brightness control not working


New Member
May 4, 2023
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i am having a problem with my brightness controls not working in hp victus 15 laptop in any of the linux i install . first when i installed the linux the my brightness was very low the when i made few changes in the grub , now my brightness is stuck to maximum level . how to fix it

i am having a problem with my brightness controls not working in hp victus 15 laptop in any of the linux i install . first when i installed the linux the my brightness was very low the when i made few changes in the grub , now my brightness is stuck to maximum level . how to fix it
Hey dude, sounds like you're having some trouble with your brightness controls on your HP laptop. It's a common issue with Linux installations, but don't worry, we can figure this out!

The first thing you can try is to edit the GRUB file again and change the brightness settings to a lower number.

Here's how you can edit the GRUB file:

1. Open the terminal.
2. Type in the command sudo nano /etc/default/grub and press enter.
3. Look for the line that says GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT.
4. Add the following text after the double quotes: acpi_backlight=vendor
5. Save and exit the file by pressing Ctrl+X, then Y, then Enter.
6. Finally, update the GRUB by typing in the command sudo update-grub in terminal.

This will allow you to control your brightness levels using your function keys on your keyboard.

If this doesn't work, you can try installing the "xbacklight" package by typing in the command sudo apt-get install xbacklight in the terminal. After installing, try adjusting your brightness using the command xbacklight -set <percentage>.

I hope this helps, let me know if you have any other questions!
i am having a problem with my brightness controls not working in hp victus 15 laptop in any of the linux i install . first when i installed the linux the my brightness was very low the when i made few changes in the grub , now my brightness is stuck to maximum level . how to fix it
i am having a problem with my brightness controls not working in hp victus 15 laptop in any of the linux i install . first when i installed the linux the my brightness was very low the when i made few changes in the grub , now my brightness is stuck to maximum level . how to fix it
Woah, dude! My bad if I wasn't clear. I definitely didn't mean to make your brightness stuck at maximum level, and I apologize if it came across that way. Let's see if we can fix it together, alright?

To address the issue of your brightness being stuck at maximum level, you can try the following steps:

1. Open the terminal on your Linux installation.
2. Type in the command sudo nano /etc/default/grub and hit enter.
3. Look for the line that starts with GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT.
4. Remove any references to acpi_backlight=vendor or any other modifications you made previously.
5. Save your changes by pressing Ctrl+X, then Y, and finally hitting Enter.
6. Update the GRUB configuration by running sudo update-grub in the terminal.

After completing these steps, restart your laptop and see if the brightness controls start working again. Hopefully, everything gets back to normal for you!

Remember, make sure to double-check your changes in the grub file to ensure there are no typos or accidental modifications. If you have any other concerns or need further assistance, feel free to ask!
Woah, dude! My bad if I wasn't clear. I definitely didn't mean to make your brightness stuck at maximum level, and I apologize if it came across that way. Let's see if we can fix it together, alright?

To address the issue of your brightness being stuck at maximum level, you can try the following steps:

1. Open the terminal on your Linux installation.
2. Type in the command sudo nano /etc/default/grub and hit enter.
3. Look for the line that starts with GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT.
4. Remove any references to acpi_backlight=vendor or any other modifications you made previously.
5. Save your changes by pressing Ctrl+X, then Y, and finally hitting Enter.
6. Update the GRUB configuration by running sudo update-grub in the terminal.

After completing these steps, restart your laptop and see if the brightness controls start working again. Hopefully, everything gets back to normal for you!

Remember, make sure to double-check your changes in the grub file to ensure there are no typos or accidental modifications. If you have any other concerns or need further assistance, feel
@Hejag ...Do not use all is seen as shouting, and is considered rude.
I am on nixos I cannot locate grub directory
free to ask!
I am on nixos I cannot locate grub directory
free to ask!
Ah, my bad, dude! On NixOS, the configuration for the bootloader is a bit different. Instead of the GRUB directory, NixOS uses the NixOS configuration file for controlling the bootloader settings.

To adjust the brightness controls on NixOS, you can follow these steps:

1. Open a terminal on your NixOS installation.
2. Use a text editor like nano or vim to edit the NixOS configuration file. The file is usually located at /etc/nixos/configuration.nix.
3. Look for the section that defines the boot.loader configuration.
4. Within the boot.loader section, find the kernelParams field.
5. If you see any references to acpi_backlight=vendor or any other brightness-related modifications, remove them.
6. Save the changes to the configuration file.
7. Apply the changes by running sudo nixos-rebuild switch.

After the system rebuilds, your brightness controls should hopefully start working again. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, feel free to ask!
Woah, dude! My bad if I wasn't clear. I definitely didn't mean to make your brightness stuck at maximum level, and I apologize if it came across that way. Let's see if we can fix it together, alright?

To address the issue of your brightness being stuck at maximum level, you can try the following steps:

1. Open the terminal on your Linux installation.
2. Type in the command sudo nano /etc/default/grub and hit enter.
3. Look for the line that starts with GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT.
4. Remove any references to acpi_backlight=vendor or any other modifications you made previously.
5. Save your changes by pressing Ctrl+X, then Y, and finally hitting Enter.
6. Update the GRUB configuration by running sudo update-grub in the terminal.

After completing these steps, restart your laptop and see if the brightness controls start working again. Hopefully, everything gets back to normal for you!

Remember, make sure to double-check your changes in the grub file to ensure there are no typos or accidental modifications. If you have any other concerns or need further assistance, feel free to ask!
I can't locate grub directory tuxbot
I can't locate grub directory tuxbot
Oh, my bad, dude! Sorry for the confusion. If you can't locate the GRUB directory on your NixOS installation, it's because NixOS uses a different bootloader called "systemd-boot" by default.

To adjust the brightness controls on NixOS with systemd-boot, you can follow these steps:

1. Open a terminal on your NixOS installation.
2. Use a text editor like nano or vim to edit the NixOS configuration file. The file is usually located at /etc/nixos/configuration.nix.
3. Look for the section that defines the boot.loader.systemd-boot configuration.
4. Within that section, find the extraConfig field. If it doesn't exist, you can add it.
5. Add the following line to the extraConfig field:
   options = "acpi_backlight=vendor";
This will enable the ACPI backlight support and may fix the brightness issue.
6. Save the changes to the configuration file.
7. Apply the changes by running sudo nixos-rebuild switch.

After the system rebuilds, your brightness controls should hopefully start working again. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, feel free to ask!