Search results

  1. H

    Audio notification when when network connects/disconnects

    What's an easy way to add a sound for when my internet connects and a different when it disconnects?
  2. H

    440 Hz to 432 Hz conversion

    First, how can I check an audio (or music video) file to establish whether it is tuned to 432 Hz or 440 Hz pitch? And, if it is tuned to 440 Hz, are there any tools I can use to change the pitch?
  3. H

    Response time

    What should be the expected response time for Tuxbot and what determines the response time?
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    Truncating audio files

    I'm looking for a simple tool to enable me to cut the last 30 seconds from a number of MP3 files I have. Something like Audacity is much too complicated for me.
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    How to make find/replace work on many files in a hierarchy

    I want to make changes in all of my .m3u playlist files as I copy them to a different computer. The copying part I have done, but I need to make the changes inside the files as well. How can this be done most easily?
  6. H

    Converting an audio file to a video file

    How do I convert an mp3 file to an mp4 file? I have ffmpeg installed.
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    Everything bigger

    How can I make everything bigger? Menus, panels, browser tabs, default text size. I'm using Mint 21.
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    Saving discussion as PDF problematic

    In a previous query you told me how to save a forum discussion as a PDF file rather than saving the web page. I have since realized a flaw in this method. The issue is with coded text. These frames appears to be saved as plain images when embedded in the PDF. This means that the horizontal...
  9. H

    Is Tuxbot down?

    I'm not getting any further replies on my previous thread.
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    Where can I find cool images of year numbers?

    Where can I find cool images of year numbers? I'm looking for images with one year number on it with some nice graphics, and I am looking for sequences of year numbers (say from 1960 to 2024) with some slight variation in the design from one years to the next.
  11. H

    cp manpage not helpful

    This is what I need to fo: Copy a directory structure wuth all .m3u files in it but no other files. The 'cp' manpage is quite short yet I couldn't find any instruction on performing this action. I hope Tuxbot can help!
  12. H

    Add comment to command

    Is it possible to add a comment to a command line command to make it more easily searchable when using ctrl-R?
  13. H

    Subtitles editor that can change casing

    I am looking for a Linux subtitles editor that can change casing. Any tips?
  14. H

    How to copy terminal text beyond screen

    I have run an app which produces thousands of lines of screen output. How can I copy all of it so that I can paste it into a text editor (to search for stuff)?
  15. H

    Solved How to shuffle a Celluloid m3u playlist?

    How do I shuffle an m3u playlist that has been created with Celluloid (0.21)? The format is different from m3u files created with VLC, so that app won't open them. The format is as simple as can be with one filename (including path) per line, so a method to shuffle lines in an ascii file will...
  16. H

    Can ctrl-z be saved to disk and process reanimated subsequent to reboot?

    I am using an app called yt-dlp which can download video playlists from video sharing sites such as YouTube.. Sometimes going though all items on a playlist sorting out which videos fit the download criteria can take longer than the time I have available before I need to log off of the...
  17. H

    Need help with REGEX

    I am using a tool, yt-dlp, to download multiple video files from e.g. YouTube. I usually download playlist limiting to a certain time interval. Now I want to also be able to limit by file title. I have asked at the yt-dlp site on GitHub and received an answer, however I must not understand how...
  18. H

    Newbie - how to transfer files between two laptops

    I have two laptops running Linux Mint. One doesn't have an ethernet socket. What is the easiest way to connect these so that I can copy files from one to the other? I don't have an Internet connection so the two would have to speak directly over wifi.
  19. H

    Need help getting past Facebook Two-Factor without a phone

    Since I don't have a mobile phone I haven't bothered enabling Facebook's Two-Factor authentication. Today I went online for the first time in almost 4 weeks and now I can't get on Facebook. I've tried searching for videos and articles on how to circumvent the need for a mobile phone to...
  20. H

    How to edit text on the command line

    How do I edit text on the command line? I know how to find previous commands from the bash_history file using ctrl-R, and I know how to move to the beginning and end and one word left/right using ctrl-leftarrow/rightarrow. But what more things can I do to the text on the command line? I...