How to install VM of OSx inside of Kali Linux?


New Member
Sep 13, 2017
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Hey all,

I met a few guys on here a while back that were really helpful in helping me understand Linux a bit better.

As luck would have it, I live in a hurricane prone area and just as I was learning Linux, Irma came and wiped out my internet for an extremely painful length of time, just when I was getting the ball rolling. I'm back now and I've been learning some new things. I was reading some articles and youtube videos about keeping my network safe and how kali linux was good for penetration and security testing.

My question is: Is there a way to set up a mac OS virtual machine/box , inside of linux? Every single thing I come across tells me the steps on how to set one up if i have a mac and want a linux VM, or have windows and want an OSX vm---- but the information on how to do it if i want a Mac osx VM installed on my Kali OS seems to be scant to say the least

Any advice anyone could give would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Sorry about the hurricane issues you've suffered... that can't be fun!

Why would it be different to run a VM inside of Linux rather than Windows? Are you using VirtualBox, VMWare, or something else? I've only used VirtualBox, but it has worked fairly easily... though I have never used Mac stuff.
Hey all,

I met a few guys on here a while back that were really helpful in helping me understand Linux a bit better.

As luck would have it, I live in a hurricane prone area and just as I was learning Linux, Irma came and wiped out my internet for an extremely painful length of time, just when I was getting the ball rolling. I'm back now and I've been learning some new things. I was reading some articles and youtube videos about keeping my network safe and how kali linux was good for penetration and security testing.

My question is: Is there a way to set up a mac OS virtual machine/box , inside of linux? Every single thing I come across tells me the steps on how to set one up if i have a mac and want a linux VM, or have windows and want an OSX vm---- but the information on how to do it if i want a Mac osx VM installed on my Kali OS seems to be scant to say the least

Any advice anyone could give would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Welcome to Linux.Org! I live in a hurricane prone area too! Irma just missed us! The only question I would ask about your project is this: Is your box/laptop a MAC to begin with? If not, you may want to Google "Hackintosh". I may have the spelling wrong, but it's slang for making non-Mac, or PC computers run the Mac OS. There is a pretty good list of what hardware will work and what won't. Even in a virtual machine you will probably need Mac approved hardware.