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GIT-PATCH-ID(1)                                       Git Manual                                      GIT-PATCH-ID(1)

       git-patch-id - Compute unique ID for a patch

       git patch-id < <patch>

       A "patch ID" is nothing but a SHA-1 of the diff associated with a patch, with whitespace and line numbers
       ignored. As such, it’s "reasonably stable", but at the same time also reasonably unique, i.e., two patches
       that have the same "patch ID" are almost guaranteed to be the same thing.

       IOW, you can use this thing to look for likely duplicate commits.

       When dealing with git diff-tree output, it takes advantage of the fact that the patch is prefixed with the
       object name of the commit, and outputs two 40-byte hexadecimal strings. The first string is the patch ID, and
       the second string is the commit ID. This can be used to make a mapping from patch ID to commit ID.

           The diff to create the ID of.

       Part of the git(1) suite

Git                                           03/23/2016                                      GIT-PATCH-ID(1)