
  1. hal_sk

    Unable to set permanent audio output (solved)

    [SOLVED, see the end] Hello, I use my Ubuntu PC with my TV using HDMI cable for video and audio. In Ubuntu I have 2 possible audio outputs to choose from: HDMI SPDIF After I select desired HDMI option it works fine until I reboot the PC. After that, output reverts to SPDIF. Ubuntu is not...
  2. CaffeineAddict

    Solved reboot system from terminal

    To reboot system from terminal the usual reboot command did it and still does it... But on a systemd machine we can also do systemctl reboot or sudo systemctl reboot to reboot system. Other than longer typing, is there a difference or preferred method?
  3. Z

    Solved After entering systemd namespace, ssh service can't bind to ssh port because address already in use

    I installed Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS in WSL2 according to instructions here. Then I installed SSH server according to instructions here. Then I installed ubuntu-wsl2-systemd-script to enable systemd support in WSL2. During reboot of Ubuntu in WSL2, line 45-47 of enter-systemd-namespace script enters...
  4. B

    Solved Systemctl - sysctl - systemd

    Hi! I have seen many ways to manage services in Ubuntu. Such as Systemctl - sysctl - systemd - /etc/init.d scripts and so on. Some of them seem to work always, whereas some not. ¿What is the difference among them all? Thanks!
  5. M

    systemd and boot splash page (Rpi4, Bullseye)

    I have read other threads on setting up a boot splash image (or video) and removing the boot text on boot up, but have always come across issues because of the OS (Bullseye, 11, Lite) or because of deprecated packages (omxplayer, plymouth methods don't seem to work). I'm hoping someone may have...
  6. D

    systemd, journalctl, and suspend/resume (sleep/wake): marked by default in the logs? Or how to add? And scripting around suspend/resume in general?

    ( First of all, I'm not completely sure what the official terms are. I think it's "suspend"/"resume", with "sleep"/"wake" being synonyms (and I'm not sure if there are any other common synonyms). And there's other, related-but-different stuff, namely "hibernate", which is much more rarely used...
  7. Z

    Impossible to launch tightVNC at startup

    Hello ! My system : Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.19.0-32-generic x86_64) After installing Tightvnc, I scrupulously followed the instructions to fill in a service file so that my vnc server restarts every time ubuntu starts (Recommendation from this site, and many other tests...
  8. S

    Problems with OpenSSH and SystemD

    Hello, I'm getting an issue, I'm trying to setup a reverse ssh tunnel in a systemd service,tho when launching it i get an ssh 255 Excep and Host key verif failed. However when running the command in my terminal it works normally. Here is a bit of info: My ssh command /usr/bin/ssh -vvv -N -R...
  9. sujay999

    Dictionary permission denied.

    so, I today switched to zorin from ubuntu....I had a hard disk partition for backup of my files. When I tried to access the partition there was a error...I checked the permission of the dictionary....It was written "systemd-dump". I am new to linux and I don't know what to do....please help me...
  10. R

    Why is systemd preferred for lightweight distributions.

    I would like to know why being systemd free is preferred by the distribution developers of lightweight OSes. While i do understand that init and systemd are both service intiators and in most of the article and research that i have read systemd is deemed as the better alternative and is being...
  11. D

    cgroups v2 - How to move all realtime(RT) processes to "root cgroup"?

    I have a problem adding cpu controller since command gives error : sudo echo "+cpu" >> cgroup.subtree_control bash: cgroup.subtree_control: Access Denied. Therefore, I have found a solution is that I have to move all realtime(RT) processes to root cgroup as explained in cgroupv2 documents...
  12. D

    Debian 11 & cgroups v2 - How to move all realtime(RT) processes to "root cgroup"?

    I have a problem adding cpu controller since command gives error : sudo echo "+cpu" >> cgroup.subtree_control bash: cgroup.subtree_control: Access Denied. Therefore, I have found a solution is that I have to move all realtime(RT) processes to root cgroup as explained in cgroupv2 documents...
  13. hal_sk

    [Solved] Script does not run after reboot (systemd)

    Hello, I have simple script /usr/local/bin/ #!/bin/bash echo $(date) >> /home/hal/Desktop/log Then I have this service file: /etc/systemd/system/test.service [Unit] Description=Test service [Service] ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ [Install] Then I run...
  14. C

    Send screen via socket problem for systemd (I think) import socket import cv2 import struct import numpy as np from PIL import ImageGrab from time import sleep import pickle con = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) con.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET,socket.SO_REUSEADDR,1) con.bind(("localhost",3344)) con.listen(1) while...
  15. JohnnyRobot

    Python Script Spawned by Cron or Systemd doesn't write files..?

    Hi all, I'm not really sure where this question should go. I'm not even sure if it's a Linux issue or a Python issue. I've written a Raspberry Pi application (Ubuntu Mate) that's essentially a timed camera. Every 30 seconds, it snaps an image and writes it to disk. When I start the...
  16. CptCharis

    dhcp, netctl & systemd

    Hello everybody !!! I have a difficulty to understand differences between dhcp, netctl and systemd, when I tried to set up static ip into my Arch installation. Googling around I found three ways to set up static ip into Arch Linux. Let's say differences between systemd and other two is more...
  17. J

    Safe to install systemd system and service manager

    I am a novice user and my system is running well. Is it safe to install systemd system and service manager update ?
  18. I

    Problem with systemctl --root= option in RHEL/CentOS 7

    It is my understanding that --root= option in systemctl command is used to explicitly specify an alternate root path to find the service unit files. On RHEL/CentOS 7, the following error occurs when attempting to use the above mentioned systemctl option: [root@server-02 system]# systemctl...
  19. A

    Journalctl. What kind of journald setting is more correct?

    journald allows you to configure yourself through a configuration file or command line. Configuration file: SystemMaxUse = - the maximum amount that logs can occupy on the disk; SystemKeepFree = - the amount of free space that should remain on the disk after saving logs; SystemMaxFileSize = -...
  20. Linux_Programmer

    systemd : started session xxx of user root Logs

    Hello, Systemd has been generating too many "Started session xxx of user root" logs when root user login to the system but there's no corresponding entry for every logout. Is this behavior expected ? Rgds, Linux Programmer (SM)