Search results

  1. G

    Fastly repositories

    I have decided to help out by becoming a beta tester for the new fastly repository by changing my software sources main to Is anyone else doing this, I'm uncertain if once the testing is over if I have to change back to the server I was using previously & when will I know...
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    Floorp browser

    Just out of interest I wondered if anyone is using this browser & if so do you regard it as an improvement on Firefox and why, also I noticed that as of time of writing this, it is based on Firefox 115.7.0 which is a few versions behind Firefox, my main concern of course is new security holes...
  3. G

    Desktop shuts down unexpectedly (Solved)

    In Linux mint 21.3 cinnamon, in Firefox 122 when I click on a link to something the desktop session shuts down & I'm back at the login screen, first time it happened I was on the Google chrome download page, I clicked the download for Linux link, second time I was logged into a banking site...
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    Hypnotix IPTV

    My post about Hypnotix channels generally not working (at least in the UK) suggested I was not alone, someone said maybe the latest Mint 21.3 may have new links which indeed it does, however I still find none of the Uk channels work for me & only a few global channels work. If the Mint dev's...
  5. G

    Trying to install Linux on a new SSD (Solved)

    My wife's desktop pc shows signs that the ageing hard drive could be failing so I have bought a new SSD (Crucial BX500 240GB) I have physically installed it & checked in bios to make sure it's regonised which it is. I booted from a memory stick with a live Linux mint Cinammon 21.2 which loaded...
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    Hypnotix IPTV player Solved

    Happy new year one & all. Until recently I have used Hypnotix successfully to watch tv but in the last few days it will not play any of the uk stations & relatively few from around the world, the m3u link listed on the github page is the same as that installed in the player, I don't know if...
  7. G

    No hdmi sound on tv

    I used to use Linux mint cinnamon but I have switched to the Mate edition for various reasons that I don't need to go into here. On cinnamon if I connected the laptop to my tv via hdmi I simply had to right click the speaker icon & change from speaker to hdmi, in Mate I have found I have to...
  8. G

    Thinkpad keyboard issue

    I posted recently about the keyboard backlight not working, it turned out that it was a non lit keyboard so I bought a new keyboard with backlight, after fitting it to the machine which is a T480 not T470 as I mistakenly said in my original post, everything except the touchpad pad works. I am...
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    Thinkpad backlight with Linux mint 21.2

    Hi all, I've just bought a Lenovo T470 Thinkpad which arrived at my request without an operating system so I could install Linux mint. Looking online on Lenovo's website it says if there is a light on either the ESC key or space bar this means the laptop has a backlit keyboard, it goes on to say...
  10. G

    Encrypted client hello (Solved)

    Hi all, This is a brave browser related question & maybe not on the right forum but having had no luck elsewhere I will try my luck here. When using any other chromium based browser on Linux mint (Mate) 21.2 I have been able to go to chrome://flags find encrypted client hello and enable it, then...
  11. G

    Password manager problem (Solved)

    This is a strange one, I upgraded a friends computer from Linux mint 20.3 (cinnamon) to mint 21, she uses Firefox with both Bit Warden & Lastpass addons installed (she's not decided which one to go for so is testing both). I made a note of her login details for both & reinstalled the addons once...
  12. G

    HP printer misaligned

    Hi, I have a HP2130 series printer which prints slightly off to one side hence the first letter of any word on the left of the page is missing, I am aware of the HP realignment page that requires scanning to realign however I can't find how to print that page. If I search on the system for...
  13. G

    Update manager not working (Solved)

    I have been unable to download any system updates for several days now & the software sources is stuck on Main and Base It will not allow me to change mirrors. I have attached screenshots of the...
  14. G

    Laptop battery not as expected {Solved)

    Hi, I bought a new 9 cell 11.8v battery for my Fujitsu AH530 laptop, when I opened the power management tool on my Linux mint 20.3 cinnamon system it reports it to be 3.8v, have I bought a duff battery or is there something I don't understand about how the battery details are reported...
  15. G

    Video error in Slimjet browser (Solved)

    Hi, My main browser is Brave but today I thought I would check out Slimjet, I'm running Linux Mint Cinnamon 20.3 It looks like a very promising browser & on my system at least it appears to load pages faster than Brave which is impressive, the only issue I have come up against is with embedded...
  16. G

    Partitions in (Solved)

    Hi all, I recently tried out a new distro (Linux lite) by dual booting alongside Mint, after a while I decided it wasn't what I wanted so I deleted the partition & used grub customizer to check the boot details were ok however when I rebooted there was a problem & my computer would not boot so I...
  17. G

    VLC (Solved)

    I am trying to cast media from my computer to a chromecast that's connected to my tv using VLC, when I click on playback / Rendering I see my Chromecast & select it, I then select the relevant media file(s) & the title appears on the tv but it will not play, if I I disable my firewall (UCFW) &...
  18. G

    Sleep mode in MInt 20

    I am running Mint Ulyana 20, for no particular reason I have always shutdown my system after use every time, I realise that if simply close the lid so it goes to sleep it will open up instantly which is a big plus but is there any limit to how long I can leave it in this mode, for example will...
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    Normalise mp3's

    I cannot find an easy way to normalise mp3 volume levels in Linux Mint 20 (Mate) I am looking for something simple (GUI not command line) Audacity can (apparently) do it but it sounds complicated, mp3gain is no longer available (dependency errors when I try to install it). Does anyone know of a...
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    Multiple Desktops

    Hi all I am running Linux Mint 20 which was originally installed with the Cinnamon DE, I have now installed the Mate DE alongside so I can choose which environment I boot into however I now find I am using Mate all the time & I wonder if I should uninstall the Cinnamon DE if I'm not using it...