c programming

  1. M

    Looking for developers who know Seccomp for a paid study

    I am Maysara, a PhD student at the University of Bristol. I am running a study to evaluate the usability of Seccomp, and I am looking for developers who have experience using it. The study session is 1.5 hour, you will be asked to sandbox a simple C program using Seccomp, and you will get a...
  2. E

    Writing to timerfd

    Hello. I recently asked the question on the SO, which, to the other users' opinion, can not be asked (and thus answered) in their Q&A platform. Here is the post text: Hopefully anyone has an idea or history why timerfd can't be used like eventfd? Someone with knowledge of internals? Thanks!
  3. gronk

    Bash source code troubles (where is the main input/output file, where does it actually scan input and give output)

    basically the title. any help would be appreciated
  4. Vol

    I've written an article about the kernel programming...

    It is about "sequential" files of Linux kernel. IMHO In this article, I've fixed several issues around this topic. It is on https://habr.com/en/post/444620/ I'm not sure that this forum and this thread is a proper place for such an announcement. However it is my first article in English, and...