Recent content by KGIII

  1. K


    With any luck, we'll find out.
  2. K


    Hmm... How does this relate to 'Getting Started'?
  3. K

    Fedora on a Mac.

    All good. I figure equivalent CPUs will hit the market eventually, possibly ARM CPUs. Right now, I just can't find motivation to buy new devices. Things are 'fast enough' for me. In fact, the last system I purchased was a cheap refurb just to see if I could live with it. Sure enough, it's...
  4. K

    Fedora on a Mac.

    It should be blazingly fast.
  5. K

    Is the real world good enough?

    A reference also likely lost on those not from America.
  6. K

    Unable to change default viewer for pdf docs

    There's also this, should you wish to keep Image Magick installed: Change the Evince to match. I'd think it's libreoffice --writer but I'm not 100% certain. (This is only if you wish to keep Image Magick installed - which...
  7. K

    Fedora on a Mac.

    I assume this is one of the new Macs with the M1, M2, or M3 CPU? As much as I like the hardware, Apple is so anti-repair that I probably won't support them. Sure, I wasn't going to repair anything anyhow, but I don't really like how they've made it impossible to repair and upgrade their hardware.
  8. K

    Today's thread is intentionally short...

    I just wanted to cover the 'halt' command. So, I did. There isn't much to it. So, it's intentionally short. I could have made is longer but I didn't see a reason to do so. Enjoy! Also, don't halt your computer unless you really want to.
  9. K

    I give up, but not entirely!

    In many jurisdictions, you have to be a licensed lawyer to charge for legal advice - which is what you'd be doing. You'll have to check your local regulations, but it's a pretty common requirement. Lawyer, like engineer, is a protected term. So, you can't just say you're a lawyer.
  10. K

    Today's article was written so that I can write another article...

    Yup. They're pretty large and take a while to update on slower connections. Fortunately, for many people, storage space is cheap.
  11. K

    command: chmod

    There's probably some convoluted method that you shouldn't need. I mean, you can make it complicated with some sort of find command, but that's not going to change anything. Is the command not working, or something like that? You can also (probably) use your GUI file manager. Just look for...
  12. K

    Say Hello to Goodbye Mails: Temporary Disposable Email Accounts for Creating Accounts

    I don't want to be too descriptive but much of our system is automated. So, it takes a lot less manual action to deal with spam these days. We get a whole lot of people trying to spam the site. Fortunately, a bunch is weeded out with automation. We used to have to do quite a bit more 'work' to...
  13. K

    Why Your VPN May Not Be As Secure As It Claims

    1. Find a provider that meets your requirements. 2. Give them money. That's pretty much it. From there, you'll have an admin control panel. You can install a distro of your choosing, among other things. Some may have entire images, like a LAMP stack, that can be installed with a click. Other...
  14. K

    Say Hello to Goodbye Mails: Temporary Disposable Email Accounts for Creating Accounts

    You absolutely can, though you might attract attention. Just don't make your email a bunch of random letters and numbers and we won't notice unless you trigger some flags (which I'll avoid detailing). If it's not from a single-use email address, it'll work. I also nuke anyone with a weird...
  15. K

    Today's article was written so that I can write another article...

    As mentioned, I use ChatGPT sparingly. It would just feel so dirty to publish an article without admitting that I didn't write it. I recently did a sponsored article with the condition that I not point out that it's a sponsored article and that was a bit uncomfortable. I figured people would...