How to Check X86_64 Versions in Linux

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Recently I came across a problem when installing a VirtualBox machine for CentOS 10 Stream.

I kept getting a kernel panic error when installing the Operating System (OS). Nothing I did fixed it...

Python Series Part 13: Starting with Tkinter

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So far, we’ve been looking at Python in a terminal running on a command-line. Now, we need to look at running as a Graphical User Interface (GUI) and making things more “screen friendly”.

The way...

LFCS - Aggregated Storage

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With aggregated storage, you can take multiple drives on different systems and join them for the files to be mirrored, striped or distributed.

For Internet companies that store a lot of data...

Ansible Series Part 1: Intro and Getting Set Up

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Ansible is a huge subject, there is no way I can begin to cover all of it in a single post. So, my thinking here, is this will likely contain a number of posts. I usually tend to write simple...

ArchLinux on Arm (Raspberry Pi)

  • 750
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ArchLinux was released for ARM processors and supports many chipsets.

The main website for the ARM version is ‘’.


SD Card Basics

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When you go to buy a Secure Digital (SD) Card, there are usually a lot of choices. You might stand and stare at the cards, deciding what you need. Or, you could be the type to just grab one to...

Python Series Part 12: Example Game

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In this article, we will put a lot of the previous articles into use to make a Yahtzee style game as we did for BASH. This is the...

Linux Security Check

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Most people feel Linux is a secure Operating System (OS). I’m definitely not trying to make anyone paranoid or worried. In some situations, such as a business environment, it is best to be safe...
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