Downloading files via SSH



How can I download files from my server to my desktop via Putty?

I had a restore deployed by Godaddy to the root of my server, the only way I can browse to the files is via SSH via Putty.

I need to download 1 folder and all files inside it. Can't find a solution to this.

So basically the setup is:
  1. The server, with the files you need at /
  2. The desktop, which uses PuTTY to connect to server

Are you able to FTP to server from desktop?
Yes, I have FTP access to my server. But for security reasons you cannot FTP to the root of the server.
But you could move or make a copy of the file to wherever it is safe to download, no?
For example's sake, let's assume your restored files are stored here, under root (represented by "/"): /restored_files

And you can FTP safely to your home directory, e.g.: /home/nathan

To copy the entire directory and its contents to /home/nathan, you would:
cp -R [i]from to[/i]

For example:
cp -R /restored_files /home/nathan

This will create a copy of restored_files and place it under /home/nathan.
You can use scp or rsync.

Or - sounds like you're in windows.. use winscp. Pixture it like putty for file xfers.
putty has no scp support for Windows, else use winscp. When not, use like the other recommend. Anyhow, the best is using ssh via shell(bash).

so far
You should easily be able to SSH if you have the right tools of doing so. I myself have SSHed some of my Apple products, and it's actually quite useful in looking into something if there is a problem with whatever you are trying to SSH with. Good luck!

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