               │ connection should use.  │
       │             │            │               │ Deprecated: 1           │

       Table 28. 802-3-ethernet setting
       │Key Name                  │ Value Type        │ Default Value  │ Value Description                      │
       │assigned-mac-address      │ string            │                │ The new field for the                  │
       │                          │                   │                │ cloned MAC address. It                 │
       │                          │                   │                │ can be either a                        │
       │                          │                   │                │ hardware address in                    │
       │                          │                   │                │ ASCII representation,                  │
       │                          │                   │                │ or one of the special                  │
       │                          │                   │                │ values "preserve",                     │
       │                          │                   │                │ "permanent", "random"                  │
       │                          │                   │                │ or "stable". This field                │
       │                          │                   │                │ replaces the deprecated                │
       │                          │                   │                │ "cloned-mac-address" on                │
       │                          │                   │                │ D-Bus, which can only                  │
       │                          │                   │                │ contain explict                        │
       │                          │                   │                │ hardware addresses.                    │
       │auto-negotiate            │ boolean           │ TRUE           │ If TRUE, allow                         │
       │                          │                   │                │ auto-negotiation of                    │
       │                          │                   │                │ port speed and duplex                  │
       │                          │                   │                │ mode.  If FALSE, do not                │
       │                          │                   │                │ allow auto-negotiation,                │
       │                          │                   │                │ in which case the                      │
       │                          │                   │                │ "speed" and "duplex"                   │
       │                          │                   │                │ properties should be                   │
       │                          │                   │                │ set.                                   │
       │                          │                   │                │ "half" or "full".                      │
       │generate-mac-address-mask │ string            │                │ With                                   │
       │                          │                   │                │ "cloned-mac-address"                   │
       │                          │                   │                │ setting "random" or                    │
       │                          │                   │                │ "stable", by default                   │
       │                          │                   │                │ all bits of the MAC                    │
       │                          │                   │                │ address are scrambled                  │
       │                          │                   │                │ and a                                  │
       │                          │                   │                │ locally-administered,                  │
       │                          │                   │                │ unicast MAC address is                 │
       │                          │                   │                │ created. This property                 │
       │                          │                   │                │ allows to specify that                 │
       │                          │                   │                │ certain bits are fixed.                │
       │                          │                   │                │ Note that the least                    │
       │                          │                   │                │ significant bit of the                 │
       │                          │                   │                │ first MAC address will                 │
       │                          │                   │                │ always be unset to                     │
       │                          │                   │                │ create a unicast MAC                   │
       │                          │                   │                │ address. If the                        │
       │                          │                   │                │ property is NULL, it is                │
       │                          │                   │                │ eligible to be                         │
       │                          │                   │                │ overwritten by a                       │
       │                          │                   │                │ default connection                     │
       │                          │                   │                │ setting. If the value                  │
       │                          │                   │                │ is still NULL or an                    │
       │                          │                   │                │ empty string, the                      │
       │                          │                   │                │ default is to create a                 │
       │                          │                   │                │ locally-administered,                  │
       │                          │                   │                │ unicast MAC address. If                │
       │                          │                   │                │ the value contains one                 │
       │                          │                   │                │ MAC address, this                      │
       │                          │                   │                │ address is used as                     │
       │                          │                   │                │ mask. The set bits of                  │
       │                          │                   │                │ the mask are to be                     │
       │                          │                   │                │ filled with the current                │
       │                          │                   │                │ MAC address of the                     │
       │                          │                   │                │ device, while the unset                │
       │                          │                   │                │ bits are subject to                    │
       │                          │                   │                │ randomization. Setting                 │
       │                          │                   │                │ "FE:FF:FF:00:00:00"                    │
       │                          │                   │                │ means to preserve the                  │
       │                          │                   │                │ OUI of the current MAC                 │
       │                          │                   │                │ address and only                       │
       │                          │                   │                │ randomize the lower 3                  │
       │                          │                   │                │ bytes using the                        │
       │                          │                   │                │ "random" or "stable"                   │
       │                          │                   │                │ algorithm. If the value                │
       │                          │                   │                │ contains one additional                │
       │                          │                   │                │ MAC address after the                  │
       │                          │                   │                │ mask, this address is                  │
       │                          │                   │                │ used instead of the                    │
       │                          │                   │                │ current MAC address to                 │
       │                          │                   │                │ fill the bits that                     │
       │                          │                   │                │ scrambled                              │
       │                          │                   │                │ globally-administered,                 │
       │                          │                   │                │ burned-in MAC address.                 │
       │                          │                   │                │ If the value contains                  │
       │                          │                   │                │ more then one                          │
       │                          │                   │                │ additional MAC                         │
       │                          │                   │                │ addresses, one of them                 │
       │                          │                   │                │ is chosen randomly. For                │
       │                          │                   │                │ example,                               │
       │                          │                   │                │ "02:00:00:00:00:00                     │
       │                          │                   │                │ 00:00:00:00:00:00                      │
       │                          │                   │                │ 02:00:00:00:00:00" will                │
       │                          │                   │                │ create a fully                         │
       │                          │                   │                │ scrambled MAC address,                 │
       │                          │                   │                │ randomly locally or                    │
       │                          │                   │                │ globally administered.                 │
       │mac-address               │ byte array        │                │ If specified, this                     │
       │                          │                   │                │ connection will only                   │
       │                          │                   │                │ apply to the Ethernet                  │
       │                          │                   │                │ device whose permanent                 │
       │                          │                   │                │ MAC address matches.                   │
       │                          │                   │                │ This property does not                 │
       │                          │                   │                │ change the MAC address                 │
       │                          │                   │                │ of the device (i.e. MAC                │
       │                          │                   │                │ spoofing).                             │
       │mac-address-blacklist     │ array of string   │ []             │ If specified, this                     │
       │                          │                   │                │ connection will never                  │
       │                          │                   │                │ apply to the Ethernet                  │
       │                          │                   │                │ device whose permanent                 │
       │                          │                   │                │ MAC address matches an                 │
       │                          │                   │                │ address in the list.                   │
       │                          │                   │                │ Each MAC address is in                 │
       │                          │                   │                │ the standard                           │
       │                          │                   │                │ hex-digits-and-colons                  │
       │                          │                   │                │ notation                               │
       │                          │                   │                │ (00:11:22:33:44:55).                   │
       │mtu                       │ uint32            │ 0              │ If non-zero, only                      │
       │                          │                   │                │ transmit packets of the                │
       │                          │                   │                │ specified size or                      │
       │                          │                   │                │ smaller, breaking                      │
       │                          │                   │                │ larger packets up into                 │
       │                          │                   │                │ multiple Ethernet                      │
       │                          │                   │                │ frames.                                │
       │name                      │ string            │ 802-3-ethernet │ The setting's name,                    │
       │                          │                   │                │ which uniquely                         │
       │                          │                   │                │ identifies the setting                 │
       │                          │                   │                │ within the connection.                 │
       │                          │                   │                │ Each setting type has a                │
       │                          │                   │                │ name unique to that                    │
       │                          │                   │                │ type, for example "ppp"                │
       │                          │                   │                │ (Media Independent                     │
       │                          │                   │                │ Interface. If the                      │
       │                          │                   │                │ device supports only                   │
       │                          │                   │                │ one port type, this                    │
       │                          │                   │                │ setting is ignored.                    │
       │s390-nettype              │ string            │                │ s390 network device                    │
       │                          │                   │                │ type; one of "qeth",                   │
       │                          │                   │                │ "lcs", or "ctc",                       │
       │                          │                   │                │ representing the                       │
       │                          │                   │                │ different types of                     │
       │                          │                   │                │ virtual network devices                │
       │                          │                   │                │ available on s390                      │
       │                          │                   │                │ systems.                               │
       │s390-options              │ dict of string to │ {}             │ Dictionary of key/value                │
       │                          │ string            │                │ pairs of s390-specific                 │
       │                          │                   │                │ device options.  Both                  │
       │                          │                   │                │ keys and values must be                │
       │                          │                   │                │ strings.  Allowed keys                 │
       │                          │                   │                │ include "portno",                      │
       │                          │                   │                │ "layer2", "portname",                  │
       │                          │                   │                │ "protocol", among                      │
       │                          │                   │                │ others.  Key names must                │
       │                          │                   │                │ contain only                           │
       │                          │                   │                │ alphanumeric characters                │
       │                          │                   │                │ (ie, [a-zA-Z0-9]).                     │
       │s390-subchannels          │ array of string   │ []             │ Identifies specific                    │
       │                          │                   │                │ subchannels that this                  │
       │                          │                   │                │ network device uses for                │
       │                          │                   │                │ communication with z/VM                │
       │                          │                   │                │ or s390 host.  Like the                │
       │                          │                   │                │ "mac-address" property                 │
       │                          │                   │                │ for non-z/VM devices,                  │
       │                          │                   │                │ this property can be                   │
       │                          │                   │                │ used to ensure this                    │
       │                          │                   │                │ connection only applies                │
       │                          │                   │                │ to the network device                  │
       │                          │                   │                │ that uses these                        │
       │                          │                   │                │ subchannels.  The list                 │
       │                          │                   │                │ should contain exactly                 │
       │                          │                   │                │ 3 strings, and each                    │
       │                          │                   │                │ string may only be                     │
       │                          │                   │                │ composed of hexadecimal                │
       │                          │                   │                │ characters and the                     │
       │                          │                   │                │ period (.) character.                  │
       │speed                     │ uint32            │ 0              │ If non-zero, request                   │
       │                          │                   │                │ that the device use                    │
       │                          │                   │                │ only the specified                     │
       │                          │                   │                │ speed.  In Mbit/s, ie                  │
       │                          │                   │                │ 100 == 100Mbit/s.                      │
       │                          │                   │                │ NM_SETTING_WIRED_WAKE_ON_LAN_BROADCAST │
       │                          │                   │                │ (0x10),                                │
       │                          │                   │                │ NM_SETTING_WIRED_WAKE_ON_LAN_ARP       │
       │                          │                   │                │ (0x20),                                │
       │                          │                   │                │ NM_SETTING_WIRED_WAKE_ON_LAN_MAGIC     │
       │                          │                   │                │ (0x40) or the special                  │
       │                          │                   │                │ values                                 │
       │                          │                   │                │ NM_SETTING_WIRED_WAKE_ON_LAN_DEFAULT   │
       │                          │                   │                │ (0x1) (to use global                   │
       │                          │                   │                │ settings) and                          │
       │                          │                   │                │ NM_SETTING_WIRED_WAKE_ON_LAN_IGNORE    │
       │                          │                   │                │ (0x8000) (to disable                   │
       │                          │                   │                │ management of                          │
       │                          │                   │                │ Wake-on-LAN in                         │
       │                          │                   │                │ NetworkManager).                       │
       │wake-on-lan-password      │ string            │                │ If specified, the password used with   │
       │                          │                   │                │ magic-packet-based Wake-on-LAN,        │
       │                          │                   │                │ represented as an Ethernet MAC         │
       │                          │                   │                │ address.  If NULL, no password will be │
       │                          │                   │                │ required.                              │

       Table 29. 802-11-wireless setting
       │Key Name                  │ Value Type      │ Default Value   │ Value Description                     │
       │assigned-mac-address      │ string          │                 │ The new field for the                 │
       │                          │                 │                 │ cloned MAC address. It                │
       │                          │                 │                 │ can be either a                       │
       │                          │                 │                 │ hardware address in                   │
       │                          │                 │                 │ ASCII representation,                 │
       │                          │                 │                 │ or one of the special                 │
       │                          │                 │                 │ values "preserve",                    │
       │                          │                 │                 │ "permanent", "random"                 │
       │                          │                 │                 │ or "stable". This field               │
       │                          │                 │                 │ replaces the deprecated               │
       │                          │                 │                 │ "cloned-mac-address" on               │
       │                          │                 │                 │ D-Bus, which can only                 │
       │                          │                 │                 │ contain explict                       │
       │                          │                 │                 │ hardware addresses.                   │
       │band                      │ string          │                 │ 802.11 frequency band                 │
       │                          │                 │                 │ of the network.  One of               │
       │                          │                 │                 │ "a" for 5GHz 802.11a or               │
       │                          │                 │                 │ "bg" for 2.4GHz 802.11.               │
       │                          │                 │                 │ This will lock                        │
       │                          │                 │                 │ associations to the                   │
       │                          │                 │                 │ Wi-Fi network to the                  │
       │                          │                 │                 │ specific band, i.e. if                │
       │                          │                 │                 │ "a" is specified, the                 │
       │                          │                 │                 │ device will not                       │
       │                          │                 │                 │ associate with the same               │
       │                          │                 │                 │ network in the 2.4GHz                 │
       │                          │                 │                 │ This capability is                    │
       │                          │                 │                 │ highly driver dependent               │
       │                          │                 │                 │ and not supported by                  │
       │                          │                 │                 │ all devices.  Note:                   │
       │                          │                 │                 │ this property does not                │
       │                          │                 │                 │ control the BSSID used                │
       │                          │                 │                 │ when creating an Ad-Hoc               │
       │                          │                 │                 │ network and is unlikely               │
       │                          │                 │                 │ to in the future.                     │
       │channel                   │ uint32          │ 0               │ Wireless channel to use               │
       │                          │                 │                 │ for the Wi-Fi                         │
       │                          │                 │                 │ connection.  The device               │
       │                          │                 │                 │ will only join (or                    │
       │                          │                 │                 │ create for Ad-Hoc                     │
       │                          │                 │                 │ networks) a Wi-Fi                     │
       │                          │                 │                 │ network on the                        │
       │                          │                 │                 │ specified channel.                    │
       │                          │                 │                 │ Because channel numbers               │
       │                          │                 │                 │ overlap between bands,                │
       │                          │                 │                 │ this property also                    │
       │                          │                 │                 │ requires the "band"                   │
       │                          │                 │                 │ property to be set.                   │
       │cloned-mac-address        │ byte array      │                 │ This D-Bus field is                   │
       │                          │                 │                 │ deprecated in favor of                │
       │                          │                 │                 │ "assigned-mac-address"                │
       │                          │                 │                 │ which is more flexible                │
       │                          │                 │                 │ and allows specifying                 │
       │                          │                 │                 │ special variants like                 │
       │                          │                 │                 │ "random".                             │
       │generate-mac-address-mask │ string          │                 │ With                                  │
       │                          │                 │                 │ "cloned-mac-address"                  │
       │                          │                 │                 │ setting "random" or                   │
       │                          │                 │                 │ "stable", by default                  │
       │                          │                 │                 │ all bits of the MAC                   │
       │                          │                 │                 │ address are scrambled                 │
       │                          │                 │                 │ and a                                 │
       │                          │                 │                 │ locally-administered,                 │
       │                          │                 │                 │ unicast MAC address is                │
       │                          │                 │                 │ created. This property                │
       │                          │                 │                 │ allows to specify that                │
       │                          │                 │                 │ certain bits are fixed.               │
       │                          │                 │                 │ Note that the least                   │
       │                          │                 │                 │ significant bit of the                │
       │                          │                 │                 │ first MAC address will                │
       │                          │                 │                 │ always be unset to                    │
       │                          │                 │                 │ create a unicast MAC                  │
       │                          │                 │                 │ address. If the                       │
       │                          │                 │                 │ property is NULL, it is               │
       │                          │                 │                 │ eligible to be                        │
       │                          │                 │                 │ overwritten by a                      │
       │                          │                 │                 │ default connection                    │
       │                          │                 │                 │ MAC address of the                    │
       │                          │                 │                 │ device, while the unset               │
       │                          │                 │                 │ bits are subject to                   │
       │                          │                 │                 │ randomization. Setting                │
       │                          │                 │                 │ "FE:FF:FF:00:00:00"                   │
       │                          │                 │                 │ means to preserve the                 │
       │                          │                 │                 │ OUI of the current MAC                │
       │                          │                 │                 │ address and only                      │
       │                          │                 │                 │ randomize the lower 3                 │
       │                          │                 │                 │ bytes using the                       │
       │                          │                 │                 │ "random" or "stable"                  │
       │                          │                 │                 │ algorithm. If the value               │
       │                          │                 │                 │ contains one additional               │
       │                          │                 │                 │ MAC address after the                 │
       │                          │                 │                 │ mask, this address is                 │
       │                          │                 │                 │ used instead of the                   │
       │                          │                 │                 │ current MAC address to                │
       │                          │                 │                 │ fill the bits that                    │
       │                          │                 │                 │ shall not be                          │
       │                          │                 │                 │ randomized. For                       │
       │                          │                 │                 │ example, a value of                   │
       │                          │                 │                 │ "FE:FF:FF:00:00:00                    │
       │                          │                 │                 │ 68:F7:28:00:00:00" will               │
       │                          │                 │                 │ set the OUI of the MAC                │
       │                          │                 │                 │ address to 68:F7:28,                  │
       │                          │                 │                 │ while the lower bits                  │
       │                          │                 │                 │ are randomized. A value               │
       │                          │                 │                 │ of "02:00:00:00:00:00                 │
       │                          │                 │                 │ 00:00:00:00:00:00" will               │
       │                          │                 │                 │ create a fully                        │
       │                          │                 │                 │ scrambled                             │
       │                          │                 │                 │ globally-administered,                │
       │                          │                 │                 │ burned-in MAC address.                │
       │                          │                 │                 │ If the value contains                 │
       │                          │                 │                 │ more then one                         │
       │                          │                 │                 │ additional MAC                        │
       │                          │                 │                 │ addresses, one of them                │
       │                          │                 │                 │ is chosen randomly. For               │
       │                          │                 │                 │ example,                              │
       │                          │                 │                 │ "02:00:00:00:00:00                    │
       │                          │                 │                 │ 00:00:00:00:00:00                     │
       │                          │                 │                 │ 02:00:00:00:00:00" will               │
       │                          │                 │                 │ create a fully                        │
       │                          │                 │                 │ scrambled MAC address,                │
       │                          │                 │                 │ randomly locally or                   │
       │                          │                 │                 │ globally administered.                │
       │hidden                    │ boolean         │ FALSE           │ If TRUE, indicates this               │
       │                          │                 │                 │ network is a                          │
       │                          │                 │                 │ non-broadcasting                      │
       │                          │                 │                 │ network that hides its                │
       │                          │                 │                 │ SSID.  In this case                   │
       │                          │                 │                 │ various workarounds may               │
       │                          │                 │                 │ take place, such as                   │
       │mac-address               │ byte array      │                 │ If specified, this                    │
       │                          │                 │                 │ connection will only                  │
       │                          │                 │                 │ apply to the Wi-Fi                    │
       │                          │                 │                 │ device whose permanent                │
       │                          │                 │                 │ MAC address matches.                  │
       │                          │                 │                 │ This property does not                │
       │                          │                 │                 │ change the MAC address                │
       │                          │                 │                 │ of the device (i.e. MAC               │
       │                          │                 │                 │ spoofing).                            │
       │mac-address-blacklist     │ array of string │ []              │ A list of permanent MAC               │
       │                          │                 │                 │ addresses of Wi-Fi                    │
       │                          │                 │                 │ devices to which this                 │
       │                          │                 │                 │ connection should never               │
       │                          │                 │                 │ apply.  Each MAC                      │
       │                          │                 │                 │ address should be given               │
       │                          │                 │                 │ in the standard                       │
       │                          │                 │                 │ hex-digits-and-colons                 │
       │                          │                 │                 │ notation (eg                          │
       │                          │                 │                 │ "00:11:22:33:44:55").                 │
       │mac-address-randomization │ uint32          │ 0               │ One of                                │
       │                          │                 │                 │ NM_SETTING_MAC_RANDOMIZATION_DEFAULT  │
       │                          │                 │                 │ (0) (never randomize                  │
       │                          │                 │                 │ unless the user has set               │
       │                          │                 │                 │ a global default to                   │
       │                          │                 │                 │ randomize and the                     │
       │                          │                 │                 │ supplicant supports                   │
       │                          │                 │                 │ randomization),                       │
       │                          │                 │                 │ NM_SETTING_MAC_RANDOMIZATION_NEVER    │
       │                          │                 │                 │ (1) (never randomize                  │
       │                          │                 │                 │ the MAC address), or                  │
       │                          │                 │                 │ NM_SETTING_MAC_RANDOMIZATION_ALWAYS   │
       │                          │                 │                 │ (2) (always randomize                 │
       │                          │                 │                 │ the MAC address).                     │
       │                          │                 │                 │ Deprecated: 1                         │
       │mode                      │ string          │                 │ Wi-Fi network mode; one of            │
       │                          │                 │                 │ "infrastructure", "adhoc" or "ap".    │
       │                          │                 │                 │ If blank, infrastructure is assumed.  │
       │mtu                       │ uint32          │ 0               │ If non-zero, only transmit packets    │
       │                          │                 │                 │ of the specified size or smaller,     │
       │                          │                 │                 │ breaking larger packets up into       │
       │                          │                 │                 │ multiple Ethernet frames.             │
       │name                      │ string          │ 802-11-wireless │ The setting's name, which uniquely    │
       │                          │                 │                 │ identifies the setting within the     │
       │                          │                 │                 │ connection.  Each setting type has a  │
       │                          │                 │                 │ name unique to that type, for         │
       │                          │                 │                 │ example "ppp" or "wireless" or        │
       │                          │                 │                 │ "wired".                              │
       │powersave                 │ uint32          │ 0               │ One of                                │
       │rate                      │ uint32          │ 0               │ If non-zero, directs the device to    │
       │                          │                 │                 │ only use the specified bitrate for    │
       │                          │                 │                 │ communication with the access point.  │
       │                          │                 │                 │ Units are in Kb/s, ie 5500 = 5.5      │
       │                          │                 │                 │ Mbit/s.  This property is highly      │
       │                          │                 │                 │ driver dependent and not all devices  │
       │                          │                 │                 │ support setting a static bitrate.     │
       │security                  │ None            │                 │ This property is deprecated, but can  │
       │                          │                 │                 │ be set to the value                   │
       │                          │                 │                 │ '802-11-wireless-security' when a     │
       │                          │                 │                 │ wireless security setting is also     │
       │                          │                 │                 │ present in the connection dictionary, │
       │                          │                 │                 │ for compatibility with very old       │
       │                          │                 │                 │ NetworkManager daemons.               │
       │seen-bssids               │ array of string │ []              │ A list of BSSIDs (each BSSID          │
       │                          │                 │                 │ formatted as a MAC address like       │
       │                          │                 │                 │ "00:11:22:33:44:55") that have been   │
       │                          │                 │                 │ detected as part of the Wi-Fi         │
       │                          │                 │                 │ network.  NetworkManager internally   │
       │                          │                 │                 │ tracks previously seen BSSIDs. The    │
       │                          │                 │                 │ property is only meant for reading    │
       │                          │                 │                 │ and reflects the BSSID list of        │
       │                          │                 │                 │ NetworkManager. The changes you make  │
       │                          │                 │                 │ to this property will not be          │
       │                          │                 │                 │ preserved.                            │
       │ssid                      │ byte array      │                 │ SSID of the Wi-Fi network. Must be    │
       │                          │                 │                 │ specified.                            │
       │tx-power                  │ uint32          │ 0               │ If non-zero, directs the device to    │
       │                          │                 │                 │ use the specified transmit power.     │
       │                          │                 │                 │ Units are dBm.  This property is      │
       │                          │                 │                 │ highly driver dependent and not all   │
       │                          │                 │                 │ devices support setting a static      │
       │                          │                 │                 │ transmit power.                       │

       Table 30. 802-11-wireless-security setting
       │Key Name            │ Value Type            │ Default Value            │ Value Description          │
       │auth-alg            │ string                │                          │ When WEP is used (ie,      │
       │                    │                       │                          │ key-mgmt = "none" or       │
       │                    │                       │                          │ "ieee8021x") indicate      │
       │                    │                       │                          │ the 802.11                 │
       │                    │                       │                          │ authentication             │
       │                    │                       │                          │ algorithm required by      │
       │                    │                       │                          │ the AP here.  One of       │
       │                    │                       │                          │ "open" for Open System,    │
       │                    │                       │                          │ "shared" for Shared        │
       │                    │                       │                          │ Key, or "leap" for         │
       │                    │                       │                          │ Cisco LEAP.  When using    │
       │                    │                       │                          │ connections to Wi-Fi       │
       │                    │                       │                          │ networks that do not       │
       │                    │                       │                          │ utilize one of the         │
       │                    │                       │                          │ algorithms in the list.    │
       │                    │                       │                          │ For maximum                │
       │                    │                       │                          │ compatibility leave        │
       │                    │                       │                          │ this property empty.       │
       │                    │                       │                          │ Each list element may      │
       │                    │                       │                          │ be one of "wep40",         │
       │                    │                       │                          │ "wep104", "tkip", or       │
       │                    │                       │                          │ "ccmp".                    │
       │key-mgmt            │ string                │                          │ Key management used for    │
       │                    │                       │                          │ the connection.  One of    │
       │                    │                       │                          │ "none" (WEP),              │
       │                    │                       │                          │ "ieee8021x" (Dynamic       │
       │                    │                       │                          │ WEP), "wpa-none"           │
       │                    │                       │                          │ (Ad-Hoc WPA-PSK),          │
       │                    │                       │                          │ "wpa-psk"                  │
       │                    │                       │                          │ (infrastructure            │
       │                    │                       │                          │ WPA-PSK), or "wpa-eap"     │
       │                    │                       │                          │ (WPA-Enterprise).  This    │
       │                    │                       │                          │ property must be set       │
       │                    │                       │                          │ for any Wi-Fi              │
       │                    │                       │                          │ connection that uses       │
       │                    │                       │                          │ security.                  │
       │leap-password       │ string                │                          │ The login password for     │
       │                    │                       │                          │ legacy LEAP connections    │
       │                    │                       │                          │ (ie, key-mgmt =            │
       │                    │                       │                          │ "ieee8021x" and            │
       │                    │                       │                          │ auth-alg = "leap").        │
       │leap-password-flags │ NMSettingSecretFlags  │                          │ Flags indicating how to    │
       │                    │ (uint32)              │                          │ handle the                 │
       │                    │                       │                          │ "leap-password"            │
       │                    │                       │                          │ property. (see the         │
       │                    │                       │                          │ section called “Secret     │
       │                    │                       │                          │ flag types:” for flag      │
       │                    │                       │                          │ values)                    │
       │leap-username       │ string                │                          │ The login username for     │
       │                    │                       │                          │ legacy LEAP connections    │
       │                    │                       │                          │ (ie, key-mgmt =            │
       │                    │                       │                          │ "ieee8021x" and            │
       │                    │                       │                          │ auth-alg = "leap").        │
       │name                │ string                │ 802-11-wireless-security │ The setting's name,        │
       │                    │                       │                          │ which uniquely             │
       │                    │                       │                          │ identifies the setting     │
       │                    │                       │                          │ within the connection.     │
       │                    │                       │                          │ Each setting type has a    │
       │                    │                       │                          │ name unique to that        │
       │                    │                       │                          │ type, for example "ppp"    │
       │                    │                       │                          │ this property empty.       │
       │                    │                       │                          │ Each list element may      │
       │                    │                       │                          │ be one of "tkip" or        │
       │                    │                       │                          │ "ccmp".                    │
       │proto               │ array of string       │ []                       │ List of strings            │
       │                    │                       │                          │ specifying the allowed     │
       │                    │                       │                          │ WPA protocol versions      │
       │                    │                       │                          │ to use. Each element       │
       │                    │                       │                          │ may be one "wpa" (allow    │
       │                    │                       │                          │ WPA) or "rsn" (allow       │
       │                    │                       │                          │ WPA2/RSN).  If not         │
       │                    │                       │                          │ specified, both WPA and    │
       │                    │                       │                          │ RSN connections are        │
       │                    │                       │                          │ allowed.                   │
       │psk                 │ string                │                          │ Pre-Shared-Key for WPA     │
       │                    │                       │                          │ networks.  If the key      │
       │                    │                       │                          │ is 64-characters long,     │
       │                    │                       │                          │ it must contain only       │
       │                    │                       │                          │ hexadecimal characters     │
       │                    │                       │                          │ and is interpreted as a    │
       │                    │                       │                          │ hexadecimal WPA key.       │
       │                    │                       │                          │ Otherwise, the key must    │
       │                    │                       │                          │ be between 8 and 63        │
       │                    │                       │                          │ ASCII characters (as       │
       │                    │                       │                          │ specified in the           │
       │                    │                       │                          │ 802.11i standard) and      │
       │                    │                       │                          │ is interpreted as a WPA    │
       │                    │                       │                          │ passphrase, and is         │
       │                    │                       │                          │ hashed to derive the       │
       │                    │                       │                          │ actual WPA-PSK used        │
       │                    │                       │                          │ when connecting to the     │
       │                    │                       │                          │ Wi-Fi network.             │
       │psk-flags           │ NMSettingSecretFlags  │                          │ Flags indicating how to    │
       │                    │ (uint32)              │                          │ handle the "psk"           │
       │                    │                       │                          │ property. (see the         │
       │                    │                       │                          │ section called “Secret     │
       │                    │                       │                          │ flag types:” for flag      │
       │                    │                       │                          │ values)                    │
       │wep-key-flags       │ NMSettingSecretFlags  │                          │ Flags indicating how to    │
       │                    │ (uint32)              │                          │ handle the "wep-key0",     │
       │                    │                       │                          │ "wep-key1", "wep-key2",    │
       │                    │                       │                          │ and "wep-key3"             │
       │                    │                       │                          │ properties. (see the       │
       │                    │                       │                          │ section called “Secret     │
       │                    │                       │                          │ flag types:” for flag      │
       │                    │                       │                          │ values)                    │
       │wep-key-type        │ NMWepKeyType (uint32) │                          │ Controls the               │
       │                    │                       │                          │ interpretation of WEP      │
       │                    │                       │                          │ keys.  Allowed values      │
       │                    │                       │                          │ de-facto MD5 method to     │
       │                    │                       │                          │ derive the actual WEP      │
       │                    │                       │                          │ key.                       │
       │wep-key0            │ string                │                          │ Index 0 WEP key.  This is  │
       │                    │                       │                          │ the WEP key used in most   │
       │                    │                       │                          │ networks.  See the         │
       │                    │                       │                          │ "wep-key-type" property    │
       │                    │                       │                          │ for a description of how   │
       │                    │                       │                          │ this key is interpreted.   │
       │wep-key1            │ string                │                          │ Index 1 WEP key.  This WEP │
       │                    │                       │                          │ index is not used by most  │
       │                    │                       │                          │ networks.  See the         │
       │                    │                       │                          │ "wep-key-type" property    │
       │                    │                       │                          │ for a description of how   │
       │                    │                       │                          │ this key is interpreted.   │
       │wep-key2            │ string                │                          │ Index 2 WEP key.  This WEP │
       │                    │                       │                          │ index is not used by most  │
       │                    │                       │                          │ networks.  See the         │
       │                    │                       │                          │ "wep-key-type" property    │
       │                    │                       │                          │ for a description of how   │
       │                    │                       │                          │ this key is interpreted.   │
       │wep-key3            │ string                │                          │ Index 3 WEP key.  This WEP │
       │                    │                       │                          │ index is not used by most  │
       │                    │                       │                          │ networks.  See the         │
       │                    │                       │                          │ "wep-key-type" property    │
       │                    │                       │                          │ for a description of how   │
       │                    │                       │                          │ this key is interpreted.   │
       │wep-tx-keyidx       │ uint32                │ 0                        │ When static WEP is used    │
       │                    │                       │                          │ (ie, key-mgmt = "none")    │
       │                    │                       │                          │ and a non-default WEP key  │
       │                    │                       │                          │ index is used by the AP,   │
       │                    │                       │                          │ put that WEP key index     │
       │                    │                       │                          │ here.  Valid values are 0  │
       │                    │                       │                          │ (default key) through 3.   │
       │                    │                       │                          │ Note that some consumer    │
       │                    │                       │                          │ access points (like the    │
       │                    │                       │                          │ Linksys WRT54G) number the │
       │                    │                       │                          │ keys 1 - 4.                │

   Secret flag types:
       Each secret property in a setting has an associated flags property that describes how to handle that secret.
       The flags property is a bitfield that contains zero or more of the following values logically OR-ed together.

       ·   0x0 (none) - the system is responsible for providing and storing this secret.

       ·   0x1 (agent-owned) - a user-session secret agent is responsible for providing and storing this secret; when
           it is required, agents will be asked to provide it.

NetworkManager 1.4.0                                                                                   NM-SETTINGS(5)