Recent content by Alexzee

  1. Alexzee

    Intel Blames Motherboard Makers — BIOSes Disable Thermal and Power Protection, causing issues

    Understood:- A intriguing and educational thread.-:) Thanks for the details and all of the feedback.
  2. Alexzee

    KDE Winner?

  3. Alexzee

    not so good code/examples

    Got it- Running commands is natural to us that use Linux everyday. Certain commands (depending on what you need to run) can be lengthy and require the right command-line argument. Explaining why they are a bad idea is good. I wrote an article about using wisdom when using the command-line...
  4. Alexzee

    not so good code/examples

    Willing to read it and contribute is part of my summer project.
  5. Alexzee

    KDE Winner?

    Nope. The program I'm using "KDevelop" won't make the font larger no matter how many times I select it and click apply:- See here:
  6. Alexzee

    not so good code/examples

    I have to agree. Accuracy and precision are an essential key to writing code. Details are so important! My take is if you are going to do it, it should be done right the first time. That way, the process/procedure won't have to be repeated again....thus wasting time you could have spent doing...
  7. Alexzee

    KDE Winner?

    The only distro I use that has the KDE envirnment is Slackware. It was done right and is incredibly beautiful! The only issue I have with KDE is the documentation is blinding white. I've been avoiding a issue that I need help with for weeks because of it.
  8. Alexzee

    Intel Blames Motherboard Makers — BIOSes Disable Thermal and Power Protection, causing issues

    Well, I can only hope that what you disabled you'll be able to re-enable if need be in the BIOS. It's good to hear that this machine does what it's suppose to do. The trickery that you mentioned: These are those got ya's that are IMO unseen at times. Sometimes even the wisest decision's don't...
  9. Alexzee

    Intel Blames Motherboard Makers — BIOSes Disable Thermal and Power Protection, causing issues

    LOL! Has the amount of time passed to get a refund for this laptop that you recently purchased?
  10. Alexzee

    Question on practice test

    Glad to hear you are addressing that situation. I used dnf back when Fedora was on my laptop. That's was a handful of years ago. Wishing you the best in your en-devours.
  11. Alexzee

    The How To for Your Sources List Debian

    Fresh off the press-
  12. Alexzee

    Question on practice test

    I'd be interested in what the director of the school or college has to say regarding the teacher they hired and his conduct in reference to what he spoke of. I'll leave that up to you should you want to pursue addressing that or not.
  13. Alexzee

    Intel Blames Motherboard Makers — BIOSes Disable Thermal and Power Protection, causing issues

    Are you in a dual boot Linux and Windows? Which partition was reduced? Realtek in some cases with Linux I've experienced difficulty in getting the right driver loaded as the wrong driver was loading first. To fix the problem I blacklisted the wrong driver and upon rebooting had success with...
  14. Alexzee

    Question on practice test

    You're welcome- He (your teacher) may be suffering from cognitive dissonance. Showing partiality is frown upon in my book because we all have gifts and talents regardless of our state, standing, and identity. Anyway, the Fedora Documentation is a good place to start. Fedora is the test bed for...
  15. Alexzee

    Question on practice test

    The command : yum install httpd -dep The reason why you would not run this is because the '-dep' is for dependencies. Dependencies should be handled and installed first before installing Apache server. Best wishes in your computer science class.