Recent content by Freepoorman

  1. Freepoorman

    (Solved) I need help playing preinstalled windows games on Xubuntu

    Thank you, this works. I installed a few GOG games and they all work fine. My "steam" games are hit and miss still. I could only get Proton 7.27 earliest version and that didn't work either. I tested The Forest and it works fine, so 2 games work so far
  2. Freepoorman

    (Solved) I need help playing preinstalled windows games on Xubuntu

    Awesome thanks! I'll give that a try. My games are mostly from steamunlocked so they come in a zip file and when extracted it is the entire install directory with the launch exe somewhere in there..
  3. Freepoorman

    (Solved) I need help playing preinstalled windows games on Xubuntu

    Thank you. I'll give it a try
  4. Freepoorman

    (Solved) I need help playing preinstalled windows games on Xubuntu

    Thanks. Lutris sounds familiar. I'm playing Beach Buggy Racing 2 without any problems, even full controller support. When I try run Off-Road Drive I get a Steam error. (I never had Steam on my windows computer that ran this game fine.) When I run Street Fighter X Tekken the game loads, all...
  5. Freepoorman

    (Solved) I need help playing preinstalled windows games on Xubuntu

    Heroic Game Launcher is nice, but I am having the same problems as with Wine... One game gives a Steam Error and crashes on launch. The other one launches, but the menus are pitch black and impossible to navigate... (maybe dx problem?)
  6. Freepoorman

    (Solved) I need help playing preinstalled windows games on Xubuntu

    Is this a manager for official Epic Games and GOG store? Some of my games came from unofficial sources...
  7. Freepoorman

    (Solved) I need help playing preinstalled windows games on Xubuntu

    I know user CaffeineAddict recommended a different way but I can't recall... Does anyone have a stable reliable way of playing windows games on Linux?
  8. Freepoorman

    (Solved) I need help playing preinstalled windows games on Xubuntu

    Hi everyone, I used Wine to play a preinstalled windows game, but my other games don't work... Either I get a steam error and game crashes on launch or some games launch but with menu screens pitch black... I have Ryzen 3 CPU with integrated Vega 3 GPU. I updated wine and downloaded steam...
  9. Freepoorman

    How to handle bloat on GNU/Linux?

    With Huggingface and Ollama you can train your own local offline models to be uncensored by editing the modelfile... Also private. I don't mind either way, if information is useful it's useful regardless of the source. As far as corrupting your system by following AI advice goes, always verify...
  10. Freepoorman

    How to handle bloat on GNU/Linux?

    Does it even matter if you get the information you need?
  11. Freepoorman

    Which linux best for dual core processor

    I'm personally a fan of the XFCE Desktop Environment, so Xubuntu or Mint XFCE are my top recommendations.
  12. Freepoorman

    How to handle bloat on GNU/Linux?

    If you want to see which programs write where on a Linux system, you can use the inotify-tools package. This package provides a set of command-line tools that can be used to monitor file system events in real time. To install inotify-tools, you can use the following command: sudo apt-get...
  13. Freepoorman

    I installed Linux Mint XFCE on my sister's laptop.

    I'm 100% sure. It is a nasty scratching sound, almost like an old CD/DVD drive trying to run a scratched disk.
  14. Freepoorman

    Wlan0 not showing

    On Kali, this is a great way to open the floodgates for phishing attacks on your machine. (at least from my experience on VM) I didn't even run dist upgrade, just sudo apt upgrade, but my host machine AV was going wild with notifications from phishing attempts blocked. After I cancelled, in my...
  15. Freepoorman

    I installed Linux Mint XFCE on my sister's laptop.

    Thank you, I will definitely keep that in mind.