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GREPDIFF(1)                                           Man pages                                           GREPDIFF(1)

       grepdiff - show files modified by a diff containing a regex

       grepdiff [[-n] | [--line-number]] [--number-files] [[-p n] | [--strip-match=n]] [--strip=n]
                [--addprefix=PREFIX] [--addoldprefix=PREFIX] [--addnewprefix=PREFIX] [[-s] | [--status]]
                [[-i PATTERN] | [--include=PATTERN]] [[-I FILE] | [--include-from-file=FILE]] [[-x PATTERN] |
                [--exclude=PATTERN]] [[-X FILE] | [--exclude-from-file=FILE]] [[-# RANGE] | [--hunks=RANGE]]
                [--lines=RANGE] [--files=RANGE] [--annotate] [--as-numbered-lines=WHEN] [--format=FORMAT]
                [--remove-timestamps] [[-v] | [--verbose]] [[-z] | [--decompress]] [[-E] | [--extended-regexp]] [[-H]
                | [--with-filename]] [[-h] | [--no-filename]] [--output-matching=WHAT] {[REGEX] | [-f FILE]}

       grepdiff {[--help] | [--version] | [--list] | [--filter ...]}

       For each file modified by a patch, if the patch hunk contains the REGEX then the file's name is printed.

       The regular expression is treated as POSIX Basic Regular Expression syntax, unless the -E option is given in
       which case POSIX Extended Regular Expression syntax is used.

       For example, to see the patches in my.patch which contain the regular expression “pf_gfp_mask”, use:

           grepdiff pf_gfp_mask my.patch | \
             xargs -rn1 filterdiff my.patch -i

       You can use both unified and context format diffs with this program.

       -n, --line-number
           Display the line number that each patch begins at. If verbose output is requested, each matching hunk is
           listed as well.

           For a description of the output format see lsdiff(1).

           File numbers are listed, beginning at 1, before each filename.

       -p n, --strip-match=n
           When matching, ignore the first n components of the pathname.

           Remove the first n components of the pathname before displaying it.

           Prefix the pathname with PREFIX before displaying it. This will override any individual settings specified
           with the --addoldprefix or --addnewprefix options.

           Prefix pathnames for old or original files in the output by PREFIX.

           Prefix pathnames for updated or new files in the output by PREFIX.

           Show file additions, modifications and removals. A file addition is indicated by a “+”, a removal by a

       -X FILE, --exclude-from-file=FILE
           Exclude files matching any pattern listed in FILE, one pattern per line. All other lines in the input are

       -# RANGE, --hunks=RANGE
           Only include hunks within the specified RANGE. Hunks are numbered from 1, and the range is a
           comma-separated list of numbers or “first-last” spans; either the first or the last in the span may be
           omitted to indicate no limit in that direction.

           Only list hunks that contain lines from the original file that lie within the specified RANGE. Lines are
           numbered from 1, and the range is a comma-separated list of numbers or “first-last” spans; either the
           first or the last in the span may be omitted to indicate no limit in that direction.

           Only list files indicated by the specified RANGE. Files are numbered from 1 in the order they appear in
           the patch input, and the range is a comma-separated list of numbers or “first-last” spans; either the
           first or the last in the span may be omitted to indicate no limit in that direction.

           Annotate each hunk with the filename and hunk number.

           Instead of a patch fragment, display the lines of the selected hunks with the line number of the file
           before (or after) the patch is applied, followed by a TAB character and a colon, at the beginning of each
           line. Each hunk except the first will have a line consisting of “...”  before it.

           Use specified output format.

           Do not include file timestamps in the output.

       -z, --decompress
           Decompress files with extensions .gz and .bz2.

       -E, --extended-regexp
           Use POSIX Extended Regular Expression syntax.

       -H, --with-filename
           Print the name of the patch file containing each match.

       -h, --no-filename
           Suppress the name of the patch file containing each match.

       -f FILE, --file=FILE
           Read regular expressions from FILE, one per line.

           Display the matching hunk-level or file-level diffs.

           Display a short usage message.

       Tim Waugh <[email protected]>
           Package maintainer

patchutils                                           10 Feb 2011                                          GREPDIFF(1)