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PKEXEC(1)                                               pkexec                                              PKEXEC(1)

       pkexec - Execute a command as another user

       pkexec [--version] [--disable-internal-agent] [--help]

       pkexec [--user username] PROGRAM [ARGUMENTS...]

       pkexec allows an authorized user to execute PROGRAM as another user. If username is not specified, then the
       program will be executed as the administrative super user, root.

       Upon successful completion, the return value is the return value of PROGRAM. If the calling process is not
       authorized or an authorization could not be obtained through authentication or an error occured, pkexec exits
       with a return value of 127. If the authorization could not be obtained because the user dismissed the
       authentication dialog, pkexec exits with a return value of 126.

       pkexec, like any other polkit application, will use the authentication agent registered for the calling
       process or session. However, if no authentication agent is available, then pkexec will register its own
       textual authentication agent. This behavior can be turned off by passing the --disable-internal-agent option.

       Executing a program as another user is a privileged operation. By default the action to check for (see the
       section called “ACTION AND AUTHORIZATIONS”) requires administrator authentication. In addition, the
       authentication dialog presented to the user will display the full path to the program to be executed so the
       user is aware of what will happen.

       The environment that PROGRAM will run it, will be set to a minimal known and safe environment in order to
       avoid injecting code through LD_LIBRARY_PATH or similar mechanisms. In addition the PKEXEC_UID environment
       variable is set to the user id of the process invoking pkexec. As a result, pkexec will not by default allow
       you to run X11 applications as another user since the $DISPLAY and $XAUTHORITY environment variables are not
       set. These two variables will be retained if the org.freedesktop.policykit.exec.allow_gui annotation on an
       action is set to a nonempty value; this is discouraged, though, and should only be used for legacy programs.

       Note that pkexec does no validation of the ARGUMENTS passed to PROGRAM. In the normal case (where
       administrator authentication is required every time pkexec is used), this is not a problem since if the user
       is an administrator he might as well just run pkexec bash to get root.

       However, if an action is used for which the user can retain authorization (or if the user is implicitly
       authorized) this could be a security hole. Therefore, as a rule of thumb, programs for which the default
       required authorization is changed, should never implicitly trust user input (e.g. like any other well-written
       suid program).

       By default, the org.freedesktop.policykit.exec action is used. To use another action, use the
       org.freedesktop.policykit.exec.path annotation on an action with the value set to the full path of the
       program. In addition to specifying the program, the authentication message, description, icon and defaults can
       be specified. If the org.freedesktop.policykit.exec.argv1 annotation is present, the action will only be
       picked if the first argument to the program matches the value of the annotation.

       Note that authentication messages may reference variables (see the section called “VARIABLES”), for example
       $(user) will be expanded to the value of the user variable.


       If this script is installed into /usr/bin/my-pk-test, then the following annotations

             <annotate key="org.freedesktop.policykit.exec.path">/usr/bin/python</annotate>
             <annotate key="org.freedesktop.policykit.exec.argv1">/usr/bin/my-pk-test</annotate>

       can be used to select the appropriate polkit action. Be careful to get the latter annotation right, otherwise
       it will match any pkexec invocation of /usr/bin/python scripts.

       The following variables are set by pkexec. They can be used in authorization rules and messages shown in
       authentication dialogs:

           Fully qualified path to the program to be executed. Example: “/bin/cat”

           The requested command-line (do not use this for any security checks, it is not secure). Example: “cat

           The user name of the user to execute the program as. Example: “davidz”

           The full name of the user to execute the program as. Example: “David Zeuthen”

           A representation of the user to execute the program as that is suitable for display in an authentication
           dialog. Is typically set to a combination of the user name and the full name. Example: “David Zeuthen

       Written by David Zeuthen <[email protected]> with a lot of help from many others.

       Please send bug reports to either the distribution or the polkit-devel mailing list, see the link on how to subscribe.

       polkit(8), polkitd(8), pkaction(1), pkcheck(1), pkttyagent(1)

        1. she-bang wrapper

polkit                                                 May 2009                                             PKEXEC(1)