Sopcast in Mint 13 Cinnamon



I am running Mint 13 Cinnamon 64 bit and would like to know how to get sopcast running.

I tried installing it from synaptic. Now some packages did install but there is no sign of sopcast in the menu and when I click on a sopcast link in firefox, nothing happens.

I am pretty new to linux and I am not too familiar with installing packages in the command window.

Can anyone tell me the easiest way to get this up and running? It would be much appreciated.:)

I finally found out how to do this and it works for ubuntu too. You just type these 3 commands in:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ferramroberto/sopcast

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install sopcast-player

I now have sopcast up and running ad-free!
