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    Unable To Update BIOS

    I have a new Framework 16 laptop with BIOS 3.02. Since the 16 is a new system, it still has some bugs. They have developed a BIOS 3.03 update. I am currently running LMDE 6. It is not an oficiallly supported distro at this time. I have tried the CLI way to update: fwupdmgr get-updates fwupdmgr...
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    Logitech Bluetooth Keyboard & Trackball Not Working

    I have a Logitec ERGO K860 Bluetooth keyboard and an ERGO M575 Bluetooth trackball. I installed LMDE 6 a couple of weeks ago. When I made the changeover, the keyboard and trackball stopped working. Upon research, I learned that it is a common issue when changing over to Linux. I did some more...
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    Solved LMDE 6 Crashed On Startup

    I recently installed LMDE 6 on my desktop. Yesterday, I updated the system from the update manager. After the update was finished, the manager said to reboot the system. Upon reboot, it failed and went into the TTYL mode. I cannot get out of this. Attached are photos of what is shown on the...
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    Solved Printer Not Working on LMDE 6

    I'm setting up LMDE 6 on my computer. However, I am unable to get my Canon MX490 network printer to work. It has been a while since I have used Linux. And this is the second time that I have tried to set up Linux since I got this printer. I have currently deleted the printer so that I can get a...
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    What VMWare programs are available in Mint 20

    I've been out of the Linux game for quite a while. I am looking for a Virtual Machine that runs x64 programs. Virtual Box only runs x32 (or x84). Any suggestions?
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    PlayOnLinux Problems

    I just installed Mint 19.0. I've got a program installed on PlayOnLinux and it works fine...Except...The program when running will not show up in the panel. So, if i minimize the window, it's lost. How do I get it to show up in the panel?
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    Bluetooth iHome Speaker Problems

    I just left Windows 10 for good and installed Mint 19.0 and am trying to connect my Bluetooth iHome iDBT68. However, whenever I scan for Bluetooth devices, nothing shows up. Any suggestions?