If you're using Ubuntu 22.04 (or an official flavor), you might want to put off updating for a few days.



Hmm... Seems to work here.

Next to the preview button, to the left, there's a three verticle dot menu. In there, there's an option to disable BBCode. But, if you'd done that, you probably also wouldn't have been able to quote.

That's the only reason I could think for it not working.
No sir. I noticed condo didn't use code either, and know he wouldn't intentionally do that either.
Also, did you try it manually?

[c ode]some text [/c ode]

(Remove the spaces.)

That's generally how I add code tags. It's just as quick as using the button, I suppose. It means not having to take my hands from the keyboard, which helps. I type faster (and more accurately) than I mouse, if that makes sense.
alphanumeric supercalafragalisticexpialadcious
Also, did you try it manually?

[c ode]some text [/c ode]

(Remove the spaces.)

That's generally how I add code tags. It's just as quick as using the button, I suppose. It means not having to take my hands from the eyboard, which helps. I type faster (and more accurately) than I mouse, if that makes sense.
No, I didn't even think about it. I thought it mnight've been because there was so much code that it wouldn't take it. Like I said, I noticed @Condobloke just posted his in body so I figured it was a problem.
It's funny you mention that...

I'm at an impass... I need a Windows device (or a tablet/phone which sucks) to manage some of my music hardware.

I haven't used Windows since 2007. The last Windows I used wasn't even 7 - it was Vista SP1 or whatever it was at the time.


I'm going to have to bite the bullet and buy a Windows computer.

I do not look forward to this, but there's no way to do it in Linux or even Apple's MacOS.

My choice is continue using a phone with a crappy app or get Windows on a device. I'm thinking an eBay refurbished laptop that at least has Win11 on it. But, I've put this off for like two years and just kept using a phone to manage the device.

Virtual machine running Windows not an option? I've had bad experiences with virtual machines and audio in the past, but that was so long ago I don't know what the current state of affairs is. If the devices are usb you should be able to pass though without too much hassle.

Nevermind you already answered the question, didn't finish reading the entire thread. Your mention of usb passthrough issues I don't recognize though, usb usually is pretty straightforward. For me the issues are either audio not sounding right and/or 3d acceleration (compatibility) issues when not passing though a hardware gpu.

I'd love to see the day where you could run a 2001 released game in a virtual machine using the operating system it was released for, without gpu passthrough, but that day hasn't come yet.
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Virtual machine running Windows not an option?

I don't want to have to fight with things like using USB devices in the VM. Otherwise, I'd consider it.

My experience with USB in VMs has been nothing but trouble. I still haven't bothered buying said computer.

But, yeah... USB will sometimes work until it doesn't and there's no way to repair it. At least that's the experience I have - and half the time USB didn't work at all. Granted, I haven't tried in a few years. I suppose I could give it a shot. I can download Windows for free to test it.
I don't want to have to fight with things like using USB devices in the VM. Otherwise, I'd consider it.

My experience with USB in VMs has been nothing but trouble. I still haven't bothered buying said computer.

But, yeah... USB will sometimes work until it doesn't and there's no way to repair it. At least that's the experience I have - and half the time USB didn't work at all. Granted, I haven't tried in a few years. I suppose I could give it a shot. I can download Windows for free to test it.

Usb passthrough has always worked for me with both virtualbox and qemu without issue for the past 5 years or so. qemu had changed their command line parameters a bit during their time.

With qemu I couldn't pass through the usb id's like a sane person, only a different id that changed every time a device was plugged in or unplugged which was a pain, otherwise it worked.

I wish virtualbox did graphics better so I didn't have to deal with qemu.
