Solved so usb fell out when I was selecting which install to do and now its borked

Solved issue

Jon w will

New Member
Jul 15, 2018
Reaction score
so yeah so now its froze on this screen and I cant power it down with the button (and its a laptop)
anyways to fix this other than waiting for the laptop to die


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Can you press: cntl+F3, or some other F key with the cntrl key to get to a console? If you can get to a console you can run: /sbin/poweroff, or, shutdown -h now, to try and close the machine down. If however, there's an incomplete installation on the machine, it may not work, so perhaps disconnect the battery.
hold the power button on the laptop until the power goes off. this is how to do a hard power down on any system. If that does not work then something physical is wrong. If you can't get this to work then open the laptop and remove battery.

By the way, if your USB fell out then you already know you have physical issues on that machine.
the pc was probably rejecting the usb because it had Kali on it....

(just kidding...)

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