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  1. ScrambledEggs

    Disable All Remote Access Services

    Ok, so I'm still learning Linux. The past couple days I've been going through every directory and opening up the files to read what they contain. I've read quite a bit about remote access. At the time I didn't know that the remote access services were not installed by default. I was using the...
  2. ScrambledEggs

    Disable All Remote Access Services

    Just checked my messages. I went to remove the other post. I believe it was taken down in my absence. My apologies.
  3. ScrambledEggs

    Disable All Remote Access Services

    Linux Mint 20 and 20.1
  4. ScrambledEggs

    Disable All Remote Access Services

    Can someone give me the best route to go about this. I don't and have never used ssh, ftp, telnet etc.
  5. ScrambledEggs

    Ufw logs disappeared, explanations?

    Still no logging...
  6. ScrambledEggs

    Ufw logs disappeared, explanations?

    Thank you for your response Expirion #The input for 'sudo service rsyslog status' was: rsyslog.service - System Logging Service Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/rsyslog.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Tue 2021-02-09 13:06:38 CST; 20min ago...
  7. ScrambledEggs

    Ufw logs disappeared, explanations?

    So I've been making it a habit of checking my logs on a daily basis to familiarize myself with what is normal so I can hopefully spot suspicious activity. Well last night after browsing the world wide web for hours and hours I decided to cd into my logs to see what they were talking about...
  8. ScrambledEggs

    Firejail Needing to remove gnome-logs

    I know about that one. I was wanting to avoid having to remove/add symlinks. But I believe I found a solution. If I sudo gnome-logs in terminal it will open gnome-logs with admin rights and I'm able to view what I need. I am just unsure if this is the right way to do it? I appreciate your help...
  9. ScrambledEggs

    Firejail Needing to remove gnome-logs

    Hey guys, it's been awhile since I last posted. Still exploring and learning Linux. Well I've got a question about something and I cannot figure it out! So I have firejail, and I used the 'sudo firecfg' command to symlink the programs that firejail has profiles for. Well firejail created a...
  10. ScrambledEggs

    Unexpected: "Test" listed on login??

    Hey everyone. I backtracked my steps trying to see what caused this issue, and I found the answer! A conky installation from a 3rd party repository. Yup. I knew better to use such a repository but conky had me amazed. Be careful what you download.
  11. ScrambledEggs

    Unexpected: "Test" listed on login??

    Oh yeah, I forget to mention, a day or 2 ago I was using a textbook that taught how to use entrusion detection tools to see if your system had been compromised. Well during my study I was using the passwd file and the casper file(sorry can't remember the exact names) so maybe I did something I...
  12. ScrambledEggs

    Unexpected: "Test" listed on login??

    I appreciate all your help. I rebooted and the test user disappeared and so did my login. I rebooted again and sure enough my login credentials we're missing. I was forced to manually enter my username and password when I never use auto login. I then entered my username and password and it...
  13. ScrambledEggs

    Unexpected: "Test" listed on login??

    Linux Mint 20, updated. Yes I can login. I was just truly caught off guard by seeing another login because I'm the only person that uses this box. When I got inside I immediately checked users and it has a Test user. I just rebooted and now I am unable to login....weird.
  14. ScrambledEggs

    Unexpected: "Test" listed on login??

    Ive been on my computer all day. I went to reboot and I noticed "test" is listed as a login option. I did not do anything knowingly that would enable such a feature. Should I be concerned?
  15. ScrambledEggs

    USB Linux Boot - Ventoy

    Is that virus in Ventoy legit?
  16. ScrambledEggs

    Sandboxing with Firejail

    Im interested in Firejail so I read and followed your guide. I appreciate the work you do to help others learn things like this. Well, after install i ran 'firejail firefox' and terminal said that firefox didnt exist. I thought perhaps there was some type of error so I uninstalled and...
  17. ScrambledEggs

    Removing installer from Mint 20.iso Possible?

    My apologies for the late response. Im under the weather. When I was experimenting with Ventoy I knew I had to boot with a live iso. I wanted to bypass the initial install screen, and the installer icon, along with the various packages that are uninstalled automatically during a normal...
  18. ScrambledEggs

    USB Linux Boot - Ventoy

    Wait till you get into plugins!! I'm actually now waiting for my persistence file do get done syncing so I can see if my .json file with persistence+password strings works together. I know the persistence .json string works by itself but I added a password string as well. Do you know if...
  19. ScrambledEggs

    Removing installer from Mint 20.iso Possible?

    I'm curious to know if it is possible to modify a Mint20.iso by removing the installer so that all your left with is a base system of Mint 20? Ran into an article about a program called Ventoy. I'm experimenting with it today and the modified .iso idea popped into my head.