Recent content by jpnilson

  1. J


    I did and install and quick run through. Looks ok. Installed easily. Doesn't come loaded up with a bunch of junk. May have to look at it a bit further
  2. J


    Does anyone have any experience with this? I will probably spin up a VM and kick the tires. Just wondering if it was worth the time
  3. J

    I just tested googles version of A.I. gemini. I asked it to write three different bash...

    I just tested googles version of A.I. gemini. I asked it to write three different bash scripts. Although it came close not one of them would run without modification. I am not a good coder but it appears I can outperform Google. I think the earth is safe from an A.I takeover..... :)
  4. J

    libre office calc

    Its a drop down on lower right side of the save as dialog. I did a couple minutes of experimentation. You could try mousing over the edge of the save as box until you get the double arrow. Holding your left mouse button down you should be able to shrink the box until you are able to see the...
  5. J

    Solved Kate Word Count

    You can add a word count script
  6. J

    network name resolution loop?

    well that was fast. First article I read showed me how to use a usb to restore via timeshift. Assuming that timeshift was installed before the failure and a snapshot taken you should be able to restore. look at the article(see link below) The relevant instructions are in the bottom half of...
  7. J

    network name resolution loop?

    logs would be under /var/log . As far as timeshift. I don't know how you would do a restore from a live cd/usb. Will do a bit of research but maybe someone else here has done that
  8. J

    network name resolution loop?

    I'm guessing you don't have ssh server running so what I was suggesting wont help. Did you make any modifications to your system before this started happening? You might be able to boot using installation CD or USB flash drive so you can look at your log..etc Maybe someone else here will have...
  9. J

    network name resolution loop?

    Any chance you have ssh server running on this pc. Maybe you can just login via ip. I'm assuming that authentication is local. If you can get on the box you could do a bit more troubleshooting
  10. J

    Floppies :)

    Flash drive is much faster and cheaper per byte. Replacing the Internet? The Internet isn't really just one thing. Under the hood its really a political and regulatory nightmare. Having used the Internet from close to the beginning it has changed in ways no one ever imagined. I suspect a...
  11. J

    Floppies :)

    There are folks out there still using them. If you invested in a piece of equipment that is still functioning makes no sense to replace. I kept a floppy drive in a closet for years. Tossed it after not having been touched for a decade. I'm sure DVD's will follow. They are great to hang in...
  12. J

    Floppies :)

  13. J

    Floppies :)

    One of the first pieces of equipment I worked on was a dual 8 in disk drive. Each disk could hold 1.2 meg. Very heavy. Things have come a long ways in the last 40 years....
  14. J

    Solved More of a managed switch question than Linux Networking

    Reading through this I believe you probably need to go to the services > dhcp and enable the dhcp server for vlan. Also make sure everything is configured correctly recommend restarting dhcp and the workstation. If that doesn't work make sure trunking and port on switch are assigned correctly...
  15. J

    Disaster recovery - creating external bootable disk

    Not an expert on volume groups but my gut says if you could live with half the space I would remove one of the physical volumes. May be more than what you want to do but you will be hanging out for a while until you acquire a backup. If restoration time is critical perhaps you need a warm...