Recent content by The Duck

  1. T

    Rock Roxx

    One of the best concerts I went to back in the 1970s.
  2. T

    Solved 23.04 LTS will not boot after install.

    I think I'd try and repair grub as the red dot in the 2nd partition with the exclamation mark inside of it looks to be lost someway. You may have to recreate a new EFI partition.
  3. T

    Solved 23.04 LTS will not boot after install.

    Boot from a live media and open Gparted and see what displays and if possible copy and paste a screenshot to a post it will help others help you. Here's what Xubuntu looks like yours should be similar.
  4. T

    WARNING SPAM POSTS Have been reported [delete when sorted]

    Solution for anyone who posts spam.
  5. T

    Just a sleepy question.

    I just use the sleep / standby mode 24-7 and I'll reboot my computers every so often or after an update (old habit from Windows days).
  6. T

    Expirion is alive again

    Good Morning, Cool I may give it a try I've always liked Debian and Debian based Linux distros as Debian is always been rock solid stability leastwise for me. I believe Devuan is system init don't know for certain and if it is than that may explain why it's so quick. I've read good things...
  7. T

    Expirion is alive again

    I attempted one time a long while back before it was Devuan based but ran into some difficulties with the wired internet connection. Have you?
  8. T

    Expirion is alive again

    I just agree with mine it's easier. :p
  9. T

    How to handle bloat on GNU/Linux?

    The problem with system cleaners such as Bleachbit and Stacer is the user. The new user fails to learn exactly what each cleaning feature of each system cleaning removes. If any system cleaners are used haphazardly then yes there is most likely a good chance of breaking your installed Linux...
  10. T

    Post a screenshot of your Desktop

    @kc1di @wildman Thanks for your service.
  11. T

    Post a screenshot of your Desktop

  12. T

    How to handle bloat on GNU/Linux?

    Some Linux distros offer minimal installs from the git-go although few and far between. The big mainstream flagship Ubuntu offers a minimal install that allows the user to install what the user wants. I agree that Linux distros come with unneeded unnecessary default software that developers...
  13. T

    My SSD has Died and No Backups.

    This covers most users and I'm just as guilty at times.
  14. T

    My SSD has Died and No Backups.

    I know I've learned the hard way and it took more than once. In my day learning the hard way was all there was nothing was easy. Tuition for the price of an education and I still have to pay every now and then which I refer to as continuing education.