Error handling application


New Member
Nov 25, 2023
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Hey guys, I'm a complete noob to programming, but I would like to program a kind of error handling application for linux. Something that monitors the system and then fixes the issues automatically. Does anybody have any tips?

This may be an ambitious project, but here are some tips that you might like to add,

1. identify the types of errors you want to handle
2. implement monitoring mechanism to detect errors
3. tools like ps, top, df, and dmesg to get more insights
I'm a complete noob to programming, but I would like to program a kind of error handling application for linux. Something that monitors the system and then fixes the issues automatically.
Something like this would be very difficult even for experienced programmer.

But if you're doing it for fun and learning then I suggest you to write a program that will read and interpret logs because if there is an error it should be logged.

To handle exceptions where a program does not write logs your application should therefore also be able to detect such applications and enable logging to ensure errors are not missed.

Reading log files is simple but interpreting them is complex because what your application will be doing is what an administrator would be doing, an administrator reads logs to determine what's wrong to be able to troubleshoot, therefore your application will be doing a human job.

For an application to do human job such as this one requires some sort of AI, so you might want to first learn about how AI works and then develop an AI specific for the task before attempting to interpret logs.

For a beginner this will be very difficult so good luck!
Welcome to the Forum.

The errors we see in Linux are created by beginners who have no clue and don't take any notice of advice given...I don't think there's an application for that.
Hey guys, I'm a complete noob to programming, but I would like to program a kind of error handling application for linux. Something that monitors the system and then fixes the issues automatically. Does anybody have any tips?

Well, you need a script to detect type of errors, and then you need more code (or scripts) to fix each of those respective errors.
For example, write some code to detect 100% CPU usage, and other code that kills the heaviest CPU process in that same machine. Stuff like that.