Recent content by osprey

  1. osprey

    Multiple issues experienced with Debian Bookworm ( on a Lenovo IdeaPad I7 - any assistance would be appreciated!

    @Priest_Apostate in post #37 wrote: Note post #39 by @CaffeineAddict which provides the command to enable the latest update information. After running that command: apt update, with root privileges, usually at the end of it's output is a comment such as: 60 packages can be upgraded. Run 'apt...
  2. osprey

    cpu turning off by itself

    The dmesg command usually needs to be run as root, or sudo. The command is certainly on the machine. If the drive failed, as reported in post #19, and the state of the drive doesn't pass the tests using the tools from the smartmontools package, and the fsck tools, then a new drive is probably...
  3. osprey

    Can I completely stop memory caching?

    There are different types of caches that the linux kernel controls and they are not all controllable from user space. I'm not familiar with gnome system monitor, but the size of the caches in memory which are provided for users' information are in the file: /proc/meminfo like so: [tom@min ~]$...
  4. osprey

    Can I completely stop memory caching?

    The section here on drop_caches may be of interest:
  5. osprey

    How to handle bloat on GNU/Linux?

    Being unaware of IObit uninstaller, I visited MS to see what it does. These were mentioned as its functions: In linux such a program is redundant because the package manager can control most all aspects and...
  6. osprey

    Multiple issues experienced with Debian Bookworm ( on a Lenovo IdeaPad I7 - any assistance would be appreciated!

    To install from backports the user needs to alter the /etc/apt/sources.list to contain the backports repository with an addition like: deb bookworm-backports contrib main non-free non-free-firmware Then run: apt update. To install the latest kernel, run: apt...
  7. osprey

    How to handle bloat on GNU/Linux?

    The name @Debian_SuperUser conjures up a few images: the root user, and then, an exceedingly well informed user :) There are many definitions of "bloat" and the OP's description appears to mean "data that takes up space on the hard drive which could be removed without interfering with the...
  8. osprey

    cpu turning off by itself

    In addition to the wise suggestion by @ML_113 in post #6, something helpful may be output with the following command from a terminal: journalctl -b -x -p 3 The logs are often a useful place to check for information about problems like the one described.
  9. osprey

    Need help with Debian 12

    From debian 11 it should be straight forward to upgrade to debian 12. Official instructions are here:
  10. osprey

    Need help with Debian 12

    @an0n1mus wrote: It's not quite clear to me what this means. Is it one of these cases: 1. The monitor is completely blank as if the machine or monitor has been turned off? Or, 2. Is it black or dark, but with a small cursor in the top left hand corner that the user can't do anything with? In...
  11. osprey

    How to identify the process causing elevated I/O wait ?

    Perhaps have a look here: There are a some proposals to fix i/o wait times on a machine given near the end of the article. Note that the iostat command used in that article is a utility provided by the sysstat package which...
  12. osprey

    issue booting from usb, can't get past startup loader

    @kochmah wrote: @Brickwizard wrote: The verification of the downloaded isos hasn't been confirmed. One needs to verify the isos with the shasums in order to exclude a "bad write" as a factor in the installation problem. Verifying the isos should provide some comfort in knowing the problem...
  13. osprey

    How to identify the process causing elevated I/O wait ?

    What does top say in its listing of processes that is so busy? Use the command: ps -w <PID> to get a full path of the process with the process number <PID>. It outputs the command that created the process with all its arguments. I guess it's the CPU and MEM columns that are the ones of...
  14. osprey

    Duck Duck Go

    Here is an example of why google is preferred here over duckduckgo. In the following examples, the same search terms were provided to the respective search engines, but the results are significantly different. In particular, the google results access the forums in a more comprehensive way...
  15. osprey

    grepping files

    Here's a preliminary attempt to output the names of the files that have all the searched words ... @Diputs objective AIUI: Here are some files to work on and their contents. The number in the filename corresponds to the number of words in the file: [tom@min ~]$ ls file3 file4 file6 file7...